Mouser Electronics loT Design Contest 2016 : Murata, Broadcom & EFY Enterprises

Organisation : EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd
Sponsored By : Mouser Electronics , Murata & Broadcom
Competition Name : loT Design Contest 2016
Applicable For : Design Engineers, Working Engineers, Budding Engineers, Academia & Hobbyists
Registration Last Date : 12-Feb-16

Website :

Related: ISNEE  GKDC 2015 Go Kart Design Challenge :

loT Design Contest :

The loT Design Contest 2016 in sponsorship with Mouser, Murata and Broadcom is now open to design engineers, working engineers, budding engineers, academia and hobbyists in India.

Online Registration Mandatory

To compete, you must use 1 or more products listed below from Murata or Broadcom in your design project. From Mouser, selected engineers will receive the newest development board or components based on their entry abstracts. No fees or payment needed to participated or win the contest

Prizes :
Grand Prizes :
** First Prize: Rs 80,000
** Second Prize: Rs 60,000
** Third Prize : Rs 40,000

Other Exciting Prizes:
** 5 prizes for first 5 project submissions: power banks or portable hard drives
** Weekly prizes for quiz contests for rest of the abstract submitter: power banks or portable hard drives

How To Enter :

** All participants must register for this contest at and obtain a Registration ID – Login/Password and then submit Abstracts (defined below) to be considered for the Contest. All Abstracts must be received before 23:59:59 hours IST on 12th of February, 2016. Abstracts received or postmarked after 23:59:59 hours IST on 12th of February, 2016 are ineligible.

** Registration and abstract Submission Last Date – 12th of February, 2016 The Abstracts will be reviewed and top 100 Abstracts would be chosen for free components from Mouser. Top 100 will be listed at on 19th of February, 2016.

** These top 100 Abstracts/projects become eligible to get a free of cost components from Mouser for actual design and development by 4th of March, 2016. Using the components provided by Mouser, an Entry (defined below) would be expected from the qualified top 100 participants within the Contest development time i.e. from 4th of March, 2016 to 27th of May, 2016.

** The term “Entry” refers to the Abstract, Complete Documentation, video of working model and Source Code collectively. To submit an Entry, participants must upload their Project files to their “home page” after using their Login/Passwords. To be eligible for Mouser-sponsored IoT Design Contest prizes the participant must submit a complete Entry.

** Incomplete, illegible, or defaced Entries will be rejected. A group of 2 (two) or more participants can enter the Contest by using an independent Registration Form and individual Login/Password for the group Entry. Maximum no of members in a group is restricted to 4 (Four).

** Only one entry is permitted per participant or group and participant/s or group of participants competing through multiple Entries will be disqualified. Decision of the Contest Organiser is considered to be final. Entry submission Last Date – 23:59:59 hours IST on 27th of May, 2016

** The Contest Organiser reserves all rights to make amendments to the above dates or such other terms and conditions stated herein, without giving prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the participant(s) to check the ‘Official Rules and Regulations’ for the Contest on the official website mouser.electronicsforu.comfrom time to time. The Contest Organiser also reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone the Contest without any prior intimation to the participant(s).

** The Contest Organiser may at its sole discretion extend or curtail the aforesaid Contest period or may suspend or abandon the same at any time and the participant shall have no objection to the same whatsoever, nor shall the participant make any claims /disputes in respect of the same. It is clarified that no charge shall be made to participate in the Contest.

** Each Project entered in the Contest must be the original work and sole and exclusive property of the person or team who submits it or the participant must have written legal permission from the property owner. In the case of Projects owned in whole or in part by parties other than the participant, the property owner’s written legal permission must be included with the Entry.

** Entries should be submitted in digital format and must be written in English. Entries (complete documentation as described above) can be submitted by uploading the ZIP file using their login or burnt in a CD/DVD which needs to reach the Contest Managing Partner (EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi) on or before the last day of submission. Please note Contest organizer or managing partner are not responsible for any delay or damage in courier/mailing of the CD/DVD.

** For an Entry to be deemed acceptable the participant must first submit a completed Registration Form to receive a Project Registration ID-Login/Password. Proof of transmission of an Entry to the Contest Managing Partner will not constitute proof of receipt of said Entry.

** To avoid additional shipping and organizational difficulties, copies of submitted Projects will not be returned. The Contest Managing Partner and the Contest Organiser assumes no responsibility for lost, late or misdirected entries. Proof of transmission of an Entry to the Contest Managing Partner will not constitute proof of receipt of said Entry.

The CD/DVD should be sent to:
Mouser-sponsored IoT Design Contest
EFY enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
87/1, Phase 1,
Okhla Industrial Area,
New Delhi-110020

Registration Form :
Registration for this Contest is mandatory. All participants must receive a Registration ID – Login/Password for their Abstract/Project. A confirmation email will be sent with an assigned Project Registration ID. This Registration ID is used to identify the specific Abstract/ Project being submitted and must be included on/attached to all Entry documentation and to any correspondence. Only the assigned Registration ID should be used as an ID for the Project.

Important Dates :
** Registration opens :22-Dec-15
** Last day to register and submit abstracts : 12-Feb-16
** Announcement of Top 100 approved abstracts : 19-Feb-16
** Shipment of boards to TOP 100 : 04-March-16
** Final Submission of project documentation (last date) : 27-May-16
** Announcement of Top 30 : 01-Jun-16
** Set up voting platform : 03-Jun-16
** Announcement of Top 3 : To Be Announced

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