Dalmia Cement DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest 2024 : dalmiacement.com

Organisation : DCBL Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited
Contest Name : DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest 2024
Applicable For : Customers purchasing Dalmia Cement or Dalmia DSP Cement
Last Date : 15th March 2024
Website : https://www.dalmiacement.com/

What is Dalmia DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest?

DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest 2024 is organized by DCBL Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited. DSP Every Home Happy Offer is valid in states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh &Telangana State. Slogan Contest is Applicable for consumers from Tamil Nadu & Puducherry. On purchase of 100 or more bags you have a chance to win Motorcycles. The offer is valid from 15th January 2024 to 15th March 2024.

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How To Participate in the DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest?

During the offer period i.e. from 15.01.2024 to 15.03.2024 customer can make multiple purchase registrations of Dalmia DSP cement by following the above given step in point D.

DSP Every Home Happy Offer

** Purchase of 100 or more bags of Dalmia DSP cement, will qualify a customer to apply for the Offer. This Offer is valid until gift stocks last.

** Customers availing the ‘DSP Every Home Happy Offer’ will be eligible for the following gifts (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Assured Gifts”):
on the purchase of 100 to 249 bags of Dalmia DSP cement one (1N) unit of Iron Box
on purchase of 250 to 349 bags of Dalmia DSP cement one (1N) unit of Duffle bag
on purchase of 350 one (1N) unit of pressure cooker

** Customers registered in the offer will keep earning coupon codes upon qualifying different purchase slabs during the offer period. Applicable purchase slabs are defined as
1) 100 – 249 bags – 1 coupon Code,
2) 250 – 349 bags – 3 coupon Codes and
3) 350+ bags – 5 coupon Codes

** Upon reaching a total accumulation of 100 bags by purchase of Dalmia DSP cement during the offer period from given retailer, customer becomes eligible for assured gift. Customer will receive an SMS on his/her mobile no. regarding the delivery date of gift from the respective retailer. Customer needs to visit the retailer and collect the gift on or after the assigned delivery date (Within and not more than 15 days of receiving SMS)

** Customers from Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana automatically get enrolled for the Lucky Draw contest basis their coupon codes assigned on achieving different purchase slabs. Winners of Bumper Prizes to be announced through the lucky draw contest. which will be conducted during and post completion of the offer period. Winners will be reached out by DCBL telephonically.

** Customers from Tamil Nadu & Puducherry will have to submit a brand slogan against received coupon code to participate in the bumper prize’s competition. To participate in the slogan contest, customer has to visit www.dalmiacement.com/offerentrysouth/ to submit the brand slogan. Slogan entries will be evaluated during and post completion of the offer period and winners will be reached out by DCBL telephonically.

** By registering for the offer, customers wilfully and unconditionally agree to accept all the terms and conditions mentioned herein.

** The Assured Gifts or Bumper Prize (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Prizes”) awarded as per eligibility stipulated above are non-transferable and not exchangeable for cash or any other goods. DCBL reserves the right to vary or substitute the Prizes without any prior notice. DCBL will not be liable for delay and/or failure in receiving, sending of the prizes for any reasons.

Slogan Contest

** Follow the steps A1 and A2 to register your purchase in the DSP Every Home Happy Offer. Coupon codes will automatically be assigned to you on reaching the defined purchase slabs. This will confirm your entry in the lucky draw* for the bumper prize.

** Consumers in TN & Puducherry will have to submit a brand slogan against each coupon code to be eligible for bumper prize. To participate in the slogan contest, go to Offer Entry South/ to submit your details.
** Applicable Slabs –
100 – 249 bags – 1 Coupon Code
250 – 349 bags – 3 Coupon Codes
350 bags & above – 5 Coupon Codes
** During the promo period, Dalmia Cement will conduct multiple lucky draws & slogan entries evaluation using the coupon codes assigned to you. In case you are the winner, our team will reach out to you telephonically.
** Lucky Winners stand a chance to win Motorcycles.

Terms & Conditions of DSP Every Home Happy Offer & Slogan Contest

** DCBL reserves the right to alter/modify the Standard Operating Procedure (“SOP”) or terminate the Offer and/ or Contest and/or any lucky draw(s) at any point in time without any prior notice. The Offer will be operative from 15th January, 2024 till 15th March , 2024. The Offer may be extended as per discretion of the DCBL management.

** DCBL and/or its employees and all its organizers shall have no liability whatsoever for any losses, injuries, claims, damages or expenses arising out of, or in connection with this Offer, Contest or the use of the Prizes. DCBL does not provide any kind of guarantee or warranty regarding quality or suitability of use regarding any of the Prizes mentioned herein.

** All matters and disputes arising out of or in relation to the offer, contest & prizes shall be subject to the discretionary decision of DCBL and all such decision shall be final and binding on the parties.

** Any expenses, taxes etc., applicable on the winning of prizes in terms of applicable tax provisions, present and future, shall be borne by the customers/winners. DCBL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever, if the customers/winners are not able to collect the prizes for failure of the customers/winners for any reason.

** “Registration fees and all applicable taxes for the bumper prize (bike) have to be borne by the winner / customer”.

** By registering and submitting the personal information (including customers’ names, email addresses, contact numbers, photos & any other credentials) customers grant unconditional authorization to DCBL to use the information for its marketing and promotional activities as per the DCBL’s company guidelines & requirements.

** To the extent permitted by law and to fulfil the purpose of this offer & contest, DCBL may share customer’s personal information with third parties including but not limited to agents, contractors or affiliates of DCBL in connection with the services that these individuals or entities perform for or work with DCBL.

** DCBL reserves the right to share customer’s personal information to respond to duly authorized information requests of governmental authorities or where required by law or in exceptionally rare circumstances where national, state or company security is at issue. The Company reserves the right to share entire database of customers with appropriate governmental authorities, if required or directed as such.

** DCBL will retain customer’s personal data only for as long as it needs it for legitimate interest in accordance with applicable law.

** The customer may withdraw the consent within a reasonable time. If the customer has requested to withdraw the consent to DCBL from processing the personal information, this will not affect any processing which has already taken place at that time.

For any such queries the customer may contact Marketing[AT]dalmiacement.com. These rights may be limited for example, if fulfilling customer’s request would reveal personal data of another person or if the customer requests to delete information which DCBL is required under law or have compelling legitimate interests to keep.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:05 PM

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