Sony Liv Home of Tennis Contest 2024 :

Organisation : Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited & Sony Liv
Contest Name : Home of Tennis Contest 2024
Applicable For : Citizens of India and Residing in India
Last Date : 28th January 2024
Website :

What is Sony Liv Home of Tennis Contest?

“The Home of Tennis” Contest 2024 is conducted by Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited and/or its affiliates on the second screen , namely, ‘Sony Liv’. This Contest is open only to individuals of 18 years and above, being citizens of India and residing in India. The User can submit only 1 (one) Entry for each day of the Activity. Each Winner of the Contest shall stand a chance to win 1 tennis merchandise as may be notified by CME. Last Date of Contest is 28th January 2024.

Related / Similar Contest : SonyLIV Be A Home Shark Contest 2024

Eligibility of Home of Tennis Contest

1. This Contest will be open for participation for a period of 15 (Fifteen) days starting from on January 14, 2024 and ending at 11:59 PM on January 28, 2024 (“Term”) in India only (“Territory”).
2. This Contest is open only to individuals (“ Participant”/ “ You”/ “ Your”) of 18 years and above, being citizens of India and residing in India, during the Term as on January 14, 2024.

3. The Contest is open for residents of India only who access the Platform from an India IP address. For purposes of clarity, an Indian resident accessing the Platform from a foreign IP address may not be able to participate due to the Contest being geo-blocked outside India.

4. Non-resident Indians are not eligible for participation in the Contest even if they participate by accessing the Platform from an India IP address.
5. This Contest is strictly governed by the laws of India including the privacy laws of India.
6. The User must have attained the age of 18 (Eighteen) years to participate in the Contest.

7. Employees, agents, and promoters (including their immediate family members) of CME and any of their divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries, and others associated with the Contest in any manner, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

8. The Participant hereby represents and warrants that:
i. He/ she/they is competent to contract and does not suffer from any disqualification or such other infirmity which may cause the contract to be void or voidable at the option of the Participant.

ii. he/she/they is an adult citizen of India, residing in India and entitled to enter into a valid agreement. The Participant acknowledges that he/she/they has voluntarily chosen at his/her free-will and own wish to submit the entry.

How To Participate in the Home of Tennis Contest?

1. The Contest shall be hosted on the Platform . The Contest will be held on each day (“Period”) on the Platform.

2. During each day of the Period stated above, the Users shall be required to login/sign up/register to the Platform and participate in the activity specified below:
Activity Name : Home of Tennis
Activity Details : Users are required to answer 1 (One) multiple choice question listed on the Platform.
** The entries submitted by the User for Activity on each day of shall be collectively referred to as “ Entry(ies)”.
** The User can submit only 1 (one) Entry for each day of the Activity.

3. CME and/or its affiliates shall not be responsible for any technical disruption and/or failure/ server problems and/ or any other difficulties of such nature, due to which the User is unable to submit the Entry on the Platform and/or participate in the Contest.

4. Incomplete and/or the Entries submitted after the Period shall not be considered and shall be considered as null and void. CME may also exclude at its discretion Entries that it deems unfit for exploitation.

5. CME reserves the right to disqualify any User from participating in the Contest without assigning any reason. The decision of CME and/or its affiliates in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Users.

6. At the end of each day of the Contest, CME and/or its affiliates shall select one (1) winner for each day, which shall be picked by an auditor appointed by CME and/or its affiliates determined based on a randomizer as well as the time of submission of the Entries (“Winners”) on such day. The Company reserves the right to delay the announcement of any Winner in its sole discretion.

7. CME and/or its affiliates reserves the right to select the Winner(s) of the Contest and such decision shall be final and binding on the Users. The Company reserves the right to delay the announcement of any Winner in its sole discretion.

8. Each Winner(s) of the Contest shall stand a chance to win 1 (one) tennis merchandise (“ Prize”) ,as may be notified by CME,. Any and all taxes and/or levies applicable under the laws of India shall be borne by the Winner(s) in relation to the Prize.

9. The User/participants shall ensure that the Entries:
i. shall not violate the rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, privacy rights, copyrights, trademark rights and/or any other intellectual property rights. The User shall indemnify CME and/or its affiliates or, its officials, employees, representatives against any claim, loss, damages and liability arising as a result of infringement of third party intellectual property rights;

ii. is not harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;
iii. does not harm minors in any way;
iv. does not violate any law for the time being in force;
v. does not deceive or mislead about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
vi. does not contain software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; and
vii. shall not create any liability for CME or any of its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders.

10. In the event of any discrepancy as to the date and/or the time of receipt of Entries, CME shall have the final decision in resolving such discrepancy.

What is the Last Date of Contest?

Last Date of Home of Tennis Contest 2024 is 28th January 2024.

Detailed Notification Download here :

This post was last modified on January 24, 2024 11:15 AM

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