Sonyliv India’s Best Dancer IBD Season 4 Audition 2024 : Sony SET

Organisation :  Sony Entertainment Television SET
Contest Name : India’s Best Dancer (IBD) – Season 4 Audition 2024
Applicable For : 14-30 years of age
Audition Date : 16th May 2024, 18th May 2024, 19th May 2024, 01st June 2024 & 02nd June 2024
Website :

What is Sonyliv India’s Best Dancer?

India’s Best Dancer is a televised dance competition series produced by Frames Production Company Private Limited for Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited and/or its affiliates. The Program being a dance program, CMEPL is looking for talented participant(s) between the ages of 14 and 30. The purpose of the present audition is to select dancers who can perform dance acts for the Program to be broadcast/telecast on Sony Entertainment Television and/or any other channel of CMEPL.

Related / Similar Contest : Sony LIV India’s Best Dancer Season 4 Voting 2024 IBD S4

Eligibility of India’s Best Dancer

** The individuals participating in the Program must be between 14-30 years of age. Therefore, any individual who has completed the age of fourteen (14) years as on May 16 2024, but not completed 30 years as on May 16 2024, shall be entitled to participate in the Auditions of the Show.

** In other words, you or your ward’s Fourteenth (14th) birthday must have occurred before May 16 2024, but you or your ward’s birthday must not have occurred before May 16 1994. Such persons coming for the audition shallhereinafter be referred to as “the Participant(s)” irrespective of whether such persons have been able to enter the venue gates and actually participate in the audition.

** Employees of Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited and/or Producer, organizers, advertising agency, auditors, organizers’ contractors who have been appointed from time to time, and employees of the sponsors; and their respective families; are ineligible to register for the Participants.

Audition Date of India’s Best Dancer

The Auditions will occur on-ground only, wherein Participants can register and perform in-person, in the following places:
City: Kolkata
Audition Date: 16th May 2024
Venue Address: CII – Will be announced later .
City: Delhi
Audition Date: 18th May 2024 and 19th May 2024
Venue Address: Will be announced later
City: Mumbai
Audition Date: 01st June 2024 and 02nd June 2024
Venue Address: Will be announced later

For enabling the Participant to participate in the Auditions, the Participant or Parent/Guardian of the Participant, shall bring photocopies and originals of the following documents of the Participant, as proof of identity, age, and residence, at the Audition venue, wherein such photocopies and the originals should be clear and legible;
i. Registration number as received from us during the process of registration;
ii. Identity Proof – PAN Card/Passport/Aadhar Card/Driving License/Voter Identity Card;
iii. Age Proof – Passport / Birth certificate / School certificate / Court Affidavit (Any one Age Proof);
iv. Passport size photographs (1);
v. Proof of residence – Passport/Ration Card/Driving License/Electricity Bill;

In the case of a minor participant, the Parents/Guardians shall also bring the following documents (if applicable) in support of the Participant’s identity, age, and relation to the Parent/Guardian:
i. Identity Proof-Birth Certificate of the Participant/ Passport
ii. Age Proof- Birth Certificate of the Participant/ Passport/School leaving certificate.
iii. Proof of relationship- Ration Card/Passport/Certificate from School.

** If a Participant is accompanied by a Guardian, then a copy of the order passed by a District Court under the relevant provisions of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 appointing such Guardian.

Other Conditions of India’s Best Dancer

1. By virtue of entering the venue, Participant or Parent/Guardian agrees that such Participant or Parent shall be captured on camera and the Organizers shall have the complete authority to use the footage in any manner and form as recorded by the Organizers as they deem fit, for the Show.

2. Only Participant or Parent/Guardian and Participant for whom the Parent/Guardian has done the registration and who has been provided with a valid unique identification number shall be allowed for participation in the Audition.

3. The entry for the on-ground Audition venue will close at 4.00 pm sharp and any Participant who fails to report at the Audition or along with their Parents/Guardians if required, at the venue desk shall lose his/her chance to participate. CMEPL will reserve the right to change this time on the date of ground audition without prior notice.

4. No refreshments or food apart from water shall be provided by the Organizers and the Parents/Guardians are requested to carry dry snacks like biscuits / cakes etc. for themselves or their child aspirant to participate in the Auditions.

5. Organizers will not be responsible towards any expenses incurred by the Participant or Parent/Guardian of the Participant for the Auditions including but not limited to any travel and accommodation expenses incurred by them.

6. Decision of the judge(s) are final and cannot be called into question and/or contested for any reason whatsoever.
7. In light of security at the venue, the Participant and/or Parent/Guardian may be frisked, and belongings physically checked by the concerned security staff of the Organizer.
8. Parent/Guardian along with the Participant will be allowed to audition only once, in any city, any re-entry in another city would be automatically disqualified.
9. Parents/Guardians shall ensure the safety, security and well-being of the Participant and Organizers shall not be in any manner liable for any arrangements, whatsoever.

10. Parent/Guardian shall ensure that once the Participant enters the venue gate, the Participant shall abide by the various terms and conditions and requirements and/or agreements as asked for by the Organizers, failing which the Organizers shall have the absolute discretion to disqualify the Participant and Participant along with the Parent/Guardian may be asked to leave the venue of Audition.

11. At all times, Participant and Parent/Guardian agrees that the decisions of the Organizers shall be final and binding and they shall not have any claim against such decisions taken by the Organizers in respect of the Audition and the Show.

12. All the content related to the Show has originally been written in English. In case of any conflict in the interpretation between any translated language, the interpretation of the English content shall prevail.

Detailed Notification Download here :

This post was last modified on September 9, 2024 11:38 AM

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