STAR Incredible Premier League School Quiz 2024 Contest

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Contest Name : Incredible Premier League School Quiz Contest 2024
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Last Date : 29th May 2024
Website :

What is STAR Incredible Premier League School Quiz?

Incredible Premier League School Quiz “Quiz Contest” being organized by Star India Private Limited. All the Participants must be citizens of India, present and residing in India, during the Quiz Period, must be of sound mind, as on the date of participating in this Quiz Contest. Each Participant shall be provided with 4 (four) options for each Quiz Question and the Participant is required to select and submit 1 (one) option for every Quiz Question which could potentially be the correct answer based on his/ her personal knowledge. Last Date of Contest is 29th May 2024.

How to Participate in the Incredible Premier League School Quiz?

The Quiz Contest will be undertaken in 3 (three) phases, details of which have been set out below:
Phase I – Online Leg:
(i) The Participants will have to log on to:, a microsite where the Participants have to register to participate by entering/ selecting: (a) name; (b) name of their school; (c) city; (d) state; and (e) zone (“Quiz Site”).

(ii) This Quiz Contest is a game of knowledge, whereby the Participants need to correctly answer a set of 2 (two) questions (each, a “Quiz Question” and collectively, “Quiz Questions”) which will be asked every day during the Quiz Period (as defined below), of which, 1 (one) question is mandatory and will be displayed on the Quiz Site (collectively, “Mandatory Question”) and 1 (one) bonus question (i.e., the 2nd (second) question) – ‘Incredible Question of the Day’ (“Bonus Question”) will be showcased on the Star Sports channels throughout the Quiz Day (as defined below).

Further, please note that answers to both the Mandatory Question as well as the Bonus Question shall have to be answered before 59 PM IST on such calendar date / Quiz Day (“Cut-off Time”). For avoidance of doubt, please see a table below:

Question Will be seen on To be answered on Cut-off time
1st (First) starsportsq [dot] com Till 11:59 PM on the same day / Quiz Day
2nd  (Second) Star Sports channels Till 11:59 PM on the same day/ Quiz Day

(iii)The Participant shall have to log on to the Quiz Site after getting the prompt from their respective schools and/or after watching the broadcast where the ‘Incredible Question of the Day’ (i.e., the Bonus Question) is flashed. STAR shall have an option but not an obligation to declare/ feature 5 (five) daily winners on its social media handles (“collectively, “Network Handles”).

(iv) After 5 3 (three five) weeks from 24th March [1st April 2024] . (“Zonal Leg Selection Period”), STAR shall select 5 (five) schools from each of the 4 (four) zones (i.e., North, South, East and West) (collectively, “Zones”) with most participation each day with highest cumulative score at the end of the Zonal Leg Selection Periodover a week would qualify for the Zonal Leg (detailed in paragraph 1.2 below).

Phase II – Zonal Leg:
(i) Star will conduct an online quiz round (based on a game of knowledge) amongst the 5 (five) schools from each of the 4 (four) zones.
(ii) The results of this leg shall decide the final 4 (four) teams, i.e., collectively, “Zonal Winners”, which will proceed to the Grand Finale (detailed in paragraph 1.3 below).

Phase III – Grand Finale :
(i) The Zonal Winners, i.e., 8 (eight) teams comprising 2 (two) students each accompanied by 1 (one) principal/ teacher/ guardian ( 24 (twenty-four) individuals (including 16 (sixteen) Minors) in aggregate) (each, a “Finalist” and collectively, “Finalists”) would be invited to Mumbai for a shoot of the Grand Finale round (comprising physical game/quiz round(s) based on knowledge).
(ii)1(one) team comprising 2 (two) students will be crowned as ‘Incredible Premier League School Champions’.

The Quiz Contest will begin on 24th March 2024 and will end on 29th May 2024(“Quiz Period”). For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, each day (during the Quiz Period) whereby the Mandatory Question and the Bonus Question is published on the Quiz Site and showcased on the Star Sports channels respectively, shall be deemed as a “Quiz Day”.

Eligibility of Incredible Premier League School Quiz

Any person (i.e., the Participant) who wishes to participate in the Quiz Contest shall fulfil all of the following requirements in order to qualify for participation:
(i) Each Participant is required to visit the Quiz Site and answer each Quiz Question on the respective Quiz Day (as defined below) or before the Cut-off Time (as defined below) during the Quiz Period.
(ii) The Participants should submit their entry containing their answer(s) to the Quiz Questions on the Quiz Site during the respective Quiz Day and before the Cut-off Time within the Quiz Period (collectively, “Entry(ies)”).
(iii) All the Participants must be citizens of India, present and residing in India, during the Quiz Period, must be of sound mind, as on the date of participating in this Quiz Contest.
(iv) The Participant(s) should not have any criminal conviction or be prohibited by an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest.

(v) If a Entrant is under the age of 18 (eighteen) years (“Minor”), parental or guardian consent must be obtained before such Participant can claim the Gratification (as defined below). Such consent must include a confirmation that the parent/guardian consented to the Participant’s Entry to the Quiz Contest and they consent to the Participant having the chance to be awarded the Gratification.

(vi) The Quiz Contest is not open to the employees (permanent or contracted) and directors, including each of their immediate family members, of:
(a) STAR, its parent, subsidiary, group and/or affiliated companies (collectively, “STAR Entities”); and (b) companies and/or entities connected with the promotion of the Quiz Contest and/or consultants hired by STAR for the Quiz Contest.

(vii) Each Participant is only permitted one Entry. Any attempt by a Participant to obtain more than one Entry by using multiple and/or different accounts, identities, registrations, logins, addresses or through any other methods, may void all of such Participant’s Entries and such Participant may be disqualified. Entries generated by script, macro or other automated means and entries by any means which subvert the Entry process are void. Incomplete, illegible and/or corrupt entries will not constitute a valid Entry.

Selection Process of Incredible Premier League School Quiz

(i) 1(one) Quiz Question shall be posted on the Quiz Site in the form of multiple-choice question on each Quiz Day during the Quiz Period at 12 AM to 11:59 PM (i.e., 001800 Hours IST)

(ii) Each Participant shall be provided with 4 (four) options for each Quiz Question (including the Bonus Question) and the Participant is required to select and submit 1 (one) option for every Quiz Question which could potentially be the correct answer based on his/ her personal knowledge.

(iii) 1(one) Bonus Question, i.e., ‘Incredible Question of the Day’ shall be flashed on the Star Sports channel(s) at various times on the relevant Quiz Day. In this regard, please note that the Quiz Site shall only reflect/showcase the 4 (four) options for selecting the correct answer/ response and not the Bonus Question since the same has to be referred from the broadcast on Star Sports channel(s).

(iv) Every correct answer/response to the Quiz Questions (including the Bonus Question) shall carry 1 (one) point each.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 12:00 PM

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