Silver Zone iOM 2016 International Olympiad of Mathematics

Organization : SilverZone/ Silver Zone
Olympiad Name : iOM 2016 International Olympiad of Mathematics
Applicable For : Student who is Studying Mathematics as their subject in the school.
Olympiad Dates : 16th November 2016 & 6th December 2016
Registration Last Date : 30th September 2016

Website :
Registration Form :

International Olympiad of Mathematics:

The International Olympiad of Mathematics (iOM), a test of competence and knowledge in the subject of Mathematics, is held annually at the National and International levels, based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards.

Update : SilverZone iOM 2019-20 International Olympiad of Mathematics :

Detailed syllabus with sample question paper is provided along with this Information Booklet. Please refer to the books published by SilverZone for the preparation of iOM or visit iOM recommends the competition for each and every student who is Studying Mathematics as their subject in the school.

Fee Structure & Study Material:
For Schools Outside India :
The participation fee for the Olympiad is USD$8 per student.

Study Material (For Classes 1st to 12th) :
The price of Preparatory Text Book (USD$4), Sample Question Paper Booklet (USD$4) and Mathematics Olympiad Excellence Guide (USD$10) which is not included in the fee.

For Schools In India :
The participation fee for the Olympiad is Rs.120/- per student.

Study Material:
** The Study material for schools are available at discounted price. The price of Preparatory Text Book (for class 1st to 12th) (Rs.60/-), Sample Question Paper Booklet (for class 1st to 12th) (Rs.60/-) and Mathematics Olympiad Excellence Guide (for class 1st to 10th) (Rs. 200/-) is not included in the fee.
** The print price of the Preparatory Text Book is Rs. 80/-, Sample Question Paper Booklet is Rs. 80/- and Computer Olympiad Excellence Guide is Rs. 280/-.

Payment Mode:
For Payment mode in India and Aborad, please refer to the ‘School Registration Form’.

Prizes For Students:

Level 3:
Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA.

Level 2:
** Olympiad 1st rank holder of 12th will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- with a Winner’s Trophy and Olympiad 1st rank holder of 11th will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- with a Winner’s Trophy.
** 1st Olympiad rank holder from classes 1st to10th will be awarded a Tab along with a Winner’s Trophy.
** 2nd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a Digicam along with a Winner’s Trophy.
** 3rd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
** All State Rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of all classes will be awarded with exciting prizes.
** All the participants will be awarded the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

Level 1:
** 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with wrist watches.
** 11th to 25th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with exciting Gift.
** 26th to 200th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with the topper achievement certificate.
** Class Topper 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
** All the participants will be awarded the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

Important Dates:
Level 1:
** As iOM 2016 is being organized at National and International level, due to various reasons, it is not possible to conduct the olympiad on a specific single date. The Mathematics Olympiad will be conducted on 16th November 2016 and 6th December 2016. Please decide the date which is suitable to your school.
** You may opt for either 16th November 2016 or 6th December 2016 as your International Olympiad of Mathematics date. Last date of registration is 30th September 2016.
** The Result of the 1st Level will be available in the month of January 2017.

Level 2:
** The 2nd Level will be conducted in the month of Jan/Feb 2017. The Awards, prizes and certificates will be sent to the school within 3 to 4 weeks after the declaration of result at our website.
** All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC) .

Level 3:
Level 3 will be conducted in the Month of July/August 2017 at New Delhi.

The Venue of the 1st level Olympiad will be the school itself, 2nd Level will be City Centre/Your School; whereas 3rd level will be conducted at New Delhi

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 4:00 PM

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