Star Jalsha Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest 2024

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Promotion Channel : Star Jalsha
Contest Name : Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest 2024
Applicable For : Resident of West Bengal
Contest Date : 23rd June 2024
Website :

What is Star Jalsha Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest?

“Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest” is organized by Star India Pvt. Ltd. The Contest will be conducted on the ‘Star Jalsha’ Channel. This Contest shall be open to the Participants who are residents of West Bengal and are presently residing in West Bengal only. The Contest shall comprise of 03 (three) multi-choice questions based on the Film and telecasted during the world television premiere of the Film on the Channel during the Contest Period. The Contest shall commence from 23rd June 2024 at 01:00 pm to 05:00 pm.

Eligibility of Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest

** The Participant(s) interested in participating in the Contest must be above the age of 18 (eighteen) years and are a resident of West Bengal (India) and presently residing in West Bengal only.
** The Participant(s) should not have been previously convicted of any criminal offense or must not be a party to an arrangement or a contract that prevents them from participating in the Contest.

** Proof of age, if requested, of the Participant(s) must be submitted to STAR India (i.e., Birth Certificate, 10th Class leaving Certificate/ School certificate/ passport/ an affidavit signed by a magistrate and attested in such manner) as may be required by STAR India to confirm the eligibility of the Participant(s).

** Star India also reserves the right to disqualify a Participant(s)/ Winner(s) in case a discrepancy is found to exist in the information furnished/ provided/ stated by the Participant(s)/ Winner(s) at any point of time during the Contest Period.

Principal Rules of Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest

** Star India shall announce the Contest via promos on the Channel and other channels of Star India, newspaper ads, radio, outdoor and digital platforms of the Channel (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or through any other medium of exploitation which shall be at the sole discretion of Star India.

** The Contest shall commence from 23rd June 2024 at 01:00 pm Indian Standard Time (“IST”) and shall conclude on 23rd June 2024 at 05:00 pm IST (“Contest Period”) on the Channel.

** The Contest shall comprise of 03 (three) multi-choice questions based on the Film and telecasted during the world television premiere of the Film on the Channel during the Contest Period (“Questions”).
** For the purposes of this Terms and Conditions, the Questions shall be displayed on the Channel during the breaks between the telecast of the Film along with the mechanism/instructions for every Participant to participate in the Contest.
** The lines will remain open during Contest Period ie from 01:00 pm IST to 05:00 pm IST during the Contest Period for Participants to submit the correct answers for the respective Questions.

How to Participate Bagha Jatin Watch n Win Contest?

The Voting Mechanism for the Contest during the Contest Period within the Territory is as provided below:
To participate in the Contest and to be eligible for the Prize (as defined below), the interested Participant(s) shall be required to vote as per the mechanism mentioned below

(a)To submit correct Answers to the Questions, the Participant shall give a missed call to the numbers provided below for each respective Questions during the Contest Period. It is clarified that the number will be active during the Contest Period only.

No. of Questions Missed Call No.
Question 1 8657865750
Question 2 8657865751
Question 3 8657865752

(b)The Participant will get a call back in response to the missed call made to the pre-defined nos. during the Contest Period (as given below) for each Question followed by a welcome prompt and voting option prompt against the respective Questions.

** To submit the Answer(s) for their respective Questions, the Participant has to key in the pre-defined DTMF numbers <1 or 2 or 3> allotted to each multi choice option provided for the Questions.
** Once the viewer presses the DTMF key as above, the viewer will hear a voice over ‘Thank You for participation’ message and the call will disconnect and the voting will be completed.
** However, if the Participant’s call gets disconnected before the Participant selects his/her Answer, then Participant can make only (01) one more attempt, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in clause 4 hereto.
** If the Participant(s) provides an incorrect Answer(s) then his/her Answer (as defined below) shall be considered incomplete/invalid, and the Participant(s) shall not be eligible for the Prize (as defined below).
** Answer(s) received by Star India after the Contest Period will not be considered and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any further intimation by Star India.

(c)For purposes of this Contest, “receipt” of Answer(s) occurs when the mobile/ network operator records the Answer information upon the Participant(s) sending the missed call, providing the correct Answer and the Participant receiving (hearing a voiceover) a thank you message a stating “Thank you for your participation in Star Jalsha Bagha Jatin Contest.

** We will communicate to you if you are selected as a winner. Your participation confirms that you agree to contest T&Cs and Privacy Policy of the Contest”. Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt.

** Providing the correct Answer of the Question of the Contest during the Contest Period by the Participant(s) through missed call followed by keying in the correct Answer and hearing a voice over consisting of a thank you voice message shall be considered as a complete and valid entry (“Entry”).

** For the avoidance of doubt, by submitting the Entry and /or Answer(s) the Participant(s) is representing that the Entry(s) and /or Answer(s) or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sensitive Personal Information.
** The Participant can use the same registered mobile number for submitting Answer for different Questions but can submit Answer only once for a particular Question.
** If the Participant submits more than 01 (one) Answer for the same Question then such submission of Answer(s) Entry shall be invalid and only the first valid Entry registered with Star India will be taken into consideration.

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