Silverzone iTHO International Talent Hunt Olympiad 2024

Organisation : Silverzone Foundation
Contest Name : iTHO International Talent Hunt Olympiad 2024
Applicable For : Classes 1st to10th Students
Last Date : 31st August 2024
Website :

What is Silverzone International Talent Hunt Olympiad?

The ITHO Olympiad is a prestigious international competition that seeks to identify and nurture talented high school students around the world in various areas such as Maths, science, and the English language. The competition aims to test students’ knowledge and skills in these areas and to provide them with an opportunity to showcase their abilities on a global stage. All participants will be awarded Participation Certificates reflecting their Class/Zonal/State/Olympiad Ranks and Marks. Last Date of Registration is 31st August 2024.

Related / Similar Contest : JBNSTS Vidyasagar Science Olympiad 2024 VSO

Pattern of International Talent Hunt Olympiad Examination

The Olympiad is organized in the respective schools of the participants during the school hours. The structure of the event (iTHO) stands as the following:
** There will be a different question paper for each class. All the questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.
No.of Questions :
CLASS 1 & 2 – 25
CLASSES 3 to 5 – 30
CLASSES 6 to 8 – 35
CLASSES 9 to 10 – 40
Total Marks: 100
Duration: For Class 1 to 8 : 40 Minutes and For Class 9 & 10 : 50 Minutes

The question paper is class specific and usually consists of three sections:
(i) Section-1: Science
(ii) Section-2: Mathematics
(iii) Section-3: Reasoning and Aptitude

** The medium of the test is English only.

** The Olympiad is conducted annually on two dates in school premises. The school may opt from the two dates suggested for the Olympiad examination. Each date of the Olympiad exam has a separate set of question papers.

Test Paper :
** The examination is being conducted for all classes from 1st to 10th with the following details.
For Classes 1-2: There will be 25 questions and the duration will be of 40 Minutes.
For Classes 3-5: There will be 30 questions and the duration will be of 40 Minutes.
For Classes 6-8: There will be 35 questions and the duration will be of 40 Minutes.
For Classes 9-10: There will be 40 questions and the duration will be of 50 Minutes.

** The details of the manner in which the test is to be conducted will be sent with the question papers. The questions will be of objective type in nature with multiple choice answers. There is no negative marking. For all classes OMR answer sheets will be provided.

Registration of Students for iTHO

** The prospectus containing the Registration Forms of iTHO are sent to all the schools registered with the SilverZone Foundation. However, it might not have updated information which has been incorporated and updated later in this website regarding changes in syllabus, prizes and levels etc.

** The schools which are NOT registered with the Foundation may also request for prospectus by sending an e-mail at
** The schools must return the Registration Forms, properly filled in and complete in all respects, by the due date to the Foundation.
** A student can register through his/her respective school only.
** Last Date of Registration is 31st August 2024.

Note :
** Principals/teachers may please note that any school can become a registered centre for theInternational Talent Hunt Olympiad (iTHO). No fee is required for the same. Only for feasibility reason, a minimum of 20 students need to be registered for the iTHO, from the school.

** Any clarification regarding rules, format/pattern of the paper, etc., may be sought from SILVERZONE FOUNDATION through email at

Prizes of International Talent Hunt Olympiad

1st Olympiad rank : The 1st International Olympiad rank holder in each class will receive a Prize of Rs. 10,000/-.
2nd Olympiad rank: The 2nd International Olympiad rank holder in each class will receive a Prize of Rs. 7,500/-.
3rd Olympiad rank : The 3rd International Olympiad rank holder in each class will receive a Prize of Rs. 5,000/-.
4th to 10th Olympiad rank : 4th to 10th Olympiad rank Rank holders from 4th to 10th position in each class will be awarded Gift Certificates of varying values.
11th to 25th Olympiad rank : 11th to 25th Olympiad rank Rank holders from 11th to 25th position in each class will be awarded Gift Certificates of varying values.
26th to 500th Olympiad rank : 26th to 500th Olympiad rank Rank holders from 26th to 500th position in each class will receive the Topper Achievement Certificate.
1th, 2th and 3rd Zonal Rank : 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Zonal Rank The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Zonal Rank holders across all classes will be honored with Medals of Excellence.
1th, 2th and 3rd State Rank : 1st, 2nd, and 3rd State Rank The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd State Rank holders across all classes will be presented with Medals of Excellence.

1st, 2nd 3rd Class Topper
: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Topper The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Toppers in each school will be bestowed with Medals of Excellence, provided the topper achieves a minimum of 50% marks. Excellence, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks

: All participants will be awarded Participation Certificates reflecting their Class/Zonal/State/Olympiad Ranks and Marks.

Up to 10 Students with the Same Rank: In this scenario, the award amount will be divided equally among the winners, and each recipient will be honored with a Symbolic Golden Medal of Excellence in the relevant category along with a Certificate.

For 11 or More Students with the Same Rank
: Instead of a shared award, each winner will receive a gift certificate coupon, along with a Medal of Excellence in the relevant category and a Special Achievement Certificate.

At School Level :
1. Medals for Class Toppers:
The top three rank holders in each class will be presented with Medals of Excellence. To qualify, students must achieve a minimum score of 50%.

2. Chapter-wise Performance Analysis Report
Every participant will receive a comprehensive Chapter-wise Performance Analysis Report. This detailed report provides insights into the student’s exam attempts, including:
The Question-wise Performance Analysis Report consists of four sections:
Section A – Marks and rank achieved in Class/Zonal/Olympiad ranks.
Section B – Chapter-wise performance score.
Section C – Percentile score for comparison with other students at the Zone and international levels.

Section D –Percentage score analysis compared to Class, zone, and international levels. The objective of this report is to provide students and their parents with a thorough analysis of the student’s strengths and areas for improvement. It allows students to understand their performance both individually and in comparison to thousands of other participants.

This post was last modified on April 25, 2024 3:05 PM

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