Star Vijay Jodi – Are U Ready? Auditions 2023 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited. (“SIPL”)
Contest Name : Jodi – Are U Ready? Auditions 2023
Chaneel Name : Star Vijay
Applicable For : Citizen Of India
Last Date : 10th December, 2023
Website :

What is Star Vijay Jodi – Are U Ready?

Jodi – Are U Ready? Auditions 2023 is organized by Star India Private Limited for the purpose of selection and participation of Participants in the Program to be aired on, inter alia, on “Star Vijay”. Such be binding on each participant residing in India and is a citizen of India who voluntarily participate in the Auditions. Audition Period is commencing from 25th November 2023 and continuing till 10th December 2023.

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Audition Centre & Period of Jodi – Are U Ready

“Audition Centre(s)” shall collectively mean the following centres/venues, at the sole discretion of the Company, wherein Auditions for the Program will be conducted:
(i) venues located in the cities of Chennai, Coimbatore & Madurai and/or any other city(ies)/venue(s) in the Territory, as the Company may determine, where the participants shall be required to attend Level 1 of the Auditions;
(ii) Shortlisted Contestants of Level 1 of all the respective Audition Centre(s) shall be eligible to participate in Level 1 of the Auditions in Chennai.
(iii) Shortlisted Contestants of Level 2 of all the respective Audition Centre(s) shall be eligible to participate in Level 3 of the Auditions in Chennai;
(iv) any venues in the city of Chennai and/or any other city/venue in the Territory where the shortlisted Contestants from Levels 2 and are required to make themselves available for Levels 3 of the Auditions;

Audition Period :
“Audition Period” shall mean the period commencing from 25th November 2023 and continuing till 10th December 2023 or different levels of auditions or on such dates fixed & announced by the Company and/or Production House, from time to time, at its sole discretion, and such communication shall be made by the Company and/or Production House in any manner as deemed fit by them and shall be required to be checked by the Participant(s), from time to time.

Eligibility Criteria for Participants of Jodi – Are U Ready

(a) Any natural person(s), male, who is of age 18 (eighteen) years or above as of 25th November 2023 or on such dates fixed & announced by the Company and/or Production House, at their sole discretion through the Website and/or any other medium, which is required to be checked by the Participant(s) from time to time;

(b) who are Indian citizens and residents of India, as per applicable laws, and conversant in spoken Tamil and/or English;
(c) Shall be able to perform dance;
(d) Such other criteria provided under these Terms & Conditions.

Procedure to Register for Jodi – Are U Ready

(a) Registration process for Level 1 of the Auditions will be at the respective Audition Centre(s) in Tamilnadu.

(b) To register and to participate in the Auditions, the interested Participant (s) shall:
i. have a unique registration code assigned to him/her at the Audition Centre (“Registration Number”);

ii. fill and execute a registration form or any other document(s) including but not limited to declaration cum indemnity at the Audition Centre and duly submit all personal information including but not limited to documentation as required by the Company and/or Production House as may be required to be submitted by them on the registration form (“Personal Information”) in a manner and form, as requested and /or prescribed therein (“Registration Form”);

iii. The Participant’s shall be required to fill and execute the declaration cum indemnity and/or any other document at the Audition Centre(s) e as may be required to be submitted by them on the registration form in a manner and form, as requested and /or prescribed therein (“Declaration cum Indemnity”).

(c) In case the said Participant (s) is unable to furnish the original document(s) to verify the eligibility details or submit a self-affirmed photocopy of the same, the said Participant (s) shall be disqualified by the Company. For the purposes of this Audition, the Registration Number and the Registration Form bearing the signature of the Participant (s) on the Registration Form duly submitted by the Participant (s) at the Audition Centre] shall be considered a complete entry (“Entry”).

(d) Participant (s) undertake that all Personal Information, documentation, and contents of the Registration Form provided by them at the time of registration at the Audition Centre are true, correct, accurate, and original. Any incomplete entry(ies) and /or Entries with incorrect format/information and/or inadequate information will be considered invalid and will be disqualified from participating in the Auditions.

The Channel/Company shall be free at any point of time to contact and/or communicate with the Participant (s) for availing any additional information and/or to verify any details as provided in relation to the Auditions and/or the Entry and the Participant (s) shall unconditionally facilitate the same.

Selection Process of Jodi – Are U Ready

The selection and shortlisting process for the Auditions shall be conducted as detailed below for each Level of the Auditions. For the sake of clarity, Participant cannot enter the Auditions without undergoing the process at each Level:
A. LEVEL 1 :
i. The Participant (s) will be asked to perform a dance for a duration of 02 (two) minutes primarily in Tamil language in the presence of the Panel (defined below) (“Dance Performance“).

This Act shall be evaluated by the Company or its representatives and /or renowned experts/film director (s)/actor(s) appointed by the Company and/or by the Production House, at their own discretion for each of the Levels of Auditions (“Panel”).

The decision of the Company with regard to the composition of the Panel shall be final and binding on the Participant(s). The Participant(s) shall not be entitled to dispute and/or challenge the composition or the decision of the Panel at any time in connection with the selection procedure, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

ii. The top-rated dance performance of the Participant(s) shall be evaluated and shortlisted by the Panel on the overall basis of his/her choice of dancing quality, rhythm sense, coordination, flexibility and creativity, personality, confidence, overall performance, etc. or any such other criteria determined by the Company/Production House at its sole discretion.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the decision of the Company and/or the Panel shall be final in this regard and the Participants shall not have any objection to the same. The Participant shall not be entitled to dispute and/or challenge the composition or the decision of the Panel at any time in connection with the culling/selection procedure, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

iii. The Company and/or the Production House reserve the right to stop/interrupt the Contestant(s) during the Dance Performance (s) and the Contestant(s) shall have no objection to the same.

iv. The Panel shall have the sole authority to judge and rate the performance of all the Participants and their decision shall be final and binding on all Participants. Based on the evaluations by the Panel, the top-rated performances shall be shortlisted and the Participants shall be selected and eligible for participation in Level 2 of the Auditions to be conducted in the Audition Centre(s) in Chennai.

B. LEVEL 2 :
i. Participant(s) shortlisted at Level 1 shall be required to be present for Auditions at the Audition Centre(s) in Chennai as may be informed by the Company, to participate and perform in Level 2 Auditions, on specific dates and time as decided and communicated by the Company.

If the Participant (s) fail to attend the Level 2 Audition at the venue on the date/dates and time as informed by the Company, the Entry of such Contestant(s) will be invalidated, and the Company shall be free to select the next deserving Participant of its choice in place of such disqualified Participant.

ii. The Participant(s) will be required to register themselves by executing the necessary documents, in addition to those already provided and also by furnishing the documents as required to verify the Personal Details provided by the Participant (s) in Level 1.

Each of the selected Participant(s) shall be required to furnish the necessary documentation (as stated in the General Rules below) in original to confirm the eligibility details, personal identification, etc. provided by the said Participant(s).

In case the said Participant(s) is unable to furnish the original document(s) to verify the eligibility details and also submit self-affirmed photocopy of the same, the said Participant(s) shall be disqualified by the Company.

iii. Level 2 will be held in Chennai. The Participant(s) shall be evaluated by an esteemed panel of judges who shall be judging the performances of Participants in the Program and /or forming part of the Program (“Judges”) engaged by the Company at its sole discretion.

iv. The Judges will judge the Participant(s) on the basis of their dancing quality, rhythm sense, coordination, flexibility and creativity, personality, confidence, and overall performance in front of them. technique, knowledge, etc.

C. LEVEL 3 :
Participant(s) shortlisted at Level 2 shall be required to be present in Chennai for the next level of selection on the day/days and time specified by the Company.
i. The Participant(s) shortlisted at Level 2 shall be required to shall be required to perform one or more dance performances as required by the Judges or the Company at its sole discretion

ii. The Participant(s) shall be evaluated by an esteemed panel of judges who shall be judging the performance of Participants in the Program and /or forming part of the Program (“Judges”) engaged by the Company at its sole discretion.

iii. The Judges shall rate these acts on the basis of dancing quality, rhythm sense, coordination, flexibility and creativity, personality, confidence, overall performance, technique, knowledge, communication, etc.

iv. The Company shall select Show Player(s) from amongst the Participant(s) selected from the earlier rounds of Auditions. The selected Show Player(s) shall have to ensure that they will make themselves available for all shoot dates and travel to any place for the shoot of the Program, as may be informed by the Company and/or Production House from time to time.

v. All Participant(s) selected in this Level as Show Player(s) shall be personally intimated about their selection vide an email and/or telephone or any other mode of communication, as the Company may deem fit at its sole discretion, and the Participant(s), shall be solely responsible for checking the email /calls or such communication as received and/or communicated from/by the Company.

This post was last modified on January 5, 2024 11:13 AM

Categories: Vijay TV

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