Auroville Marathon 2024

Organisation : Auroville Fundation
Competition Name : Auroville Marathon 2024
Last Date : 31st December 2023
Race Day : 18th February 2024
Website :

What is Auroville Marathon?

The Auroville Marathon 2024 is an annual marathon, held on a Sunday in February (42.195 km or 26.219 miles) the run courses through the city of Dawn Auroville. We also have a Half Marathon (21.0975 km or 13.1094 miles) and a 10k run added. It is one of the largest and most popular running events in India, with participants from all parts of India. It considers all the finishers as winners and therefore does not award any prize money for the early finishers. Auroville Marathon 2024 Registration is now Open! and will Close on the 31st December 2023.

Race Categories of Auroville Marathon

** 10 Km Run
** 21 Km Run
** 42 Km Run

Terms & Conditions of Auroville Marathon

** Please choose the event category carefully, confirmed registrations are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be modified as this is a contribution to the Auroville Project under Govt of INDIA. Provide us with a secure email ID/mobile no that you access regularly, since this will be our primary means of communication during the run-up to the event.

** Users of email services that offer filtering/blocking of messages from an unknown email address should add this email id marathon[AT] to their address list.
** We will be sending regular updates to the Mobile number you have provided in the registration form this should be not treated as spam and you shall not take any action against our bulk SMS service provider.
** Any notice sent to the email address registered with the organizers shall be deemed as received by the runners.

** Please fill out only those fields that are necessary for mailing purposes. Do not provide redundant data in multiple fields (i.e., do not list the same data for city, province and country), as this will only complicate our ability to contact you, if necessary.

** You are aware that long-distance running is an extreme sport and can be injurious to body and health. You take full responsibility for participating in the AUROVILLE MARATHON event and do not hold the organizing committee or any of it’s members or entities responsible for any injury or accident.

** It is your responsibility to consult your physician and undergo a complete medical examination to assess your suitability to participate in the event.

** You also assume all risks associated with participating in this event including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat or humidity, traffic and the condition of the road, arson or terrorist threats and all other risks associated with a public event.

** You agree that AUROVILLE MARATHON shall not be liable for any loss, damage, illness or injury that might occur as a result of your participation in the event.
** You agree to abide by the instructions provided by the organizers from time to time in the best interest of your health and event safety.
** You also agree to stop running if instructed by the Race director or the medical staff or by the aid station volunteers.
** You confirm that your name and media recordings were taken during your participation may be used to publicize the event.

** You acknowledge and agree that your personal information can be stored and used by AUROVILLE MARATHON or any other company in connection with the organization, promotion and administration of the event and for the compilation of statistical information.

** Runners are recommended to stay off the course beyond the cut-off time (11:30am) in consideration due to safety and traffic regulations.
** If for any reason you cannot turn up on race day, no refund of any form will be given as this is a contribution to the Auroville Project under Govt of INDIA.
** YouTooCanRun is only a service provider and is not in any way responsible for the delivery of the event.

** If this registration is being made on behalf of a minor, I confirm that I am the parent / guardian of the child and that he/She has my permission to take part in the event. I further concur that all the above rules shall apply to him/her as if he were a major.

** Participants must personally appear to collect running Bibs. Bibs can be distributed in-absentee with the written consent of the registered runners. NO BIBS DISTRIBUTION ON THE RACE DAY.

FAQ on Auroville Marathon

What is the last date of registration?
31st December 20 23 (12 Noon)

Can I participate in multiple race categories?


During registration, I have been charged but I did not receive a confirmation. What should I do?
Contact YouTooCanRun (support[AT]

Can I change my category once I have registered?


Can I transfer/cancel my registration? Will there be any refund?

NO. (There is no refund for this event as this event is under Auroville foundation, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA and all the contribution goes to Auroville community. Auroville community is to realise human unity – in diversity. Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with – and practically researching into – sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind.)

Is there a minimum/maximum age for participants?

10km – >16 Yrs, 21km – >18 Yrs, 42Km- >18 Yrs.

Can I register manually (offline)

Yes for Auroville and residents of Pondicherry.

Whats the start time of the race?

42.195 Km – 05:00:00 AM, 21.1 Km – 06:15:00 AM, 10 K – 07:00:00 AM.

What will be the route map?

You can find the route map in the website two weeks before the event.

Number of water and hyderation station available and at what distance?

10 stations at approximately 1.5 kms each

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