CBSE Sports School Competitions FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Facility Name : CBSE Sports School Competitions Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
Applicable For : CBSE School Students

Website : cbsesports [dot] in

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs :

1. I am not able to Register my school? :
** To Register your school, go to the REGISTER YOUR SCHOOL tab on the homepage of the website
** Enter your Affiliation Number, the system will show all the details related to your school along with the registered email ID.
** If the system returns with NO RESULTS. It indicates that your school details are not updated in our database. This happens when the school is a newly affiliated school.

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In such case mail the below mentioned details to :
** School Name :
** Address :
** Pin
** Affiliation number and Year :
** Phone number
** Email address :
** Along with a scanned copy of your affiliation document.

2. I have forgotten my password?:
** Click on the forget password option on the login screen.
** After entering your affiliation number you will be able to view all the details of the school along with the registered email ID.
** Click on Send password, the password will be sent to your registered email ID.

3. I have not received the password?:
** To get the password, first you need to register your school (Follow the steps mentioned in the first FAQ)
** If you have registerd your school and still not received the password then click on the forget password option on the login screen.
** After entering your affiliation number you will be able to view all the details of the school along with the registered email ID.
** Click on Send password, the password will be sent to your registered email ID.

4. How to check my registered email ID?:
To check your registered email ID, you can click on forget password and put your affiliation number. Don’t click on Send Password. The system will display all the deatils of the school along with the registered email ID.

5. How to change the registered email ID?:
In order to update the email ID, kindly send a request letter to Mr. Pushkar Vohra, Jt. Director SPORTS, CBSE and send a scanned copy of the same to along with your affiliation document.

6. System shows I am not mapped in any cluster:
If you are seeing that you are not mapped in any cluster or the cluster number is wrong on the top bar of the system. Kindly first search for your corresponding region in the sports website under each cluster. Now email your AFFILIATION NUMBER and your REGION NAME(region names are mentioned under each cluster on the sports website) to with subject “MAP OUR SCHOOL IN PARTICULAR REGION”.

7. How to proceed once I’ve registered my school ?:
Once you have registered your school and you have received the username and password, then kindly follow the steps mentioned in circular No. 42. You can find CIRCULAR No. 42 in the Archive section of CIRCULARS heading.

8. I am not able to register new Students ?:
** First Check that the image size was less than 500 KB and it was in JPG format.
** If after registering the student, you are getting a print screen
** This happens when you do LEFT SCHOOL for the last registered student.
** Go to Point No.8, LIST OF AVAILABLE STUDENTS. Enter your affiliation number in the serach box.
** Now browse for the greatest UID number student, click on the ADD button infront of the greatest UID number student.
** The student will be added back in your account and you will be able to register new students.

9. I am not able to view already registered students ?:
In case you are not able to view the Already registered student on the dashboard :
** Make sure that the spelling of the student’s name is correct.
** You might have done LEFT SCHOOL for the student. If so, then go ot Point No.8 LIST OF AVAILABLE STUDENTS and search for the student. If you are able to find the student, click on ADD to add the student back in your account.
** If after following the above mentioned steps, still you are not able to find the student. The kindly re-register the student.

10. I am not able to Edit the photographs of the registered students ?:
** Make sure that the size of the picture is less than 500KB.
** The Image should be in JPG format.
** Sometimes due to excess traffic on the server, the picture might not get uploaded. You are requested to try again.

11. How to print the details of the registered students?:
To Print all the registered students, go to Point No. 3, PRINT All Registered Student List. Use Google Chrome Browser and set the margins of the print by using the custom options, by doing that you will be able to print each student in a separate sheet.

12. How to print the details of the participants ?:
To Print the details of participants, go to Point No. 5 VIEW/DOWNLOAD Game Wise Participants. You can also download the details in the PDF format.

13. I am not able to participate in a particular event ?:
** Registrations for a particular tournament will close 7days before the tournament, the name of the game will not appear in the list of games after that.
** You won’t be able to register a student twice in a particular game. The system will give an error if you will try to register the student again in the same game.
** To check whether the student in already registered in the particular game, go to S.No. 4. PARTICIPATING STUDENT’S DETAILS.

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 5:13 PM

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