Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity 2024

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Channel Name : Star Maa
Contest Name : Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity 2024
Applicable For : Indian citizens & resident of India
Contest Period : 01st April, 2024 to 31st March , 2025
Website :

What is Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity?

Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity is hosted by Star India Private Limited for the purpose of viewer engagement for the Telugu Program titled “Shubhapradam” on its channel ‘Star Maa’. Participants who is 18 (eighteen) years or above as of, 01st April , 2024, being a citizen and resident of India as per the applicable laws and enters the Activity individually. The Activity will commence on 01st April, 2024 and will end on 31st March, 2025.

Eligibility Criteria of Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity

Eligibility criteria for Participants
** Participants who are 18 (eighteen) years or above as of, 01st April, 2024, being a citizen and resident of India as per the applicable laws and enters the Activity individually.
** The Activity will commence on 01st April, 2024 and will end on 31st March , 2025 or any extensions from time to time, (“Activity Period”) on the Channel.

** The Activity will be conducted during the Activity Period on Channel, which may be accessed by the interested Participants through their mobile phones. Participants who voluntarily choose to enter in the Activity are required to register themselves for the Activity by following the procedure set out in these Terms and Conditions.

** The Company shall promote the Activity through on-air (promos, astons, bugs etc.), print, radio, online, official social media pages/handles of the Company or any other manner as the Company may deem fit, at its sole discretion, stating the mechanism in which the eligible Participant(s) can participate in the Activity, wherein the Participant(s) can get details of the Activity, timings, etc.

How to Participate in the Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity?

Procedure for participating in the Activity:
This Activity is to invite interested Participant/s to get a chance to consult Guruji viz Shri Vakkantham Chandramouli or such other Guruji as deemed fit by SIPL and /or Production House and seek inputs/ advise basis their planetary conditions/zodiac signs. The Participants are given advise and guidance taking into consideration their zodiac signs, date of birth, place of birth, birth charts etc.

(a) To participate in the Activity, all persons interested in participating and /or Participants shall be mandatorily required to do the following:
i. have to call to the mobile number displayed on the Channel during the timelines provided on the Channel at his/her sole discretion to register themselves for the participation in the Activity.

ii. Upon calling to the mobile number, the Participant(s) shall be required to submit / furnish the following personal details of the Participant or such other person’s personal details of whom the Participant is seeking for advises including but not limited to name, contact number(s), date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, their concerns/problems to be discussed with Guruji and/or any other information/documentation including the Personal Information as sought by the Production House, at its discretion during the Activity Period (“Entry”/ “Entries”).

iii. It is further clarified that for the purpose of registering and participating in the Activity it is mandatory that the valid Indian mobile number submitted by the Participant should be registered in his/her name only, failure to comply with this pre requisite will automatically cause such Participant’s registration / Entry to be invalid.

iv. It may be clarified that the Participant participating in the Activity may register with the Production House only for multiple times through a particular mobile phone number of themselves. The Personal Information required by the Production House and/or the Company may only pertain to the Participant or the family member of the Participant.

v. This Activity is subject to the guidelines /directions issued by TRAI and any other statutory authority from time to time.

vi. It is clarified that there is no fee or cost payable to SIPL and/or Production House for participating in the Activity but the call costs shall be borne by the Participant(s) to participate in the Activity without any recourse to SIPL and/or Production House.

vii. In case of telecom, internet, network failure and/or any other reason, SIPL and/or Production House reserves the right to change the mechanism or take such necessary steps as it may deem fit.

viii. SIPL and/or the Production House reserves the right to disqualify any Participant(s) from participating in the Activity without assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of SIPL and/or the Channel and/or the Production House in this regard shall be binding upon the Participant(s).

ix. The Participants shall at all times comply with the applicable laws and the Terms and Conditions.

x. By entering the Activity, each Participant(s) acknowledges and agrees that:
(i) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the Activity shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; and
(ii) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred and associated with entering the Activity.

xi. The Participant(s) agrees and undertakes that all Personal Information provided by him/her at the time of registration is true, correct, and accurate.
xii. The Participant(s) agrees and undertakes that the Entry may be recorded by the Production House.

Selection Criteria of Star Maa ‘Shubhapradam’ Engagement Activity

i. During the Activity Period on a daily basis, on the basis of Participants having made a valid Entry, and fulfilling criteria set out herein shall be collectively viewed and rated by the panel comprising of representatives from the creative team of Production House as determined by the Production House in its sole discretion (“Panel”).

ii. This Panel shall rate the Entry basis the nature, complexity of problem of the Participant, requirements and compliance of the TNCs and/or any such other criteria as the case may be and basis independent assessment, at its sole discretion shortlist the Participant for the Activity (“Shortlisted Participant”).

iii. The Production House’s decision shall be final, binding on the selection of the Shortlisted Participant and not subject to appeal or further review. The Company will not be under any obligation to disclose reasons for non-selection of any Participant.

iv. Participation in the Activity shall be construed to mean that the Participant(s) has waived his/her right to dispute any decision(s) made by SIPL and/or the Production House in relation to the Activity to the extent applicable under law.

v. The Shortlisted Participants will be contacted by the Production House and will be informed about their shortlisting and will be communicated to be available to receive the call on the day and time as specified for discussing their concerns / problem with Guruji. The Shortlisted Participants will also be intimated that the Material / communication between the Participant and Guruji (“Calls”) will be recorded and exploited with or without any edits.

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