Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest 2024

Organisation : Gulf Oil India
Contest Name : #GulfUnstoppableArmy Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest 2024
Applicable For : Only Indian Nationals
Last Date : Open on 22nd April and will be open for entries till < Till playoff dates >
Website :

What is Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest?

#GulfUnstoppableArmy Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest 2024 is organized by Gulf Oil India. The contest will be conducted on Gulf Oil India Social Media Platforms. The contest is open only for residents of India. It is mandatory that the participant tags the Gulf Oil India social media handles while sending the entry for the contest. Gratifications are available only in cities where CSK matches are being held, subject to availability. Gulf Oil India’s decision will be final. The gratification balls are digitally signed. The contest will commence on 22nd April and will be open for entries till < Till playoff dates >.

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Eligibility of Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest

The contest is open only for residents of India and subject to the following terms,
** The contest will commence on 22nd April and will be open for entries till < Till playoff dates >
** The contest will be conducted on Gulf Oil India Social Media Platforms.

General Terms & Conditions of Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest

** It is mandatory that the participant tags the Gulf Oil India social media handles while sending the entry for the contest.
** After scanning the QR, it is mandatory for participants to upload their entry (post) link on the website.
** No obscenity, foul language or offensive content will be allowed.
** Gulf Oil India can disqualify any participating contestant in case the contestant is not abiding by the rules of the contest.
** Disqualification will be at the discretion of Gulf Oil India.
** The participant tagging Gulf Oil India agrees to let the brand re-post their entries on its digital platforms. The brand shall not be responsible or liable for any entries tagged by the public.
** The participant agrees to give consent to the brand to repost & use the entries uploaded by them by participating in the contest.
** Gulf Oil India maintains the right to withdraw the contest, without prior notice to the participants.
** The brand reserves the right to modify and/or change all or any of the terms and conditions applicable to the contest.
** The brand will not bear any costs occurring out of this contest.

** The gratification for the contest includes:
i. The winner’s ad will be aired during the matches.
ii. Other gratifications include Gulf Oil merchandise, vouchers, etc.

** Winners will be chosen at the sole discretion of the jury at Gulf Oil India. The brand is not bound to offer any clarifications or justifications on the selection of the declared winners.
** The gratification cannot be exchanged for any cash prize or any other form of gratification.
** The brand will contact the contest winner within 1 week of the contest being closed.

** The contest winner must share the relevant information required by the brand to process the gratification. If the winner fails to do so within 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) of the announcement, the gratification shall no longer be valid, and the winner is not entitled to claim the same at any time in the future.

** Gratifications are available only in cities where CSK matches are being held, subject to availability. Gulf Oil India’s decision will be final.
** The gratification balls are digitally signed.

** Only 1 match ticket will be provided to the Match Ticket winner. Any additional member accompanying the winner will not be given any ticket. If the accompanying member is a minor, they must be taken to the match venue at the sole risk of the winner and will not be given any ticket. The decision to allow entry to the stadium lies with stadium officials/authority and will be final.

** Match ticket winners to keep their tickets in good condition. Any tickets torn or mutilated will not be exchanged by Gulf. The decision to allow entry to the stadium on torn or mutilated tickets lies with stadium officials/authority and will be final.
** The size request on the gratification of jersey will be accommodated as per the availability of the stock. Exchange or return requests will not be accepted.
** Any exchange or return request will not be accepted on the gratification provided.

Gratification of Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest

Gratification will be on a weekly basis:
** Bonus Winners – CSK Match Tickets
** Asli Fan Winners – CSK Jerseys
** Gift Vouchers
** Signed Balls

One fan-made Ad that will feature during one of the CSK Matches before play-offs

FAQ on Gulf Unstoppable Army Contest

1 Can I submit multiple entries?
Yes, unless stated otherwise by the campaign rules, participants are allowed to submit multiple entries to increase their chances of winning.

2 What should the duration of the ad be?
Your ad (entry) should not exceed 20 seconds.

3 What should I do if the Gulf CSK Instagram Filter is not working?
Ensure that you have updated to the latest version of Instagram.

4 Is it mandatory to use the Instagram Filter and any Gulf Oil pack?
No, using the Instagram Filter and incorporating any Gulf Products is not mandatory. However, we encourage participants to make their entries (ads) more interesting by using them.

5 Why do I scan the QR code to submit my entry?

Scanning the QR code serves as a convenient method for Gulf Oil India to collect entries and track participant engagement efficiently.

6 Is there a deadline for submissions?
Submissions will remain open until the Premier League Playoffs commence.

7 What is the purpose of tagging Gulf Oil India?
Tagging Gulf Oil India ensures that your entry is visible to the campaign organizers and increases your chances of being noticed for potential rewards or recognition.

8 Can I edit my submission after I’ve uploaded it?
No, make sure to review your submission carefully before uploading to ensure accuracy and completeness.

9 Will entries be used for promotional purposes?
By participating in the campaign and submitting your entry, you will be granting Gulf Oil India permission to use your creation for promotional purposes.

10 Are there any restrictions on entries?
Gulf Oil India has guidelines and restrictions on the content of submissions, which include avoiding offensive or inappropriate material, mocking the player, or making fun of players.

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