kochimarathon.in Federal Bank Kochi Marathon 2024

Organisation : Cleosportz
Competition Name : Federal Bank Kochi Marathon 2024
Applicable For : Citizens of Kochi city
Race Day : 11th February 2024
Website : https://www.kochimarathon.in/

What is Federal Bank Kochi Marathon?

The Federal Bank Kochi Marathon is envisaged as a run to sow the seed of “Eco- consciousness” starting with the citizens of Kochi city. The second edition will premier on Feb 11, 2024 with a Marathon (42.195 Km), Half Marathon (21.097 Km), 10K and a 3K( Green Run) along the serene backwaters of Kerala. The event also seeks to promote good health & wellness across the state & provide an opportunity for beginners and seasoned runners to come together to celebrate running.

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Categories of Federal Bank Kochi Marathon

There are four categories:
The Marathon, Half Marathon, 10Km, 3Km(Green Run) races will have an age category and there will be no open category. All prizes and timings will be on Net Time and not Gun Time. It is decided to give prizes to maintain the thrill of the run.

1] Marathon (Timed)
2] Half Marathon (Timed)
3] 10 Km (Timed)
4] 3 Km – Green Run

Facilities of Federal Bank Kochi Marathon

The facilities available to the all participants are as under:
1]Parking – First come first serve basis
2]Drop off zone: Participants coming in by private vehicle and dropped off or Auto Rickshaw,etc will have a marked drop off zone. These participants are kindly requested to go to the drop off zone, get themselves dropped off and walk to the Pre-race holding area.
3]Baggage Counter
4]Other Facilities: On arrival the participants will have access to minimal medical facilities, toilets and drinking water.
5]Warm Up/ Zumba sessions: Warm up/ Zumba session before the race begins to be conducted.

** Route signages, KiloMeter markers and volunteers will be present on the entire route to guide the participants for Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K and 3K.
** Timing mats for the Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K timed runners to ensure the completeness of the route and to capture the timing.
** At the finish line the participants will receive a finishers medal which will be uniquely designed as a souvenir item along with a hearty breakfast box.
** After the race there will be medical and physio camps to help the participants.
** A small prize distribution ceremony for those who are declared as winners.
** There will also be selfie booths in the holding area to capture your moment of glory and participation, in the premiere edition of this prestigious event.

Prize Rules of Federal Bank Kochi Marathon

** Timing certificates will be available for download from the event website within 21 working days after race day.
** Please note, physical printed timing certificates will not be sent to anyone
** Federal Bank Kochi Marathon 2023 timing certificate can be used for timing qualification of any race globally.

** Where a runner’s timing is not captured at a timing point along the course or at the start or finish gate/s, or where the runner starts his/her race earlier or later than the scheduled start time, his/her performance at the Federal Bank Kochi Marathon 2023 shall stand disqualified – no timing, ranking or timing certificate will be issued to the said runner.

** On race day, you will receive your finish time through an SMS on the mobile number you have given at the time of registering for the event. Provisional race results, with individual rankings will be available on the event website by 6 p.m. on race day. In case any discrepancy is observed in the results uploaded on race day, a runner can write to info@sportstimingsolutions.in on or before Sunday, 07th May 2023, by 11 p.m.

** Requests received post this date and time will not be considered

** Prize money amount mentioned is in Indian Rupees.
** The top 3 finishers, men and women, falling within the age groups given below, shall be eligible to following prize money, please refer to the prize money chart above
** The prize money shall be given to winners in the form of Cheques and Bank Transfer only.
** The winner’s names in the different categories will be announced at the conclusion of the races. However, this will be a tentative list, subject to final analysis and confirmation by the Race Officials and Timing authority.
** To ensure a fair distribution of the Prize money, the winners will have to sign and submit a declaration, agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations. The winners may be asked to provide original documents for identification, PAN and age proof.
** The winners’ cheques will be sent by registered post, the bank transfer will be done within 30 working days after the event, once the winners’ list has been ratified by the officials and there are no conflicting claims over any particular Prize / Ranking.
** Prize Money winnings are subject to Indian Income Tax Rules as applicable and taxes, if deductible, would be borne by the winner.
** The first three finishers from each of the Age group categories will be entitled to the prize money in their respective Age group category.
** However, if a runner from an Age group category ends up among the First Three winning positions of the 16 years to 34 years/ 18 years to 34 years Age Category, then he/she will be entitled to receive the prize of the higher category.
** Finish positions of Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K (men and women) finishers (All Age Categories) for prize money entitlement will be based on the CHIP TIME only.
** In case any question arises or controversy exists that is not already covered by the prize/ranking rules, the decision of the Organizers will be FINAL.
** The organizer’s decision on rankings and entitlements of prize money will be final and binding on all.

FAQ on Federal Bank Kochi Marathon

Can I register manually (offline)
You will have to register online. There are no offline registrations accepted.

Is there a minimum/maximum age for participants?

18 years for Full Marathon
18 years for Half Marathon
14 years for 10 Kms
8 years for 3 Kms

Can I participate in multiple race categories?

No. You can only participate in one race category

Is there any Early bird offer or group discount for participants?

There is Rs 150 discount available for any of the categories till 30th November.

Can I change my category once I have registered?

A change of category would be possible till 2 weeks before the event date. If the participant chooses to run a lesser distance, that would be accommodated, but it would not be possible to refund the difference in registration fees. If the participant chooses to run a longer distance such request would be accommodated subject to the payment of the difference amount between the two race distances.

What will be the route ?

We will publish the route map soon.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 3:51 PM

Categories: Marathon
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