rpsolympiad.in All India RPS Olympiad 2023-24

Organisation : RPS Group of Schools
Contest Name : All India RPS Olympiad 2023-24
Applicable For : Classes I-X Students
Applicable State/UT : All India
Last Date : 25th November 2023
Website : https://rpsolympiad.in/

What is RPS Olympiad?

All India RPS Olympiad 2023-2024 is organized by RPS Group of Schools. To felicitate the young minds, the promoters of RPS Education Society have unanimously resolved to organize an All India RPS Olympiad 2023-24 for the Classes I to X in Phase-I(online) on 25 November, 2023 and Phase- II(Offline) 17 December, 2023. This open competition shall aim at bringing forth the hidden talent of the students and assisting them to recognize their caliber. Last Date of Registration is 25th November 2023.

Related / Similar Contest : IARCS Zonal Computing Olympiad ZCO 2024

How To Register RPS Olympiad?

Kindly read and understand the following points before applying for registration:
** The candidate must choose the class in which he/she is studying during the current academic session 2022-23.
** Phase-I of RPS Olympiad shall be held in online mode.
** No manual application/registration form shall be accepted. After successful online registration and payment, the candidate will get a registration message on his/her registered mobile number.

** The candidate is required to pay Rs. 200/- (for Classes I-V) and Rs. 300/- (for Classes VI & X) as Registration Fee (Additional transaction charges as applicable shall be paid by the applicant). Registration fee once paid shall not be refunded (full or partial) under any circumstances. After successful registration, the candidate will get user-id and password on registered mobile number.

** Each candidate is allowed to submit only one application form, more than one application form with the same information, is not allowed and such forms are strictly liable to be rejected.

** For the online RPS Olympiad examination, the candidate has to login by entering his/her user id and password on www.rpsolympiad.in. The candidate may attempt the online exam from anywhere as per his/her convenience either through mobile/laptop/desktop or via any cyber cafe with high-speed uninterrupted internet facility. RPS Olympiad team shall not be held responsible for any internet or other IT/ electricity related failure at the candidate’s end during the exam, and no extra time will be given to the candidate.

** No bus facility will be available for the Phase-II (offline mode exam) of RPS Olympiad 2023.

** For Phase-II (offline mode), the candidate can choose only one examination centre out of all RPS School campuses at: Mahendergarh, Narnaul, Rewari, Rewari (Elegant City), Behror, Dharuhera, Gurugram Sec. 50 & Sec. 89, Kosli, Hansi, Hisar, Karnal and Rohtak. Once registration is done successfully, any request for change of centre for the offline mode will not be accepted under any circumstances.

** For offline exam., Phase-II, it is mandatory to bring admit card in the opted examination centre. However, the candidates who have opted for the online mode of examination may also download their admit cards. Other important instructions in this regard have also been given on the admit card.

** The result of RPS Olympiad Phase-I shall be declared within a specified period. The candidates who would successfully qualify the RPS Olympiad Phase-I shall be called for Phase –II (offline mode only).
** The candidates qualifying for Phase-II exam shall be able to download their admit cards from website after the declaration of Phase-I result.

** It is mandatory to bring Admit Card(affixed with recent coloured passport size photograph), failing which the student will not be allowed to appear for the exam. In addition to Admit Card, the candidates called for Phase- II examination must also bring their valid school ID-card/ Bonafide Certificate (with attested photograph on school letter head) from the current school clearly showing the present class of academic session 2022-23/ Adhaar Card.

** The examination pattern and class-wise syllabus shall remain the same for both the phases. Every question will have 4 answers out of which one answer will be correct. For a detailed exam. pattern and syllabus, please refer to RPS Olympiad Website: www.rpsolympiad.in.

** There will be no negative marking in Phase-I examination but for Phase-II examination there will be ¼ negative marking for each incorrect answer.
** All processes and techniques of conflict resolution that occur during online/offline conduction will be taken care by organisers and regarding answer key ,their decision will be final.

FAQ on RPS Olympiad

1) Where can I get the syllabus or previous year sample papers for my RPS Olympiad exam?
Ans. Syllabus and Sample papers are available on our website. Go to Home page, select Menu and get both Syllabus and Sample papers.

2) How can I get the list of Test Centres?

Ans. Visit the RPS Olympiad website -Go to Home page – Select Menu – click on the Test Centres. A list of all the test centres along with their address, contact number and mail id will appear on the screen.

3) What if my form is submitted but the payment is not done?

Ans. Without Payment, forms will not be submitted automatically. Make sure the payment is done. If the session expired before payment of registration fees, then submit the form again by filling up all the details.

4) What if the fees amount is deducted but I don’t get any confirmation regarding registration?
Ans. In such cases, get a screenshot of the payment details and send your concern to the following mail rpsolympiad2324@gmail.com. Money will be refunded within 24 hours after confirming from the payment gateway.

5) I have successfully registered but I have not received any password. What to do?

Ans. Write an email with the details of your concern to rpsolympiad2324@gmail.com. OTP will be sent to the registered mail id and password will be provided.

6) What if the fees amount is deducted/debited twice from my account? What is the procedure for refund?
Ans. Please send your concern to- rpsolympiad2324@gmail.com with the screenshots of the payment details. Extra amount debited will be refunded within ( 48-72 hours) after confirming from the payment gateway.

7) What if I want to edit some details after my registration form is submitted?

Ans. ‘Edit and Save’ option will be available for two days ( 48-72 hours) after the registration. Login through the user id and password and edit the details. Don’t forget to save.

8) What if I want to change my Test Centre for my Phase – II exam?

Ans. Please refer to the ‘General Instructions’. (Any request for change of centre for the offline mode will not be accepted at any circumstances.)

What is the Last Date of Contest?

Last Date of Registration is 25th November 2023.

This post was last modified on November 21, 2023 11:33 AM

Categories: Olympiad
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