darkfantasyadventuretrip.com ITC Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Contest 2024 Win Trip to France

Organisation : ITC Limited and FCB Kinnect
Contest Name : Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Contest 2024 Win Trip to France
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Last Date : 5th August 2024
Website : https://darkfantasyadventuretrip.com/fantasy-trip-to-france

What is ITC Dark Fantasy Contest?

ITC Dark Fantasy Contest 2024 is sponsored by ITC Limited and organized by FCB Kinnect. The Contest is open to all citizens of India currently residing in India. Any Participant who desires to participate in the Contest, has to scan the QR code printed on the Sunfeast Dark Fantasy pack. Stand a chance to Win a Trip to France. Last Date of Contest is 5th August 2024.

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Eligibility of Dark Fantasy Contest

(i) Children: 13 years and above.
Participation by minors will be deemed as participation with the prior unconditional consent and knowledge of the Participant’s parents/guardian.

(ii) The Contest is open to all citizens of India currently residing in India.
The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Contest:
employees, contractors, directors and officers of ITC, and FCB Kinnect and their subsidiaries and affiliated companies, affiliates, advisors, distributors, Web design, advertising, fulfilment, judging and promotion vendors, involved in the administration, development, fulfilment and execution of this Contest and their immediate family members.

(iii) The Contest is valid only for a period of 32 days (Thirty Five) days starting from July 3rd 2024 , at 12:00:01 AM to August 5th 2024, at 11:59:59 PM (herein after referred as “Contest Period”).

How to Participate in the Dark Fantasy Contest?

(a) Step 1: Any Participant who desires to participate in the Contest, has to scan the QR code printed on the Sunfeast Dark Fantasy pack, or use the link on social channels to land on the microsite – https://darkfantasyadventuretrip.com/.
(b) Step 2: If the Participant scans the QR code, he/she would be re-directed to an interface (akin to a microsite) on their smartphone’s web browser.
(c) Step 3: The interface would then let the consumer participate in the Contest by submitting the required details such as Name, Phone. No, Email, , Gender.
(d) Step 4: The interface would then ask the consumer to take a selfie and upload it, on the page.

(e) Step 5: The interface would then give options to the consumer to choose the adventure of their choice and then a superpower for their character. According to the options selected by the Participant, a personalised animated video will be generated using the photo submitted by the Participant which can be viewed and downloaded (“Video”).

(f) Step 6 : The organization will consider the consumer “Participant” only when the said Video is uploaded on any of the following social media platforms i.e., Instagram, Facebook along with a creative or unique caption and has tagged @sunfeastdarkFantasyOfficial and mentioned #FantasyTripToFrance in the caption of their post (“Entry”).

Prize of Dark Fantasy Contest

(a) For the purpose of this Contest:
(i) “Weekly Prize” means the prize declared by FCB Kinnect for a particular week of the Contest Period irrespective of the day of the announcement.
For “Weekly Prize”, a Winner will win either one of the following:
a) 1 (One) voucher worth Rs. 1000 (Rupees one thousand) from Amazon, Bookmyshow, Flipkart etc or
b) 1 (One) merchandise item featuring characters from the movie Despicable Me 4 as decided by ITC.

(ii) “Bumper Prize” means the final prize declared by FCB Kinnect at the end of the Contest Period. 1(One) Participant amongst the participants with the most creative caption on the social media post will be chosen as the Bumper Prize Winner who shall win a Trip to France as specified hereafter.
(ii) “Winners” means Participants who have won any of the Weekly Prize or Bumper Prize. Prize shall mean the Weekly Prize and/or Bumper Prize.

(b). Eligible entries are ones that satisfy all the Terms and Conditions and the eligibility outlined above and follow the steps outlined in the “How to Participate” section above. Entries that are incomplete or not in the format specified above will be invalid.

(c) Participants shall take note of the following terms with respect to the Contest-
(i) Winners of the Weekly Prize may not be selected/shortlisted/declared/published on a Weekly basis.
(ii) FCB Kinnect or ITC reserves the right to not declare the Winner for a Weekly Prize for a particular week or to cumulatively declare the Winner of the Bumper Prize and Weekly Prize on any other day within the Contest Period.

(iii) The Prize cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash. In the event that the Winner does not take the Prize in the time and manner stipulated, then the Prize will be forfeited by the Winner and cash will not be awarded in lieu of the prize. Prizes must be taken as offered and cannot be varied.

Winner Selection of Dark Fantasy Contest

(a) A Participant can submit only 1 (one) Entry for the Contest. In case a Participant submits more than 1 (one) Entry the first such Entry as submitted on the social media platforms will be will be considered for evaluation. Each entry eligible for evaluation will be evaluated on the creativity and uniqueness of the caption.

(b) Winner selection is subjected to FCB Kinnect receiving valid entries. In case the entries are less than the total Weekly and Bumper prizes to be given, the prizes would be declared in descending order of their creativity value till the entries suffice.

(c) Details of the Winners will be sought by contacting them through their social media accounts/profiles and an attempt will be made to reach out to the shortlisted winners through direct message. Winners below the age of 18 shall be required to submit the consent from their parent(s)/legal guardian.

(d) If a shortlisted Winner is unreachable or does not respond, two more attempts will be made that day or the next. If the Winner still does not respond on the third attempt, their participation in the Contest ends, their entry is canceled, and the Prize goes to the next best Participant.

(e) If a shortlisted Winner rejects the Prize, does not revert with details, or is unreachable then such Winner will no longer be able to avail the Prize. In such a case, the Participant with the next best entry shall be declared to be a Winner.
(f) Prizes will be given subject to the Winner satisfying the audit and verification process as deemed fit by ITC.
(g) The Winner shall be responsible to comply with the registration process, related formalities and production of any /all such documents/information as may be required by the Company and the FCB Kinnect or authorities in connection with the prize.
(h) The Participants, who generate the Video but do not share the final Video on social media as specified in these Terms and Conditions along with the creative caption will not be considered while the winner selection process is done.
(i) The Contest shall be adjudged by judges selected by ITC. The decision of ITC will be final and binding with regard to any dispute arising out of this activity.
(j) ITC reserves the sole and absolute right to terminate, modify or extend this Contest, at its absolute discretion without notice and without any liability, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

What is the Last Date of Dark Fantasy Contest?

Last Date of Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Contest is 5th August 2024.

This post was last modified on July 19, 2024 12:19 PM

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