Seven3Rockers Aircel IPLAY Iwin Competition 2016

Organization : Seven3Rockers Technologies Pvt Ltd
Competition Name : Aircel IPLAY Iwin Competition 2016
Applicable For : Aircel Cellular Subscribers
Applicable States/UT : AP, Assam, Bihar, Delhi,Haryana, HP, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Maharastra, Mumbai, NE,JNK, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, UPE, UPW, ROTN, Chennai
Competition Last Date : 23rd Feb 2016.

Website :

IPLAY Iwin Competition :

The IPLAY IWIN Pack is hosted by Seven3Rockers technologies Ltd. The customers will be acquired on Aircel Iplay Iwin Contest, which is a perpetual contest in which the grand prize for the winners will be announced after every 3 months.

Update :
Seven 3 Rockers Aircel I Play I Win Contest 2017 :

The Current running contest will declare its winners post the finishing of the contest, and the next contest starts the very next day. Once the subscriber has subscribed to the IPLAY IWIN Pack, he/she will be allowed to participate in any Aircel Competition that may be launched as part of this Competition Pack.

Also, by subscribing to this pack, you:
** Warrant that you have read understood and agreed to conform to these Terms and Conditions.
** Warrant the accuracy, truthfulness and currency of all information that you have submitted.

By subscribing to the Pack, you indicate your acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

To subscribe to the IPLAY IWIN Pack:

a) The Aircel subscribers have to SMS < PLAY> to 51001 @ Rs.5/day or
b) SMS <PLAY2> to 51001 to subscribe @ Rs.30/10 day.
c) Dial the USSD string *121*641# @ Rs.5/day or
d) Dial *121*642# @ Rs.30/10 day.

To Play IPLAY IWIN as Pay as you Play Customer:
** The Aircel subscribers have to SMS < IPLAY> to 510010 (Rs. 3/SMS)
** Subscription to the Competition Pack is completely free.
** On sending the request, the subscriber will receive an acknowledgement SMS telling him/her that his/her service request has been accepted and is being processed. He/she will then be sent an appropriate confirmation SMS once his/her request has been confirmed.
** Once the customer becomes IPLAY IWIN pack member he/she will get an SMS informing about the current or upcoming competition, prizes to be won and that the competition can be played at just Rs.5/day , Rs.30/10 day or Rs.3/question.
** If the subscription is unsuccessful, the user will be sent an appropriate SMS telling him/her to try again later.
** All IPLAY IWIN Pack members will automatically be eligible to play all other competitions launched as part of the Competition Pack.
** All IPLAY IWIN Pack subscribers will be charged Rs. 5/day or Rs.30/10 day ( depending on the pack they are subscribed)- on all competition days, once they have subscribed to that particular competition unless the pricing has been revised for a particular competition or for all further competitions, in which case the price revision will be communicated in advance.
** If an IPLAY IWIN Pack subscriber does not get charged for a day continuously for a period, the system will automatically deactivate the subscription to the pack.
** If an IPLAY IWIN Pack subscriber wants to unsubscribe from this pack then it can be done by sending SMS UNSUB IPLAYIWN to 51001 or dial *122*0339#.
** All Competition Pack members will be sent regular SMS updates and details about the current and the upcoming competitions.
** All Competition Pack members will be eligible to play and win the prizes offered in each competition, as will be detailed in the Terms and Conditions of that respective competition. These prizes may vary from one competition to the next.
** Pack Members will not be charged any amount on non-competition days (after the end of one competition, and before the start of the next competition).

This post was last modified on March 1, 2022 12:15 PM

Categories: Aircel

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