Club Mahindra Meet the Real Santa Contest 2023 :

Organisation : Club Mahindra
Contest Name : Meet the Real Santa Contest 2023
Applicable For : Resident of India
Applicable State/UT : All India
Last Date : 31st December, 2023
Website :

What is Club Mahindra Meet the Real Santa Contest?

Meet the real Santa Contest 2023 is organized and managed by Club Mahindra. Send your message to Santa and stand a chance to win a trip to Finland. This Christmas, we are giving you a chance to meet the real Santa and experience a magical Christmas in Santa Village, Rovaniemi, Finland. The whole family will get to enjoy this moment of a lifetime. All you need to do is write a letter or upload your video and cross your fingers. Last Date of Contest is 31st December, 2023.

Related / Similar Contest : Anmol Industries Secret Santa Contest 2023

Eligibility of Meet the Real Santa Contest

** Only creative letter written by a Child who is a resident of India shall be eligible to participate in the Contest. Citizens and/ or residents of any country other than India shall not be eligible to participate.
** The Contest is not open to employees, distributors, franchisees, agents and suppliers of Club Mahindra/ Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited and their direct dependents.
** To participate in the Contest, the Participants will have to submit a creative letter written to Santa Clause by a child, to become eligible for submitting Contest Entry. Each eligible Participant can participate submit one Contest Entry.
** Eligible Participants must provide their name, e-mail, address and mobile phone number and the creative letter written to Santa Clause by a child, in order to successfully register.
** All submissions and Contest Entries for the Contest shall be accepted at the sole discretion of Club Mahindra. Club Mahindra shall be entitled to reject any participation/ Contest Entry without assigning any reason.

** By participating in the Contest, the Participant gives his/ her unequivocal and irrevocable consent to Club Mahindra to use and/or contact the Participant in connection with the submitted Contest Entries and his/ her/ their details as part of its marketing campaign/s, media commercials and for any other purpose.

** Please ensure that all information and the Contest Entries submitted by you (Participant) for or in relation to the Contest is genuine, authentic & accurate and does not violate the Portal policies and/ or showcase nudity, hatred, violence or any other unethical or illegal acts.

In case we identify a Contest entry/detail to be inaccurate, fake and/ or violating any of the legal/ ethical norms, the Participant will be declared disqualified, and their participation will not be accepted.

** The Participant alone shall be responsible and liable for all loss or damage caused due to any copyright or other intellectual property rights violation arising out of the Contest Entry/ details submitted by the Participant as part of the Contest. Club Mahindra, its promoters, partners, associates, and sponsors shall not be liable for any legal or punitive action.

By participating in the Contest, the Participant agrees to indemnify Club Mahindra, its promoters, partners, associate, subsidiaries, and sponsors from all liability arising out of a violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights arising out of the Contest Entry/ details submitted by the Participant.

How to Participate in the Meet the Real Santa Contest?

** Contest Entry shall mean the creative letter written to the Santa Clause by the child, as uploaded at the Portal under the Contest using the QR code provided by Club Mahindra or written and submitted to Club Mahindra representatives at Club Mahindra Resort.
** Santa has been overjoyed receiving all your letters and is reading each one of them carefully. Keep writing and get a chance to meet him!
** “Contest Period” shall mean the period from 1st Oct 2023 to 31st December, 2023 (both dates inclusive) or such other period as may be decided by Club Mahindra from time to time;
** “Participant” shall mean any Child of Prospect / Member who participates in the Contest by submitting the Contest Entry at the Portal under the Contest or written and submitted to Club Mahindra representatives at Club Mahindra Resort.

Prizes of Meet the Real Santa Contest

1. From all the eligible Participants, 1 Member family (comprising of 2 Adults & 1 child) and 2 Prospect family (comprising of 2 Adults & 1 child) (each a “Winner”) shall be chosen by Club Mahindra on 28th February 2024 or such other date as may be decided by Club Mahindra at its sole discretion.

2. Prize shall be given only for valid Contest Entries. Criteria for selecting the Winner shall remain confidential and at the sole discretion of Club Mahindra. The decision of Club Mahindra in this regard shall be final and binding on all the Participants.
3. Club Mahindra shall be under no obligation of any kind to share the modalities with any Participant under any circumstances.
4. Any request for sharing the criteria and modalities of selecting Winner shall not be entertained by Club Mahindra.

5. Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, the Winner will be entitled to avail 5 nights and ___ 6 days holidays at Finland in hotels/ resorts selected by Club Mahindra for 2 adults and 1 child each. In this regard, Club Mahindra shall issue requisite gift vouchers to the respective Winners. The terms and conditions for availing __ nights and __ days will be governed by the terms contained in the gift voucher, which shall be binding on the Winners.

6. Winner of the Contest shall be announced by Club Mahindra, at the Portal/ Club Mahindra website/ social media channels or otherwise.
7. The Prize will be informed to the Winner through email / such other mode as may be decided by Club Mahindra.
8. The Prize shall be redeemable by the Winner in accordance with their respective terms and conditions.
9. Participation does not guarantee a Prize.
10. Distribution of the Prize to Winner may take 4 to 6 months post receipt of all the relevant documents and information and no claim shall lie for any delay in issuance of the Prize for any reasons whatsoever.
11. Decision of Club Mahindra in this regard shall be final. The Participants failing under any of the aforesaid terms shall be entitled to claim & receive the Prize only after rectification of the aforesaid.

12. Club Mahindra shall have the right to refuse participation/ deny Prize to any of the Participant in case:
a. The Member is having any overdue amounts under his/her Club Mahindra Membership which has not been paid by the Participant or he/ she is found to be in breach of any of the Membership Rules governing his/ her Club Mahindra Membership; and/ or

b. The Prospect is found ineligible for a Club Mahinda vacation ownership Membership as per parameters of Club Mahindra, his/ her previous Club Mahindra Membership was terminated by Club Mahindra for any reasons whatsoever.

13. A Prize cannot be exchanged for cash or in any other mode or transferred to any third Party. Club Mahindra shall not be liable to give any alternate gift / prize or offer in lieu of the Prize.
14. A Prize once issued cannot be transferred/ amended in any manner whatsoever and can be redeemed in accordance with its terms and conditions as applicable.
15. Taxes, levies etc. as applicable on Prize shall be payable by the Winner upfront in the manner as may be specified by Club Mahindra and Club Mahindra will not be liable to reimburse the same.

This post was last modified on December 11, 2023 11:52 AM

Categories: Festival Days

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