IIMT India VERNAL 2016 Youth Basant Festival

Organization : IIMT Engineering College
Competition Name : VERNAL 2016 Youth Basant Festival
Audition Date : 26/02/16

Website : http://iimtindia.net/
Competition Rules https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/9112-vernal.pdf


Entry Fees: Rs. 250/- Per Participant + Food (@ Rs.30/- per diet)

Related:  PIMR  Indore MANTHAN Competition : www.contest.net.in/2559.html

Important points to be taken care:
1. Entry fees can be paid either by Demand Draft in favour of “IIMT Engineering College” payable at Meerut or by Cash.
2. One Coordinator/Faculty is required to come with the participants.
3. Attach separate Sheet containing Name, course and contact no of the participants.
4. Participants must carry their Identity cards as well as authority letter provided by their institute/College, failing to do so will not be permitted to take part in the festival.
5. Accomodation will be given on “First come first serve “ basis.

Cultural Events:
Battle of Bands:
** Interested performers must send their demo tracks in the form of digital mp3’s by 20th February (by 5:00pm) to vernal@iimtindia.net.
** The tracks submitted will be reviewed .
** The round of performances held on the day of the event is the final performance round. There will not be a second round after the event.
** Each bands shall have 15 minutes. The 15 minutes is inclusive of the time of performance alone. An extra 5-7 minutes will be given to the band to set up their equipment.
** There should not be any socially unacceptable lyrics . Failure to abide by this rule will result in immediate disqualification.
** If all members of your band are not present backstage 30 minutes prior to the time you are assigned to perform, your act will be disqualified.

Solo Dance Competition & Group Dance Competition:
** Participants are required to give the corresponding edited songs in PENDRIVES ONLY prior to the competition.
** Props are allowed but it should not cause inconvenience to the other teams or cause damage to the stage .
** Judgement for the audition round shall not include the criteria of costumes but for further rounds the teams shall be judged on the basis of their costumes as well.
** Audition: Teams have to perform to a suitably edited part of music from their main performance. Music in elimination round has to be a part of the Final round performance. Time limit : 2 minutes.
** Finals : Teams will present their complete performances. Time limit: 10 minutes.

Mr. & Ms.Vernal- 16:
Participant must 18 years of age or above. He/she must be a student from a college and registered with Vernal 2016.
** Participants will be judged on their ability to project their personality and project his/her views.
** Will judge by Ramp walk by participants.
** Will judge by talent show by each participant – dancing, singing, instrument or any other creative activity (2 mins maximum).
** Questions to participants by the judges.
** The top 4 participants (2:2) will be given 1 min each to speak to the audience, tell them his/her USP (unique selling point) and gather their support.
** Participants are expected to reach the venue on time.
** In all the preliminary and final rounds, the decision of the organizers and judges shall be final . No protest against any judgement shall be entertained under any circumstances.

Nukkad Natak:
** Nukkad Natak is a street-play competition .Its aim is to convey a social and political message in an entertaining environment, amidst the intimate and effective means of theatre by means of shout, chants, drums and catchy songs.
** Points will be deducted for vulgarity.
** Recorded music not allowed.
** Negative points for exceeding the time limit.
** Only Danda and Chunni can be used as props.
** Time limit:20 to 30 minutes.
** Event will be on 26th & 27th February 2016

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