10th International Humanity Olympiad IHO 2024 : Satyug Darshan Trust

Organisation : Humanity Development Club (Satyug Darshan Trust)
Contest Name : 10th International Humanity Olympiad IHO 2024
Applicable For : All Age Groups (Housewives, Professional, Businessmen, Etc)
Website :

What is International Humanity Olympiad?

International Humanity Olympiad 2024 is organized by Satyug Darshan Trust. Any individual can rightly assess their own level of morality and learn to remain humane in a dignified way. This way, understanding the importance of development of good human character and perfect human personality through self control one can become a good and noble human-being. Students will get an e-certificate immediately after each attempt but the percentage should be at least 40% or more.

Related / Similar Olympiad : ICO 2024 International Cyber Olympiad

General Rules for IHO

1. A student can attempt ten times in a day.
2. Merit is considered on the basis of maximum marks in minimum time. So students can make repeated attempts for improvement till 21st August.
3. Students will get an e-certificate immediately after each attempt but the percentage should be at least 40% or more.
4. Students securing 90% and above marks can participate in free online activities during summer vacations. For which prizes will be given separately.
5. Read the instructions carefully before starting the quiz.

How to Register for International Humanity Olympiad?

Every student should attempt the Humanity Olympiad by following the steps below.
** Visit
** Click on Attempt Olympiad. (Don’t click anywhere else, school registration has already been done by the school teacher.)
** Fill your Olympiad school code ……… .
** Submit the form and start the 15 minute MCQ quiz of 25 questions based on Moral Values ​​and Ethics.
** Submit your Olympiad quiz .
** Get your e-certificate, if you are not happy with your marks then you should try again.

Important notification regarding Humanity Olympiad :
1. Humanity Olympiad is completely free, no one has to pay anything or buy any membership or there is no hidden financial cost involved in this Humanity Olympiad.
2. We never share the data of the students with any third party. Thus, the data of the students is secure.
3. Every message of our trust is conveyed through the volunteers of our IHO in schools only.
4. Our trust never calls any child personally for anything. Also, Olympiad prizes are distributed in the schools after 7th September .

FAQ on International Humanity Olympiad

10th International Humanity Olympiad
Our school registration process has already started. Link to attempt the Olympiad will be live from 1st May, 2024.

How will the Olympiad be beneficial for the students?

** It will enable them to assess their knowledge of humanity, morality, and ethics
** Each student will receive an e-certificate on scoring above the passing percentage (40%)
** Gift cards or Gifts will be given as prizes to the top 500 students.

How to register your school/College/ Institute for the olympiad?
Note- The school/College/ Institute registration has to be done only by school/college/institute authorities (coordinator). It is not for students.
Follow these steps to register your school/College/ Institute
Go to our website -> Click on school module -> Click on Institute Registration -> Enter details as asked -> You have successfully registered

From where can I get the detailed information brochure of the olympiad?

You can view and download the information brochure from important documents section on our website.

What if my school is not registered? Which code should I enter while signing up for the olympiad?

If your school is not registered for the olympiad you can simply write none in the school code.

What is the Referral Code?
Referral code is alphanumeric code given during ambassador campaign to share Humanity Olympiad link with your friends, relatives, classmates/colleagues and all near and dear ones. Each referral code is unique to each individual who has enrolled in IHO’s referral activity. You can easily generate your referral code from our referral code generator.

Will repeated attempts count in referral activity/ ambassador activity?
No, the final results will be based on unique efforts (attempts) only.

What is the benefit to the schools/coaching centres by conducting the Olympiad?
** An opportunity for the institutions to work for the betterment of society.
** As the exam acquaints students with their true human values, thereby leaders of tomorrow are being made better human beings today.

How is this Olympiad unique?
** The objective of the Olympiad is to uplift mankind based on values of humanity, morality and ethics.
** It is a selfless service aiming towards humanity

What is the mode and duration of the test?
The Olympiad is conducted online only and the duration is 15 mins containing 25 MCQs.

In how many stages will the Olympiad be conducted?

The e-Olympiad will be have a single round this time that will last up to 21st August 2024.

How many times can we attempt Humanity Olympiad?

One can attempt the Olympiad as many times as they want but the limit of attempts in a single day is 10.

Is there any participation fee?

No, it’s free of cost.

How will the results be categorized?

Results will be compiled based on 3 categories –
1. School Module: The school module comprises of two categories namely,
Ankur- For Class 5th to 8th
Pushp- For Class 9th to 12th
2. Taruvar- College Module
3. Drakhat – Individual Module (Open for all Corporates, Businessmen, housewives, etc.)

The student/person securing the maximum percentage in the shortest time will be ranked among the top 250 winners from the ‘Ankur’ (5th to 8th) and ‘Pushp’ (6th to 12th) categories respectively. And the top 3 ranked persons from ‘Taruvar’ (college) and ‘Darkhat’ (individual) categories will be declared as the winner.

How can I view my certificate?
You can view and download your certificate just after you finish the Olympiad.

How will the school students attempt the Olympiad online?
Students can attempt the olympiad from their home or in their computer labs. The school coordinators may ask the students to attempt the Olympiad as moral values homework.

What if an individual does not has an e-mail id?
You can enter your parents’ or any guardian’s email address.

Can same e-mail id be used for numerous attempts?
Yes, same e-mail id can be used.

Who all can attempt the Olympiad besides school/colleges/coaching centres?

It is open to all Age groups (Housewives, professional, businessmen, etc.)

This post was last modified on June 5, 2024 2:48 PM

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