Quality Progress 2016 Circle Team Competition : Institution of Engineers Nagpur

Organization : The Institution of Engineers Nagpur
Competition Name : Quality Circle Team Competition 2016
Registration Last Date : 30th Jan. 2016
Submission Last Date : 5th Feb. 2016

Website : http://qualityprogress.in/
Competition Ruleshttps://www.contest.net.in/uploads/8432-qpcircle16.pdf

Related: Quality Progress 2016 Kaizen/5’S Team Competition : www.contest.net.in/8434.html

Quality Circle Team Competition:

The Institution of Engineers (India) Nagpur is organizing a “Quality Circle Team Competition” on “QPRO-QC” 20th-21st February 2016 at IE(I), NLC, Nagpur. Entries are invited from the organizations for the competition.

All India Seminar On Quality Progress 2016 On 20th – 21st February 2016

The following guidelines are applicable for the Participation in the above Competition :
1. Select the teams.

2. Send the nomination of the teams along with following :
i) Name of Quality Circle Team along with names of Participating Members.
ii) Brief about the Case being presented covering Problem definition, tools used, Data Analysis and results obtained. ( Max 4 Pages ).
iii) Fee towards Participation (Rs. 2,600/- Per Member + 14% Service Tax Extra). DD / cheque to be drawn in favour of The Institution of Engineers (I), Nagpur. Kindly note the Programme is Non Residential.
iv) Case Study can be emailed to “qualityprogress2016@gmail.com” and “sqmsaccr@gmail.com”
v) The Last date for Registration is : 30th Jan. 2016 and for Submission is 5th Feb. 2016

3. Criteria for evaluations will include :
** Significance of the case problem to the organization.
** Out come / Results obtained.
**Communication Skills.
** Presentation.
**Time Management.

4. All correspondence to be made on following :
All India Seminar “Quality Progress – 2016”,
The Institution of Engineers (India),
Nagpur Local Centre,
North Ambazari Road,
Nagpur – 440 010.

0712-2556231, 2554387
: 0712-2525617, 2240012.
E-mail : nagpurlc@ieindia.org, ieingp_ngp@bsnl.in
E-mail: qualityprogress2016@gmail.com, sqmsaccr@gmail.com.

Contact Person(s) :
1) Er. Ashok Gadge Chairman – QC Competition (M) 9422864527
2) Dr. Arun Kedar Co-Chairman – QC Competition (M) 9850307840
3) Er. Vikas Dandawate Member – QC Competition (M) 9423109872
4) Er. Satish Sangamnerkar Member – QC Competition (M) 9881122822
5) Er. Santosh Shukla Member – QC Competition (M) 9823356929
6) Er. V. V. Dhawonkar Member – QC Competition (M) 9823852004


The following Guidelines are applicable for the participation in the said competition to be held on 20- 21st Feb. 2016.
1. The Case study (Quality Circle) should be for the problems solved within last two years (Not earlier than 1st Jan. 2014).
2. Enclose the certificate from respective HOD or QC Co-ordinator that results and benefits of implementation of solution are sustained.
3. We would like to draw the attention of the organisations that it is important for them to verify the technical correctness of the case study presented and whether they have been implemented in the area of work, satisfactorily.
4. Number of members presenting can be from 6 to 10 for Quality circles and one facilitator.
5. Steps taken for the case study have to be in line with enclosed evaluation criteria.
6. The case study, in hard and soft copy has to be submitted as per the circular for preevaluation. (email : qualityprogress2016@gmail.com)
7. It is expected that the performance trial of presentation of the teams are taken at their department and the teams are justified for presentation here.
8. Time allotted for the presentation is 15 minutes and 5 minutes for Questions / answers, and 2 minutes for setting.
9. In any case, Judgements from Panel of Judges will be considered as Final
10. There will be Essay Competition for individuals on relevant subjects : The topic can be the choice of the individual. Time allotted is 40 minutes only. The essay has to be written at competition venue within 1000 words, Either in Hindi, Marathi or English.
11. The Slogan Competition (within 30 words) will be conducted for individuals at the competition venue. One participant can submit max. 3 slogans either in Hindi / English / Marathi.
12. A knowledge test for the circles will be conducted in writing at the venue. The guide book will be provided before hand a the time of registration (be returned along with the answer books.)
13. The presentation will be through LCD projector & screen. Computers, LCD & relevant stationery will be provided. However Participants can bring their laptop, Pen drives, CDs etc
14. The time table will be given at Registration, 30 minutes before starting the program on 20th Feb. 2016.

This post was last modified on June 23, 2021 12:47 PM

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