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Shaastra Boeing Aero Modelling Competition 2016 National

Sponsored By : Boeing
Competition Name : Boeing National Aeromodelling Competition 2016
Applicable For : College Students (Professionals are not allowed)
Last Date For Abstract Submission: 5th January,2016
Competition Dates : 25th & 26th January,2016 (not 23rd and 24th)

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Website : http://www.shaastra.org/#/event/560c1e5ce293fd414ae513ff/56157cb6c8d15f6e1252f2cc
Register Here : http://www.shaastra.org/#/login

Related: Aeronautical Society 2015 HAL & PHL Essay Competition : www.contest.net.in/2328.html

National Aero Modelling Competition :

The Boeing National Aeromodelling Competition for college students in India is sponsored by Boeing, and conducted in collaboration with IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras.

Students from any college/university can participate

The regional round (South Zone) of Boeing National Aeromodelling Competition is held at IIT Madras and is open to college students.The First three teams from each of the Zonal competitions, a total of 12 teams from the Zonal competitions, will participate in the National level held at IIT Delhi.

Event Format :
The event comprises of two rounds

1. Abstract Submission :
** All the participants need to submit an abstract on their aircraft, which would be a no longer than 15 pages long with standard formatting. The Abstract would document the basic design of the aircraft (dimensions, wing areas, velocity, etc.) and would also explain how their design is suitable for given problem.
** Participants have to also send a zip file containing at-least 5 and no more than 10 photographs of plane while it’s being built along with the Abstract.
** The Abstract has to be submitted to the respective Zonal competition 20 days in advance of the Zonal event date. E.g. For a Zonal happening on the 4th of January, the Abstract Last Date is the 15th of December and so on.

2. The Event:
Qualifier Round (On January 25th, 2016):
** The design of an aircraft is tested by climb and gliding. Participants have to climb for 20 seconds and after this, they need to perform a dead stick flight (throttle=0 or Gliding) and land at a specified location. The plane however can be maneuvered while its gliding.
** Top 30 teams from the qualifier round will qualify to Maneuver Round. Along with qualification to next round, qualifying teams will get a reimbursement of INR 5000 per team towards material costs for their models.This will be held on January 26th,2016.

Maneuver Round (On January 26th,2016):
** Teams will have to perform mandatory maneuvers at least once. A maximum time of 4 minutes will be given to take off, complete the maneuver-set and land. Please refer problem statement for details. This round will be held on January 26th,2016.

Registration :
Create your Shaastra account. After doing so, login to your account and register your team for the event.

Registration Shall Close on 5th January 2015

Prize Money :

National Competition:
** 1st Prize : Rs. 100,000
** 2nd Prize: Rs. 50,000
** 3rd Prize : Rs. 30,000

At each Zonal Competition:
** 1st Prize : Rs. 50,000
** 2nd Prize: Rs. 25,000
** 3rd Prize : Rs. 15,000

Contact Us:
Ankur – 9043244522
Nevin – 9566098755
Rangeeth – 8281792917
Sahal – 9092702983
Swapnil – 9962202861

Email : boeing_aero@shaastra.org

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1 Comment
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  1. Vinay Thakur

    How can I register at IIT Khargpur?

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