IEEE MAPCON 2024 Student Design Contest :

Organisation : MTT-S/ AP-S/ EMC-S Joint Chapter, Hyderabad
Contest Name : IEEE MAPCON Student Design Contest 2024
Applicable For : Engineering Students
Last Date : 15th November 2024
Website :

What is IEEE MAPCON Student Design Contest?

Student Design Contest MAPCON 2024 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference is organized by MTT-S/ AP-S/ EMC-S Joint Chapter, Hyderabad. The participant should be a bonafide student, studying a course of engineering (BE/ B.Tech, M.E./ M.Tech., PhD.) in a recognized college/university. Students can form a team limited to a maximum of 4 members either from the same institution or multiple institutions. Last Date of Contest is 15th November 2024.

Related / Similar Contest : CDAC Grand Challenge Contest 2024

Rules of Student Design Contest

** The participant should be a bonafide student, studying a course of engineering (BE/ B.Tech, M.E./ M.Tech., PhD.) in a recognized college/university. This contest is not open to working professionals enrolled as external/part-time candidates for any such course.
** Students can form a team limited to a maximum of 4 members either from the same institution or multiple institutions. The prize money may be shared in such a case.
** All ideas must be submitted to mapcon2024[AT] on or before 15th November, 2024. The qualifying entries will be notified by 25th November, 2024 to travel to MAPCON 2024, Hyderabad and participate in actual measurements of the proposed and realized designs. This will eventually lead to the winners who will be honored during the MAPCON 2024 Awards Banquet on 12th December 2024.
** Decisions made by the MACPCON 2024 SDC jury shall be final and binding on all participants. No representations shall be entertained post event.
** Limited travel grants may be available for the qualifying entries and will be notified in due course.

Student Design Contest Ideas

1. 4 × 4 Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna Array
a. Center Frequency: 8.25GHz
b. Bandwidth (around center frequency)> 600 MHz
c. Axial Ratio < 3dBi throughout the band
d. Gain: > =12 dBi throughout the band
e. Return loss: >10 dB throughout the band
f. Polarization: RHCP
g. Judgment criteria: achieved Bandwidth, VSWR, gain, beamwidth, sidelobes

2. Design of a multi-band LNA integrated antenna for GNSS systems using COTS or designed LNA (GPS/GLONASS/NAVIC/Waidu)
a) Frequency range: to cover the GPS, GLONASS, NAVIC(IRNSS), Waidu bands
b) Integrated gain: >20dB
c) Noise Figure: <2dB
d) Output 1dB Gain compression point: better than 10dBm
e) VSWR: better than 2:1
f) Power handling >20dBm
g) Judgment criteria: band coverage, gain flatness, noise figure, power handling

3. Design of filter integrated antenna for L/S/C/X band radars
a. Frequency ranges: 1.2-1.4 GHz, 2.7-3.1 GHz, 5.5-6 GHz, 9-10 GHz (Any one)
b. Rejection: better than 20dBc 20% away from band edges
c. Integrated gain: better than 3dB
d. Judgment criteria: integrated gain, rejection

4. Design of a continuously or discretely tunable bandpass filter for 2-6 GHz band
a. Freq range: 2-6 GHz
b. Instantaneous bandwidth: fc+/-10%
c. Insertion loss <3dB
d. Rejection at +/-1 GHz: better than 20dB
e. Rejection at +/-2 Ghz: better than 30dB
f. VSWR: better than 2:1
g. Judgment criteria: widest instantaneous bandwidth, lowest insertion loss and best rejection at Fc+/-1 GHz, Fc+/-2 GHz

5. Design of a direction finding FMCW transceiver at 5/10/24 GHz using COTS transceiver IC and designed antenna array
a. Frequency band: Any of 5/10/24 GHz (as per availability of COTS FMCW transceiver IC)
b. Detection Range: 300 Meters
c. Direction finding range: ±30deg
d. Judgment criteria: Detection range, scan direction range

6. Design of a beam scanning antenna array for sub 6GHz applications
a. Design of antenna array
b. Design of beam scanning mechanism
i. Switching
ii. Butler matrix
iii. Rotman lens
iv. Active scanning

7. Design of a broadband bias tee
a. Frequency Range : 100 MHz to 15 GHz
b. Insertion loss in the RF path : Better than 0.8 dB
c. VSWR : Less than 1.5:1.
d. DC-RF path Isolation : of minimum 30 dB between 100 MHz and 3 GHz and minimum 20 dB above 3 GHz.
e. Judgment criteria: Actual bandwidth achieved, losses and isolation values.

What is the Last Date of Student Design Contest?

Last Date of Student Design Contest MACPCON 2024 is 15th November 2024.

This post was last modified on July 17, 2024 12:39 PM

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