digitalindia.gov.in Digital Wellness Online Quiz Challenge 2015 : India

Organization : Digital India
Competition Name : Digital Wellness Online Challenge 2015
Applicable State : All India
Event Date : 1st July – 17th July 2015

Notification : www.contest.net.in/uploads/875Information-Manual-DWOC.pdf

Digital Wellness Online Challenge :

** Digital Wellness Online Challenge (DWOC) is an online quiz to be implemented all across the country with the aim of spreading awareness and to popularise the concept of digital wellness – cyber safety among students.

Related :
Reynolds Online Quiz Contest 2015 : www.contest.net.in/1326.html

** It is one of the many initiatives being implemented during the Digital Week (1st – 17th July’15) by National e- Governance Division, Ministry of IT & Communications, Government of India
** This online quiz is open for all children of our country from grades/classes 6th – 12th
** The entire process is online and automated. The results will be declared one day after the Digital Week finishes.
** There will be 4 winners from each state and Union Territory. All the winners may be invited to come for the
** National event and will have to be escorted by a teacher. The accompanying teacher will be decided by the State education departments.

Steps to take the Online Quiz :
** Student to fill in all the details on the Log in Page & submit.
** After submission the next page will open up.
** This will show the student ID.
** Students should note this ID for future reference and then click on Start Quiz.
** The new page will open up with the first question and four answers in a Multiple Choice Question format.
** The student can select any of the options.
** Depending upon the option chosen, a message will appear on the screen for the student telling him/her the correct answer.
** Once he clicks “next” -the next page will open with the next question. This will continue till all the 10 questions have been answered.
** After finishing the 10 questions the screen will show the result of the test; if the student scores less than 10 then an option for a certificate of participation to be printed and/ or downloaded to be printed later would appear on the screen.
** If the student scores full marks – 10/10 then he/she will see a new page with one qualitative question.
** After filling in the answer and submitting it then an option for a certificate to be printed and/ or downloaded to be printed later would appear on the screen.

Roles & Responsibilities :
State Education Secretaries :
** Popularise the Digital Wellness Online Challenge in the State to all schools
** Issue instructions to school education departments and district education departments etc.
** so that schools can create time and access to infrastructure to allow all children from class 6 to class 12 to participate in the Online Quiz from 01 July to 17 July’2015
** All results will be declared through an automated process, but In case of any conflicts help resolve the same at the state level through an Independent State Review Committee.
** This committee would have State education Secretary as the chairperson and s/he may select 2-4 members from within the state to help with decisions
** Once the 4 winners have been selected through an online automated system, state education department to help in ensuring that the selected students travel to the national event with one adult escort who would accompany the students to the national event held for celebrating DWOC

School Administrators :
** Ensure the teachers arrange for time slots in the computer labs and schedule all children to
** participate in DWOC
** Ensure the computer labs are available and in working condition for students to participate in DWOC

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 11:56 AM

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