INDiNNOVATE 2016 National Business Plan Competition : Acropolis Faculty of Management & Research

Organization : Acropolis Faculty of Management & Research
Competition Name : INDiNNOVATE 2016 National Business Plan Competition
Applicable For : Graduate/Post Graduate Students

Website :

Related: ShopClues ePreneur Business Plan Competition :

INDiNNOVATE Contest Details:

1. The competition is open to Graduate/Post Graduate students and start-ups with less than 2 years of existence.

Registration Last Date : 25 January 2016

2. Participants can register as an individual or a team (not more than 3 members per team). Registration for the contest to be done on :

3. NEN Advantage:
Any past winners of NEN associated business plan competition in country (held before Jan’16) will be eligible to get nominated in second stage.

4. Participation Fees :
a) Rs. 250/-
b) To be paid by DD drawn on Acropolis Entrepreneurship Cell or Net banking PNB Acc No.1936002100023654 IFSC Code: PUNB0193600 or Cash c. Scanned copy of receipt to be emailed with Executive Summary

5. The competition will be held in 3 stages the details of which are as follows:
Stage 1 :
** The team needs to submit an Executive Summary highlighting innovative opinions, business solutions and growth strategy for the company (not exceeding 500 words) giving a brief on the ideas/solutions provided. It should largely include introduction, materials/method, situation, problem, solution, evaluation, result, conclusion.(Font size:12 Font style: Times new roman Line Spacing: 1.5 Headings must be bold)

** The executive summary ( To be named as  INDiNNOVATE 2016_Team Name_College/Organisation Name) is to be mailed on to with subject line  INDiNNOVATE Business Plan with TEAM NAME. Business plans as judged by the eminent panel of judges will be shortlisted for the second stage.

Stage 2:
The second round will require the teams to submit a Full Business Plan discussing at length implementation solutions/strategies. The Full Business Plan should also incorporate a 5 years blue print of the revenue inflow and out flow with team details, expertise area and stability review and sustainability.

Stage 3 :
Shortlisted teams from Round 2 will be invited for the final presentation

6. Ideas are invited in following broad areas:
a. Environment (Pollution Control, Energy& Resources, Sanitation, Agriculture)
b. Education & Skill (IT, Communication)
c. Social Changes, Financial Inclusion & Livelihood
d. Health & Hygiene (Healthcare, Food, Nutrition)
e. City Administration & Transportation

7. The presentation, report or any deliverable should not be a work of plagiarism and should be an original work of the participant. Entries found to be copied from somewhere will be immediately disqualified. Any reference to any source must be clearly mentioned.

8. All communication regarding the competition will be carried out either through e-mail or on the official Facebook page of E Cell, Acropolis. We request you to like the page on the following links for the ease of receiving updates on your FB wall:

*The management of INDiNNOVATE 2016 reserves the right to make all the judgements or changes in the Terms and Conditions of the contest, in present and future, and this decision will be binding on all the participants. On submission of the content, the management reserves the right to publish your name, content, work or any part of the submission on their website or any social network site or otherwise in the present and future giving due credit to the participant. By participating in the contest, you agree to all the Terms and Conditions laid down by the management of INDiNNOVATE 2016.

Important Dates :

First Stage Registration & Submission of Executive Summary 25 January 2016
First Filter Panel review & screening; First list to be announced 30 January 2016
Second Stage Submission of detailed business plan 10 February 2016
Second Filter Expert Panel will rate all business plans & best plans
will be selected for Final stage; Second list to be announced
15 February 2016
Final Stage Final presentation and Award Ceremony 24 February 2016

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