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BMU Mobile Photography Contest 2016

Organization : BML Munjal University
Competition Name : BMU Mobile Photography Contest 2016
Applicable For : All Students of 11th & 12th Standard
Competition Last Date : January 31st 2016

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Website : https://www.bmu.edu.in/

Related :  Prestige Fantastic Family Photo Contest : www.contest.net.in/8129.html

Mobile Photography Contest :

BML Munjal University brings you the ‘Mobile Photography Contest’. As a University, BMU seeks to nurture students’ spirit of inquiry and enhance their intellectual curiosity. This contest is your chance to express your creativity and win great prizes!

The Theme For The Contest Is ‘Student Life’

Simply put, it’s a contest where photographs taken through a mobile phone will be rewarded. It’s a great opportunity for all students of classes 11th and 12th to participate, vote for each other’s photos and get a chance to win up to Rs. 50,000!

** There are two levels of the contest. At the first level, we have a school contest and an open contest. If your school has 20 or more entries, the three entries with the most votes (as voted by your school mates) will win prizes worth up to Rs. 5,000. As part of the school contest, you can only vote for entries submitted by your school friends.
** If your school has fewer than 20 entries, you will be placed in the open contest – where the 20 entries with the most votes will win a prize of Rs. 5,000 each.
** The 20 winners of the Open contest plus the multiple winners of each school contest will go into the second level of the contest, where they will have a chance to win Rs. 50,000!

How to Participate:
Create and complete your entire profile to participate in the contest.

** Upload your photo
** Please note that participants can upload only one photo
** Make sure that the photo is in accordance to the theme of the contest
** Photos that don’t fit the theme will be rejected

Participants can only vote for one photo

Terms and Conditions:

** Only eligible (grade 11/12) students of a particular school will be allowed to cast their vote for the photos of their school
** Up to 3 winners will be selected per school
** Only image data files created with smartphones are allowed
** Images that have been retouched using software or by other means will not be accepted
** Both colour and monochrome images will be accepted
** File size should not exceed more than 2 MB per image
** Recommended format is JPEG/JPG
** The contest will end on January 31st 2016, but can be adjusted as per the discretion of the organizers
** Photos that don’t meet the respective theme will be disqualified at the sole discretion of the organisers, whose decision will be final and binding
** The organisers reserve the right to cancel, modify, extend or withdraw the contest at its sole and absolute discretion without giving any notice
** The contest is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at New Delhi
** The contest is subject to force majeure conditions
** By participating in this contest, the participant agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this contest in totality
** Only students of classes 11th and 12th are eligible for this contest and if found during verification that you are not from the mentioned classes then the students will be disqualified from winning any prize
** Only students of classes 11th and 12th are eligible to win prizes in the contest
** Winners of the contest will be announced on a date to be decided at the sole convenience and discretion of the organiser
** To qualify to be eligible to win prizes at the school level, each school must have a minimum of 20 entries. If there are fewer than 20 entries, the participants from that specific school will automatically be transferred to the open contest
** Any student of Classes 11 and 12 who has not participated in the School level contest is eligible to participate in the Open contest. Voting can be done only by students of Classes 11 and 12 of any school in India
** Winners be chosen on the basis of votes polled. BMU will assume that the identification and information provided by voters is accurate.
** Participants agree to authorise the organiser to use their submitted photos and personal details – name, email ID, address, phone number, gender status, photograph, current educational qualification, future fields of interest, etc – for promotional purposes. Participants will not be paid for such use
** Detailed Terms and Conditions regarding the State Level contest will be specified closer to the date
** If there are not enough votes for the school level contest, the management will have the right to choose the winner

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  1. Sonia Rawat

    When it will be organized again?

  2. Saket Singh

    When the result of this contest will declare?

  3. Priyanshi Trivedi

    How will people vote for our photos?
    When will be the results out?

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      Only eligible (grade 11/12) students of a particular school will be allowed to cast their vote for the photos of their school.

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