IndiaBioscience Create-it! A Science-Art Competition 2024

Organisation : IndiaBioscience
Contest Name : Create-it! A Science-Art Competition 2024
Applicable For : Open to UG, PG & PhD Students
Last Date : 30th June 2024
Website :

What is Create-it! A Science-Art Competition?

Create-it! A Science-Art Competition is organized by IndiaBioscience. Competition is Open to BSc/​BTech, MSc/​MTech, or PhD Students. Participants are required to submit their entries via the google form. Each applicant can enter ONE submission only. IndiaBioscience will award two cash prizes in each of the three categories: undergraduates, masters students, and PhD researchers. Last Date of Contest is 30th June 2024.

Related / Similar Contest : MIRCHI Sunday Suspense Fan Art Contest 2024

Themes of Create-it! A Science-Art Competition

The theme for Create-it! is ​‘Showcase your research through art’. Let your creativity flourish as you intertwine science and art in a way that captivates both the mind and the eye.

Your science-art work could be one of the following:
** Petri art / Agar art
** Microscopy images / collations / compilations
** Science showcased via traditional art methods
** Science showcased via watercolour painting/​acrylic/​canvas
** Science showcased via murals/​live sketches
** Science showcased via graphic art
** Medical/​anatomical illustrations
** Science doodles

Objectives of Create-it! A Science-Art Competition

Cultivate imagination: Participants are encouraged to envision the potential outcomes or their current research project, interests and advancements of their scientific work in a fictional manner, fostering creativity and visionary thinking.

Foster science-art communication: Develop participants’ skills in effectively communicating complex scientific concepts through various artistic mediums, promoting a broader understanding of life sciences.

Promote forward thinking: Challenge participants to contemplate the long-term impact of their research, sparking innovative ideas and solutions for the future.

Encourage interdisciplinary thinking: Facilitate cross-disciplinary thought processes by merging scientific concepts with artistic elements, transcending traditional boundaries.

Showcase talents: Provide a platform for aspiring sci-artists to showcase their creativity and talent, elevating their profiles within the scientific and artistic communities.

Strengthen science-art outreach: Generate sci-art related content with broader appeal, enabling the dissemination of scientific knowledge beyond academic circles to the general public.

How to Participate in the Science-Art Competition?

Participants are required to submit their entries via this google form. Each applicant can enter ONE submission only.

Entry Guidelines :
Size and format requirements: Science-art work must adhere to specific size limitations, accepting only PNG or JPG formats with a maximum size of 10 MB.
Dimensions: Images should ideally fit within A4 dimensions (1:1.41 aspect ratio).
Reference images: When applicable, provide reference images as hyperlinks below the science-art entry.
Single entry: Each applicant is limited to one submission ONLY.
Originality: Entries must be original, these will be verified through a reverse Google image search. Excessive use of AI is discouraged; completely AI-generated entries will be disqualified.
Accepted science-art work: A broad range of entries are applicable, and can include, but are not restricted to black and white or coloured microscopy, computational simulations, sketches, doodles, painting, graphic art, or a fusion of many art forms.
Supervisor consent: Submission requires consent from the applicant’s research supervisor.
Copyright ownership: Ownership of image copyright is required.
Subject restrictions: Entries cannot depict human subjects, but human cells are permissible.
Resolution: High-resolution images are preferred for submission on our website.
Captions: Each image should be accompanied by a caption (max 10 words) and a layman’s description (max 50 words) explaining the associated research or the science depicted.
Previously awarded images: Images previously awarded in similar competitions will not be considered. A self-declaration is mandatory during submission.

** All submitted entries may be reproduced (with due credit and acknowledgement) by IndiaBioscience on their website, newsletter, social media, and compendia (as well as other channels).
** At the end of the entry, you will be requested to provide your full name, eligibility (whether pursuing BSc/​BTech, MSc/​MTech, or PhD), research institution, and contact information (email and phone number).

Prizes of Create-it! A Science-Art Competition

** IndiaBioscience will award two cash prizes (first prize : INR 5000 and second prize: INR 3000) in each of the three categories: undergraduate, masters’ students, and PhD researchers.
** Additionally, five commendable entries will be recognised with special prizes.
** Based on the evaluation done by the jury, the top three winners will be declared on 15 July 2024. All awarded entries will be compiled into an e‑compendium.
** If you have any questions or clarifications, please write to us at hello[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.

Important Dates of Create-it! A Science-Art Competition

Entries for the sci-art competition will open on 1 June 2024 and the last date to apply is 30 June 2024 (11:59 PM IST).
A prize announcement webinar along with a live sci-art hands on activity will be conducted on 22 July 2024, 4 – 5 PM IST.
Selected entries will be notified by email by 15 July 2024.

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