Club Mahindra Teddy Travelogues Contest For Kids

Organization : Club Mahindra
Competition Name : Teddy Travelogues Contest For Kids

Website :

Related: Krayon 2015 Horlicks Wizkids Competition :

1. Teddy Travelogues Contest :

Club Mahindra Teddy Travelogues is the first crowd-sourced travel e-magazine by and for kids. For the purpose of sourcing contents on this e-magazine Club Mahindra, which is the brand of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited, had invited entries through digital medium .

This contest is only for children between 4 to 12 years of age

The contest has been conceptualised to encourage the kids between 4-12 years to Contribute content of different nature & Would stand to win prizes in different categories

2. E-Magazine content sourcing and T&C:

The Kids will have to register for submission of the content through their parent/guardian who shall take complete responsibility of the content being contributed and the correctness of the disclosures.

Our esteemed jury will select a few of the contributions in each of the categories in each age group for publication and 3 entries in each of the categories in each age group shall be chosen for the prizes as may be adjudged by them.

The following are the 7 categories in which contribution of the content could be made:
** MyFamilyHoliday is a painting category where children have to draw something on the topic of their ideal family holiday and submit it on the website HolidayStories is a category where children have to submit a written fiction story around their vacation. They can also submit a video where they narrate an original fiction story around their vacation written by them.

** In cases where a child submits 2 entries as a written story and the same is narrated through the video, MHRIL will consider any one story. MHRIL reserves to right to decide which entry to consider as a valid submission. MyTravelCompanion is a category where children have to submit a video where they talk about their favourite travel companion TheRhymeJourney is a category where children have to submit a written poem about the most favourite journey of their lives.

** They can also submit a video where they recite an original poem about the most favourite journey of their lives. In cases where a child submits 2 entries as a written poem and the same is recited through the video, MHRIL will consider any one entry. MHRIL reserves to right to decide which entry to consider as a valid submission

** Holidoodles is a category where the children must draw a doodle to depict a story about their vacation. TheDeliciousDiary is a category where children must submit a short description of about 100 words about what is the one dish that they absolutely loved on their vacation. YoungTraveler is a category where children can submit fun travel photos taken during their vacation. This is not in a contest form.

3. The Content Categorisation ;

1. The categories above have been arrived upon basis the decision of structure of the e-magazine and Club Reserves its rights to change/modify the categories in future issues without any prior intimation.
2. The decision as to whether a content falls within a particular criteria shall completely be prerogative of the Jury and their decision in regard to the admissibility of any content for publication shall be final.
3. Club Mahindra encourages multiple content in dierent categories of the same age group by a single contributing child however:
4. The Parent/Guardian once having submitted the content of their child would be considered to have consented for Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited to use the same.
5. Club Mahindra presumes all the parents/guardians filling in the registration forms have supervised the submission of the content and have on purpose submitted the content after knowing exactly and accurately the obligations in respect of originality, propriety and ownership requirements of the content.

4. Participation Criteria (Age Groups):

1. The basic participation criteria for the contest and the eligibility for contributing to the E-Magazine is age group between 4 to 12 years, meaning thereby all kids who completed 4 years of age and who have not completed 13 years of age are eligible to participate through their parents/guardians.

2. The age group shall be demarcated basis the number of years completed by the contributing child as
1. 1st s/he is eligible, however if the child has completed 3 years and 11 Months as
2. 1st September 2014, s/he would not be eligible. Similarly in case the child has completed 7years 11 months he would be considered within the age group of 4 to 8 years.

3. All the parents would be presumed to have on purpose submitted contributions of their children in right age group and may be required to prove the age of the contributing child by furnishing requisite documents.
4. The Contest is also open to children or relatives of employees, distributors, franchisees, agents and suppliers of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited.

5. The contributing children shall have to submit the content prepared by themselves and not by their parents or guardians or elders. In the event the Jury is of the opinion that the content is not original or own contribution of the child, the same would be disqualified.

6. All the parents have made all the disclosures and the declarations with utmost good faith and sincerity and if it is found that any of the said disclosures is false the same shall be considered to have been disqualified..
7. In the event of disqualification Club Mahindra shall have the right reject the contribution, recall the prize and call back any prize issued to such erring parent’s child.

5. Contact :

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