World Institute Chennai Storytelling Contest 2016

Organization : World Storytelling Institute
Competition Name : Chennai Storytelling Contest 2016
Applicable For : Children, Teenagers & Adults

Website :
Festival Poster :
Contest Details:

Storytelling Contest 2016 :

World Storytelling Institute presents “Open mic” Storytelling for and by Adults at Cafe Coffee Days!

Chennai Storytelling Festival : Fri 5 to Sun 14 Feb 2016

6 sesions that would be Rounds of the Adult section of the Chennai Storytelling Contest (2016 edition)!

The 6 Open-mic Storytelling sessions would occur on 6 consecutive Sundays, at 4pm :
1) 3 Jan, at the CCD Lounge in Besant Nagar.
2) 10 Jan, at the CCD Square in Nungambakkam.
3) 17 Jan, at the CCD Lounge in Besant Nagar.
4) 24 Jan, at the CCD Square in Nungambakkam.
5) 31 Jan, at the CCD Lounge in Besant Nagar.
6) 7 Feb, at the CCD Square in Nungambakkam.

Venue addresses :
1. Cafe Coffee Day Lounge,
Besant Nagar ,
(on 3rd Ave, on the way from Adyar Signal to Elliot’s Beach),

2. Cafe Coffee Day Square,
Khader Nawaz Khan Road,

Storytelling session format:
The Storytelling Host might tell a story, and then there would be an “Open mic” (8-minute time-limit per Storyteller).

One could tell, or just listen.


The suggested story topics are:
1) “New Beginnings”.
2) “The Big Rain of Nov/Dec 2015”.
3) “Communication” between cultures, between people, and within people. Including topics such as – Travel. Tourism. Translation. “Journey” and “Path” as metaphors for life. Visiting other lands and worlds. Discovery and Exploration of the other, and of the self.

Additional optional themes might be announced at the sessions themselves.

People are most welcome to attend only one of these sessions – but to qualify to win, contestants must attend at least 2 sessions, telling a story at each session.

Each contestant would tell at least 2 stories :
1) One Personal-experience story, and
2) One story of any other kind (Grandmother stories, Historical stories, Original creative stories, etc).

Admission :
Rs 200 per person, per session. Coffee/tea included. If possible, please register for sessions in advance.

Phone : 98403 94282
Email :

The winners of this section of the Contest would be declared at the end of the 6th Round – on Sun 7 Feb at the CCD Square in Nungambakkam.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 4:38 PM

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