MTV India Renault Roadies Battleground 8 Contest 2016

Organization :Viacom 18 Media Private Ltd
Competition Name : Renault MTV Roadies Battleground 8 Contest 2016
Applicable To : All

Website :
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Related: MTV India Renault Roadies X4  Auditions :

Roadies Battleground 8 Contest :

1. This online Contest is organized by Viacom 18 Media Private Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Organizer(s)” and/or “Viacom18”).

Competition Last Date : 30th January, 2016

2. Mtv Roadies Battleground 8 (“Contest”) is organized in India by Viacom18 for selection of participants for the thirteenth season of the reality show “MTV Roadies X4” (“Program”) which is proposed to be produced by the Organizer and provides a platform to people with special talents to showcase the skills through the website (“Website”) and channel ‘MTV’ in India. This is a user generated Contest that will culminate in one (1) individual being selected on to the Program.

3. The Participants understand that the Program requires mentally and physically strong Participants to participate in various tasks as may be instructed by the Organizers from time to time during the Contest. Only those applicants who are ready for such challenges and have the psychological strength to withstand the risks and efforts involved in the tasks are advised to apply.

4. Those applicants who are selected as per absolute discretion of the Organizers after registration levels and further screening shall have a chance to participate along with other casted participants, if any. Shortlisted Participant shall compete with each other by means of an online Contest.


The Contest is open to all participants who are:
(i) above age of 18 years;
(ii) followers of facebook page of official MTV India;
(iii) have a valid facebook account and registered youtube channel;

(iv) Each Participant shall have in his/ her possession one of the valid legal document as mentioned below to prove his/her age:
a. Driving license;
b. Voters identity card;
c. School leaving certificate;
d. Birth certificate;
e. Ration card or
f. Passport

(v) Each male Participant shall have a valid 4 wheeler driving license in order to participate in Program and the expiry date of such driving license should not be less than 12 (twelve) months from the date of application/registration. Such selected Participant shall be required to carry a self-attested photocopy of his/her valid driving license along with the duly filled registration form and such other documentations as may be required by Viacom18 from time to time.

(vi) Participants shall be required to register in a group of maximum 2 (two) participants, out of which necessarily 1 (one) should be male and 1 (one) should be female participants. The Participants understands that for the phase 1 (registration and Call for Entries) solo entries with individual participant will be considered invalid entry and shall be disqualified. However once the first set of Participants are shortlisted, such shortlisted Participants may be required to participate either individually or as a team to be determined at the sole discretion of Viacom18.

Contest Duration :
The Contest shall commence from 30th November, 2015 at 6:00 pm and shall conclude on 30th January, 2016 at 6:00pm or on such date and time as decided by the Organizer (“Contest Period”). The Contest shall be divided in 2 (two) phases wherein each phase shall have their timelines and mechanism of participation for next levels and any entries received after the timelines for each phase for the Contest shall not be entertained and shall be considered ineligible for the Contest.

Call For Entry:
a. To participate in the Contest, an applicant needs to register themselves by log into the Website ( by choosing any of the mechanisms mentioned below and each such applicant shall be subject to requirements and rules of each such mechanisms;

b. The Call For Entry Phase 1 shall commence from 30th November, 2015 or such other date as may be indicated by the Organizer at 6pm (“Start Date for the Phase 1”) and shall end on 20th December, 2015 at 8pm or such other date as may be determined by the Organiser (“End Date for Phase 1”).

c. For registration under Phase 1 of the Contest Call for entry, Participants shall be required to participate in team of two with complete personal details as may be required as per form available on the Website and submit a video introducing themselves alongwith a first task video announced by the Organiser.

Both the participants in a team shall be required to be part of said video entry and such video shall be for maximum duration of 2 (two) to 5 (five) minutes. Participants shall be required to upload the said video on their valid youtube channel and shall after uploading this video on their youtube channel shall be required to share it with us by sharing their youtube link along with some basic details as per the instructions provided on the Website.

d. The Participant(s) will not be charged for login to the Website to register and participate on the Website, however, there can be cost levied, at the applicable rate, by the network provider for using internet connection which should be checked by the Participant (s) at his/her sole responsibility.

e. Entries submitted by a Participant as per any Mechanism provided above shall be original unpublished work created by the Participant and that it shall in no manner infringe any rights including intellectual property rights, including without limitation, the copyright of a third person/party and subject to point 10 (Other Terms) and point 11 (Representation and Warranties) below.

f. Entries submitted by a Participant which are adjudged the best content/entry by the Organizer, will be shortlisted for next phase and the Participant submitting the entry shall be adjudged the “Shortlisted Participants” for Phase 2 of the Contest.
g. The Organizer shall select and shortlist 20 (twenty) Shortlisted Participants who shall be eligible for participation in the Phase 2 of the Contest, subject to the Terms & Conditions imposed by the Organizer.

h. The Organizer shall announce these Shortlisted Participants on 21st December 2015 or such other date as may be indicated by the Organizer after 12:00pm who shall be informed via any mode as may be deemed appropriate by Viacom18 at its discretion. Along with announcement of such Shortlisted Participants Organizer shall be announcing the challenge task video to participate in 1st Challenge Task of the Contest.

a. The Winner announced at the date of announcement of the on-ground challenge task of the Contest will get 1 (one) time opportunity to participate in the Program subject to terms and conditions, rules decided and instructed by Organizers and Sponsors

b. Such Winner shall be required to approach the Organizer, in a manner, determined by the Organizer, within 24 hours of announcement and confirm the acceptance of the Prize along with providing requisite details, copy of citizenship proof, identity proof and address proof, copy of valid passport, driving license etc. as may be required by the Organizer.

c. Such Winner shall necessarily be required to be (i) above 18 (eighteen) years of age and meet any other requirements stipulated by the Organizer and as per requisite laws. Such Winner shall also be required to sign a release letter in the format required by the Organizer and any confidentiality and release agreement and/or any other documents and writings, as may be required by the Organizer and/or its parent, subsidiary, and affiliate companies in relation to the Prize.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 3:07 PM

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