wizspellbee.com Handwriting Contest Registration 2024-2025 : English Wizard Foundation

Organization : English Wizard Foundation
Competition Name : Handwriting Contest Registration (2024- 2025)
Applicable For : School Children/ Students (Classes 1 to 12)
Applicable States/UT : All India
Register Here : https://extraschool.in/handwriting/
Website : https://wizspellbee.com/

What is Wizard Foundation Handwriting Contest?

Handwriting Contest Registration (2024- 2025) is organized by English Wizard Foundation. Competition starts from the school and is open for students from Classes I to XII. Qualified students will be invited for the State Level and National Level. Participation certificate for everyone.

Eligibility of Handwriting Contest

** Competitions for Students of classes 1 to 8 will be held classwise and classes 9, 10, 11 & 12 will be combined as one group.
** Competition starts from the school and is open for students from Classes I to XII. Qualified students will be invited for the State Level and National Level. There will be a nominal participation fee at each level inclusive of certificates, medals, trophies, taxes.

Why handwriting matters?
** Proficient writing has a soothing flow and rhythm. This is one skill not being replaced by technology.
** Good handwriting skills lead to stronger academic performance.
** Using pen and paper boosts memory, it tends to resonate better in our memory.
** Writing is part of students daily lives… write effortlessly enables the mind to focus more on a topic.
** The Value of Handwriting goes beyond school.

How to Register for Handwriting Contest?

How to login to my profile? (if i have already made payment through my school or bank)
Step-1: Click on “login” button in the header menu on top
Step-2: Select “level of competition” to login
Step-3: Click on “Forgot Password” if you are logging in for the first time
Step-4: “Enter your mail id” which is associated with your profile and then click “Submit”
Step-5: “Enter OTP” received and “Enter New Password” and “Confirm New Password” and then click “Submit”
Step-6: “Password was successfully updated” message appears
Step-7: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2
Step-8: Click on “Login to Continue” and enter “your phone number and passsword”

How to Register for School Level Competition?
Step-1: Click on “Register” button in the header menu on top
Step-2: Fill all your details and click on “Register”
Step-3: Fill all your “Billing and Payment Information” and click “Make Payment”

Rewards & Recognitions of Handwriting Contest

School Level :
** Certificate of Merit to qualifiers
** Certificate of Appreciation to non-qualifiers

National Level :
1st Rank: Rs. 5000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
2nd Rank: Rs. 3000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
3rd Rank: Rs. 1000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
4th to 10 th Rank: Trophy + Certificate of Rank
11th to 100 th Rank: Medal + Certificate of Rank

About Extraschool

** Here’s a healthy dose of Extra fun, Extra information and Extra prizes.

** Extraschool presents a one-stop destination to a host of extracurricular activities and fabulous prizes for students of all ages and interests, from KG to class 12. Just log on to Extraschool, browse the list of exciting contests on offer, select, enrol and enjoy! Forget the hassles of long enrolment processes, queries and payment.

** Register for the Spell Bee, Handwriting or Robotics contests and see your kid shine at the state level or national level honours. We have got it all at one single portal with some fabulous prizes on offer, in collaboration with some of the best names in the industry!

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