tatainnoverse.com Tata InnoVerse Makerthon 2024

Organisation : Tata Sons Private Limited
Contest Name : Tata InnoVerse Makerthon 2024
Applicable For : Engineering Students
Applicable States/UT : Maharashtra
Website : https://tatainnoverse.com/

What is Tata InnoVerse Makerthon?

Tata InnoVerse Makerthon 2024 is organized by Tata Sons Private Limited. The Contest is open to all full-time students at engineering colleges from Mechanical, Mechatronics, Design, Industrial Engineering, Automobile disciplines, across the colleges in the state of Maharashtra. There is No Entry Fee. Tata InnoVerse Makerthon is a form of hackathon which requires an inbuilt prototype in a demonstratable form.

Eligibility of Tata InnoVerse Makerthon

** The Tata InnoVerse Makerthon 2024 (Hackathon/Event) in the digital cum physical format, is open to all full-time students at engineering colleges from Mechanical, Mechatronics, Design, Industrial Engineering, Automobile disciplines, across the colleges in the state of Maharashtra.
** Tata InnoVerse Makerthon is an individual / team event where an individual or a team of up to 5 students can take part in the Tata InnoVerse Makerthon. Team members should be from the same institute for the Tata InnoVerse Makerthon.
** There is NO ENTRY FEE.

Team Registration for Tata InnoVerse Makerthon

** Teams once formed cannot be changed & an individual cannot be a member of more than one team.
** A team can submit only one solution per challenge. The solution once submitted cannot be changed. If you wish to amend the solution, then you need to resubmit the entire solution again.
** Team composition cannot change once the solution has been submitted.
** All participants are required to provide a valid College photo ID along with other identity proof and produce the same on demand, whenever asked for.
** The organisers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event. Organisers also reserve the right to accept or reject any application to registration and/or entry to the event proceedings.

Guidelines for Tata InnoVerse Makerthon

** After the online registrations and idea submission round is over, shortlisted teams will be communicated via email whether they have made it to the final events.
** By entering the event venue and/or participating in the Tata InnoVerse Makerthon, the attendees permit themselves to be photographed /video graphed /recorded by electronic and print mediums for telecast/publication and other display usages of the organisers.
** Once you register for the event you indicate your acceptance that the decision of the organisers and jury will be final and binding on all issues related to the Tata InnoVerse Makerthon and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
** All the teams shortlisted for finals are required to make their own travel and stay arrangements.
** By registering for the Tata InnoVerse Makerthon, you also indicate your acceptance that the organisers can send you communication from time to time regarding Tata InnoVerse Makerthon or any other initiatives by the organisers.
** Participants will need to ensure and assume full responsibility for submitting original ideas and solutions, which should not infringe on any individual or organisation’s copyright or IPR in any manner. Organisers will not take any responsibility for checks in this regard and any violations may be rejected at the complete discretion of organisers and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
** Neither the organisers nor the sponsors, or employees of the organisers and sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of the prize by the winner once delivered by the organisers.

Other conditions :
** In case of certain circumstances, if the entire Event or a part of it is being organised on a digital platform. The participants agree that the Organisers would in no way be responsible for the internet connectivity that is required at all stages of the Event. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to equip themselves with robust internet facilities to take part in the event.
** The organiser reserves the right to alter/ amend/ modify any rules of any contest at any time without any notice whatsoever.
** If any contestant has any questions or suggestions about the event, they are welcome to connect with tatainnoverse[AT]tata.com
** The organiser reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this event at any time without prior notice.
** In all matters, the decision of the organisers would be final.

Selection Criteria of Tata InnoVerse Makerthon

Phase 1 – Online submission of solutions :
A panel of judges evaluate each submission using a combination of judging criteria as below:
** Rich technical content – It is expected that the teams submit a theoretical solution to the challenge. The evaluation, in the prelims, is solely done by reviewing the content of the description. Participants have to ensure that the description is very well articulated and include as many technical details as possible.
** Simplicity of the solution – It must be uncomplicated, not require any major changes to the business operations, and be logistically feasible.
** Ease of Implementation – Should not take too much time or effort to implement it.
** Cost Effectiveness – Not overwhelmingly expensive.
** Novelty/Uniqueness – How creative and unique the solution is, also determines the final selection.
Note – No individual / team can reappeal the decision made by the jurors.

Phase 2 – Prototype/Solution demonstration :
** Novelty/Uniqueness – How novel/unique the solution is.
** Working prototype demonstration – How well the prototype/solution is able to demonstrate the solution
** Scalability – How scalable is the solution?

What are the Prize of Tata InnoVerse Makerthon?

There most innovative prototype/solution from the students (winning individual / team) will be awarded
** Croma voucher up to Rs. 1,00,000 for winner
** Croma voucher up to Rs. 50,000 for runner-up
** Croma voucher up to Rs. 10,000 for Jury special award.
** Prizes will be distributed based on the quality of the entries, and at the full discretion of the Judges and the Organizers. Participants are cautioned against anyone claiming to represent as Organizers making any false assurances.
** Prizes once awarded will be final and there would be no exchange/substitution of the prizes to the winners.

Categories: Coding/Programming
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