All India Environmental Journalism Competition 2015 : Sanctuary Asia

Organization : Sanctuary Asia
Competition Name : All India Environmental Journalism Competition 2015
Applicable State : All India
Event Last Date : August 15, 2015

Website :

Event details:
Last Date:
** The last date for submitting entries is August 15, 2015 (midnight Indian Standard Time).
** Winners will be notified by the end of September 2015.
** The decision of the jury will be final.

Method of submission :
** To submit the entry the participant should visit the GIZ-IGEP webpage.
** Once the participant accepts the terms and conditions by clicking on the “I accept” button, s/he will be able to upload the entry or provide the respective link.
** We recommend that the participant uses Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox as Google Chrome user may find some difficulty.
** For any questions, please write to

About the event:
** The entries should focus on urban and industrial issues of environmental protection and management.
** Entries related to water, waste and wastewater – and presenting positive examples, possibilities and solutions – are encouraged.
** Taking into account, the renewed focused of Government of India on initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) and Clean Ganga Mission, we encourage stories linked to these initiatives.
** All entries must be clearly associated to India.

Eligibility Conditions:
1. The entries should have been published/ broadcast between April 15, 2015 and August 15, 2015.
2. Entries are invited under print, internet and video categories.
3. Entries can be in any language. Entries in languages other than English should be accompanied by an English summary of about 500 words.
4. The entries should not have been awarded by any other competition or institution before.
5. The quality of work must be in line with journalism ethics and standards.
6. This competition is open to each and every person except employees of GIZ, ICLEI, the Asian College of Journalism, The Third Pole, IFAT India and DW Akademie and their families or anyone else associated with the organisation of this competition.
7. The participants can be of any nationality and reporting from any location in the world – as long as the focus of the entry is India.
8. In case a winning report is by more than one participants, the prize will be shared equally among them.
9. Participants should submit only one entry per category.
10. Participants must warrant that the medium they are submitting is their own work and that they own the copyright for it.
11. Copyright for all entries submitted for this competition remains with the respective participants. However, by sending their entries, each participant grants a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual licence to the organisers to feature any or all of the submitted reports in any of their publications, their websites and/or in any promotional material connected to this competition.
12. Short-listed applicants will be asked to submit an endorsement letter from the editor/news editor of the media house in which the respective report has been published. Reports published in personal web-blogs are not eligible.

Awards :
** There will be a first and second prize in each of the three categories – print, internet, and video.
** The first prize in each category is Rs 50,000 and the second prize Rs 30,000.
** The jury reserves the right not to award a prize in any category if none of the entries is up to the mark.
** The award ceremony will be held in Mumbai on October 13, 2015 as part of the IFAT fair, India’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, refuse and recycling, where GIZ is the knowledge partner.
** The six-member jury will consist of journalists, technical experts and representatives of the organising institutions.

Juries :
1. One well known independent journalist
2. One representative of GIZ
3. One representative of ICLEI
4. One representative of ACJ
5. One representative of The Third Pole
6. One representative of the Deutsche Welle Akademie

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