DES Law 6th National Judgment Analysis Competition 2016

Organization : D.E.S. Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune
Competition Name : 6th National Judgment Analysis Competition 2016
Submission Last Date : 8th February, 2016

Website :
Competition Rules :

6th National Judgment Analysis Competition :

Date and Venue:
Qualifying Round: 12th February, 2016; D.E.S. Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune
Final Round: 13th February, 2016; Kundanmal Firodia Auditorium, F.C. College campus, Pune

Related: GNLU Essay Competition On Law & Society 2016 :

General Rules:
1. The language of the Competition shall be English.
2. The participation will be strictly individual.
3. Once the analysis is submitted, no modification in any form will be allowed.
4. Identity of the institution shall not be revealed anywhere in the paper. If this rule is violated, the participant will be disqualified
5. Dress Code: Suitable formal attire and the participant must carry valid I-card issued by his/her college.

Case & Structure:
Cases For The Competition:
1. Sidhartha Vashisht Alias Manu Sharma v. State (NCT of Delhi)
2. Yakub Abdul Razak Memon v. State of Maharashtra

Table of Contents:
1. Brief summary of facts (not exceeding 350 words)
2. Abstract of Analysis (not exceeding 350 words)
3. Analysis – (not exceeding 2500 words) excluding footnotes
Includes sub-index of sections of analysis that you have created
Mandatory sub-sections that must include
4. Conclusion
5. Index of Authorities

1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Font Size:
a. Headings: 14 Bold
b. Text: 12 with 1.5 spacing
c. Footnotes: 10 with single spacing
3. Pages must have an inch margin on sides
4. Header at the top of the page should be in italics and as follows: Case short title, Year of the case
5. Page numbering should be at the bottom, right hand corner of each page, preceded by a footer in italics at the bottom left
6. Footnotes must be in accordance with the Harvard Blue Book Citation Method
7. The hard copy has to be submitted on typed A4 size paper, printed on both sides

** Last date for submission of soft copy(pdf/Microsoft word) –5th VISUAL PRESENTATION RULES:
** Last date for submission of hard copy – 8 February, 2016

** Accommodation shall be provided on prior request. :
** Colleges opting for the same shall be provided with accommodation on Thursday 11th February 2016 and Friday 12th February 2016.

** Winner – Trophy and Cash prize of Rs.10000/-
** 1st Runner up – Trophy and Cash prize of Rs.7000/-
** 2nd Runner up – Trophy and Cash prize of Rs.5000/-
** Best Written Submission – Trophy and Cash prize of Rs.3000/-

** The Registration form should be sent along with a demand draft in the name of “DES Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College”
** Once the Registration amount is paid No Refund shall be given for the same.
** For Judgment Analysis Competition : Rs.600/- (For Students)
** For National Seminar : Rs.600/-(For Students)
** For National Seminar : Rs.1200 (Professionals & Faculty)

The Registration form should duly filled should reach us by 5th February 2016, by 3.00 pm on the following address:
D.E.S.’s Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College,
Gate No:3, Fergusson College Campus,
Fergusson College Road,Pune: 411004.

Can be emailed to

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