CBSE Expression Series On Swami Vivekananda 2016

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Expression Series On Swami Vivekananda 2016
Applicable For : CBSE Students Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All Over India
Competition Dates : 11-12 January 2016

Website :
Expression Series Portal :
Online Submission :
Circular :

Expression Series On Swami Vivekananda :

Swami Vivekananda (12 January 1863- 4 July 1902) was one of the greatest sons of India who motivated his countrymen through his thoughts on Education, Dedication, Life-goal and Knowledge.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE Expression Series On Mere Sapno Ka Bharat

As a tribute to this great scholar and philosopher, the Central Board of Secondary Education proposes Expression Series on Swami Vivekananda.

The details of the ‘Series’ are as follow:
i. To be held on 11-12 January 2016.

ii. The three categories of participation are:
a) Classes I to V,
b) Classes VI to VIII and
c) Classes IX to XII

iii. Topics are given in Annexure 1.
iv. Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem/Painting.
v. Entries may be submitted in any of the 22 scheduled languages and English.
vi. Students may submit their entries from schools/ home/ any place as per their convenience.

vii. Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
a) Online mode through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)
b) Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)

c) Mobile App using the numbers (Details given in Annexure III):
** For classes I to V 7065963925
** For Classes VI to VIII 7065963926
** For Classes IX to XII 7065963927

viii. To cater to the need of schools where the internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV), which may be downloaded, printed, photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, schools/ participants are required to scan it/ click an image of the entry and send it through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.

ix. Entries submitted through email/ by post will not be considered.
x. The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 8.00 AM to 11:59PM both days on 11th and 12th January 2016.
xi. Best 36 entries, 12 in each category, shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.
xii. Each participant will get a Certificate of Participation.
xiii. Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.
xiv. Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

Topics :
Classes: 1st to 5th Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem/Painting on one of the following:
i. Swami Vivekananda: a great visionary
ii. Lessons I learn from Swami Vivekananda’s life

Classes: 6th to 8th Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem/Painting on one of the following:
i. Swami Vivekananda’s teachings motivate me to…
ii. Swami Vivekananda’s vision for the development of modern India

Classes: 9th to 12th Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem/Painting on one of the following:
i. Harmony between East and West: Swami Vivekananda’s contribution
ii. Swami Vivekananda’s views on character development of youth in India


1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format. Visually impaired students can also use the audio/video mode.
3. Those who use the online mode may register only once as multiple registration may lead to disqualification.
4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
5. The entries/ writings must be original.
6. The entries without the registration details will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected at any point of time, will lead to disqualification of the prize.
7. There will also be a telephonic interaction to ascertain the originality of the Entry.
8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however, the entries submitted must be in their own language.
9. Final entries shall be selected by a panel of experts.
10. No further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.

For any query, you may call at 011-23215130 or e-mail at

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

View Comments (92)

  • We enjoyed the contest. Thank you for making an opportunity to write about the human of the century. When will we informed about results?

  • I have already uploaded my poem on the website but I have not got any conformation yet. Could you kindly tell me if my entry is uploaded?

  • I got selected for Abdul kalam contest. I have still not received my cash prize, though I have received my certificate of merit.

  • Now it is 14th of January. When will results be going to declare and how do one can know that the result has been announced? I mean from where we can get the declaration of result? And if one entry is chosen only then we get a call?

  • I am Rajnish Kumar class 9th from Vigyanand Kendriya vidyalaya chanaur siwan (Bihar). In which day the result of expression series will be announced?

    • This contest is just completed. It will take some time to announce. be patient and wait for the result.

  • I have tried to submit my entry but, I didn't get any confirmation. Kindly tell me how could I know that my entry is successfully submitted?

  • If anybody who not want to participate in this competition, then will it affect result of 10th examination?

  • Can I write a sonnet(14 lines) which is also a type of poem?
    If not then how much lines should poem consist of?

    • Answer to this question could not be drawn from the text announcement in CBSE website.

      Please understand that unless it comes from the source (CBSEacademic website) any answer you get is a guess. Take your own decision. Think more about the poem and its concepts, and less about the rules of the competition.

    • Yes the essay in this lesson will be of 500 words or above 500 words but not less than 500 words.

    • That number is just an indication. It can be a little more or a little less.
      Do care more about the content of the essay, not the word count. Good luck.

    • Size of sheet is not prescribed by the conducting organization - CBSE.
      I suggest you take your own decision - A4 or A3 whichever is convenient for you.

    • You can submit after coming back from school.
      The site will accept entries until midnight today and tomorrow.

  • If somebody doesn't want to participate in this completion, then will there be any effect on result?

  • Is it compulsory to write a poem in 700 words?
    Please tell whether we have to write poem also in 700 words.

    • You mean, using the computer software?
      I do not think this is allowed. However, you can check the rules of the competition and decide yourself.

  • Lives of great men all-remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and departing leave behind us, Footprints on the sands of time.”

    Swami Vivekananda represents the eternal youth of India. India though possessing a hoary and ancient civilisation is not old and effete, as her detractors would hold but Swami Vivekananda believed that she was young, ripe with potentiality and strong at the beginning of the twentieth century.

    Swami Vivekananda belonged to the 19th century, yet his message and his life are more relevant today than in the past and perhaps, will be more relevant in future because persons like Swami Vivekananda do not cease to exist with their physical death.

    Their influence and their thought, the work which they initiate, go on gaining momentum as years pass by, and ultimately, reach a fulfillment which these persons envisaged.

    Swami Vivekanand himself had said “it may be that I shall find it good to get outside my body to cast it off like a worn out garment but I shall not cease to work! I shall inspire men everywhere

    The process of this inspiration is spreading all over the world. We are at a critical period of our history. The world is on the brink of total annihilation, and it is the message of Swami Vivekanand which can save humanity from a disastrous end.

    Swami Vivekananda had foreseen such a disaster, and had warned the western countries to shift their stance and take to the eternal message of spirituality, harmony and peace, as preached by him in the light of the teachings of his great master, Shri Ramakrishana Paramhansa.

    Swami Vivekanand is one of the greatest men who have appeared in the world. After reading his life story, one feels that he had the heart of a Buddha and the brain of a Shankaracharya. Yet he never craved for any personal name and fame. He always used to say that he was a voice without form but, In his life, we see how he felt about the downtrodden, the untouchables.

    The poor, the miserable and the sole aim of his life was to bring about a social order which will be based on equitable distribution of the objects of enjoyment, a society without prejudice for any one.

    But Swami Vivekanand had said, “Could mud be washed with mud? Could blood be washed with blood?” so he based his whole message on the philosophy of the existence of one reality, which is in every being.

    Swami Vivekananda appeared in 1893, on the platform of the parliament of religious conference held at Chicago, as an unknown person, when he was less than thirty years of age. And this I will do or die.

    Then again he says, “My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will become my workers they will work out the whole problem. They will spread my message from centre to centre until we cover the whole of India.”

    It will not be out of place here to give quotations from some of the most eminent thinkers of the world, both past and present, which have understood and appreciated Vivekananda’s influence in the sphere of thought and action.

    Rabindranath Tagore, the great poet and a Nobel laureate, says; “He gave us something which brings us, if I may use the word, a certain pride in our inheritance. He did not spare us.

    He talked of our weaknesses and our failings too. So, what Swamiji has written and said, is of interest, and must interest us, and is likely to influence us for a long time to come. He was no politician in the ordinary sense of the word and yet he was one of great founders— of the national modern movement of India.

    • You can start submitting your entries starting at 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM, today and tomorrow (11th and 12th of January 2016).

    • This is an online contest.
      You have to read this entire post to know more.
      If you have any specific doubt, please ask.

    • Students (participants) may login by clicking on the link to be made available on on the date of Expression Series.
      Fill the registration form to register for the competition.
      (Note: Make sure you fill the form carefully. It may be noted that filling all the columns marked with * is * is mandatory)

  • For republic day essay competition, some of the schools are unable to participate in competition due to Pongal holidays. Is there any other way to participate in the competition?

    • I am not sure if the registration is through your school.
      Note this point.

      Students may submit their entries from schools/ home/ any place as per their convenience.

    • Entries are to be sent through the registered account in the link which will be open during competition.

    • This is not explicitly stated in the pdf brochure given.

      Remember, only one registration is allowed.
      However, if you can send two entries from the link with your registration, then only you will come to know if you can participate in more than one contest. Be prepared for both the competition with your entries. Try to send both your entries. Good luck.

      Those who use the online mode may register only once as multiple registration may lead to disqualificat

    • The short answer is "YES".
      Long answer is, "Read the entire post and the replies to comments."

    • The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 8.00 AM to 11:59PM both days on 11th and 12th January 2016.

    • If no size of painting is mentioned, you have to take a decision.
      However, when scanned, entries should not exceed 5MB in any format.

      The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 8.00 AM to 11:59PM both days on 11th and 12th January 2016.

    • Yes, you can. Use internet to get information and facts.
      You can also take the help of elders.
      However, it is your responsibility to see to it that the writing is original and not copied from any source.

      Remember the following points.

      Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however, the entries submitted must be in their own language.

      Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.

      Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

      There will also be a telephonic interaction to ascertain the originality of the Entry.

    • Best 36 entries, 12 in each category, shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.

    • Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map