TTK Prestige Fantastic Family Photo Contest 2016

Organization : TTK Prestige Ltd
Competition Name : Prestige Fantastic Family Photo Contest 2016
Applicable For : Anyone
Competition Last Date : January 16th, 2016

Website :

TTK Prestige Family Photo Contest

** Christmas is a natural time to pause and reflect on the year gone by. Why not share your joy and love, after all it is the season of giving. It is one of those holidays that just seem to be filled with cheer and wonder. Draw in the red, green and gold colours of christmas into your homes and capture the love and joy in a photograph that expresses all about you and your family in silent words.Results will be announced by the end of 1st week of February, 2016

Related: Prestige Festive Season Cooking Contest :

** Prestige extends an opportunity for you to participate in the Christmas and New Year contest by you posting your family picture with a heartfelt message along.In this season of merrymaking, Prestige announces a short contest – “Prestige, Fantastic Family Photo” for Christmas & New Year Family Celebrations.

** The contest will run from December 16, 2015 till January 16th, 2016. Six “most popular” images – getting max. no. of votes, shares, comments and likes on the Prestige fan pages will be considered for selection. The final selection of winners will also depend upon the image quality and message.

The winners will be rewarded as follows:
* 2 vouchers of Rs 2500/- each for the best picture
*2 vouchers of Rs 1500/- each for the best message
*2 vouchers of Rs 1000/- each for the best moment captured

Apart from the vouchers, the winning photograph would further be published on the Prestige Fan Pages. To contribute photographs, you need to inbox us on our facebook fan pages – PrestigeSocial and PrestigeSmartKitchen along with your name, email ID, mobile number, profile image and complete address.


The Rules for the contest include the following points:
** The photograph contributed for the contest has to be a Christmas or New Year themed family photograph.
** The sent message should capture the essence of your family picture, in context of merry making and joy of giving (which are relevant for christmas and new year theme)
** The participants can further tag the people in the photograph to attain more likes.
** The photograph will be judged on the basis of creativity and originality in accordance to the theme.
** Participants can submit multiple photographs online.
** The best picture of the day will also be featured on our fanpage as -”Daily Winner”
** The total amount of shares, votes, comments and likes for the photograph will be considered for the prize.
** Email id and Contact details entered by participants should be genuine and verified.
** Mobile Numbers must be entered by the participants as the gift vouchers will be sent on the registered mobiles.
** TTK Prestige Ltd. may change the rules or terminate the contest at any time without any notice. TTK Prestige Ltd. does not accept any responsibility or liability for any claims arising out of the contest or the website

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