Max Bupa Walk For Health 2016 Delhi Registration

Organization : Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited
Event Name : Max Bupa Walk For Health 2016 Delhi
Event Date : 14th February, 2016

Website :

Max Bupa Walk For Health :

Max Bupa Health Insurance Company is bringing to you its flagship health event: “Max Bupa Walk for Health” for the fourth consecutive year. An initiative aimed at encouraging people to walk more & bring about a positive, long term and sustainable behavioral change in their lifestyle. We feel walking is better than any other form of exercise as it is effective and simplistic.

Update : Max Bupa 2018 Walk For Health Season 6 :

We are inviting all of you, your friends and relatives to participate in this 5km or 2km walk! Can you think of a better way to spend time with your loved ones? This event will have your favourite celebrities, corporate brands and TV networks to cheer you on! We need your participation to make this event a success. Motivate yourself and come along with your friends and family to take this step towards good health!

Event Date:
The Event is scheduled to take place on 10thJanuary, 2016 in Mumbai & 14th February, 2016 in Delhi (“Cities”). Any change in the Event schedule shall be updated on the Website. BCCL reserves the right to cancel the event without any prior notification. You are requested to view the Website for such updates relating to the Event.

How to Participate:

1. Fill in the Event registration form (“Form”) and accept the terms and conditions after logging on to the Website.
2. You can register yourself and your friends, family members by filling up the said Form (“Participants”) by filling up the required details (“Entry”).
3. Participants must submit their Entries only via the ‘Application Modes’ mentioned in this Website. Entries which are incomplete, unreadable or damaged may not be considered.
4. No individual/group has been authorized to collect entry forms.
5. Information against all mandatory fields prefixed with ”*’ on the Form must be filled.
6. The Participants (in case of minor Participants, their parents/guardian) hereby declare that all information provided by them are true and complete and that they will be solely responsible for the accuracy of the said information.
7. Last date for submitting the registration Form isDay of the Walks.
8. Participation in this Event is free and no charges, fees are required to be paid by the Participant’s for participating in the Event. Provided however, Participants agree that they shall at all times bear/incur (including their participating friends, family members, colleagues etc.) travelling/transportation costs for reaching/reporting at the Event venue and such expenses shall in no event be reimbursed by either BCCL or Max Bupa.

Who can Participate:
Only the following individuals can participate in the Event:
1. Participants who are physically fit to walk and who are not restricted from doing any physical activity and have received medical clearance from a registered medical practitioner to participate in the Event;
2. *Minors need to be accompanied by a Parent at the Max Bupa Walk for Health. Minors can only participate in the 2km walk with parents.

The Event:
1. The Event in all the two Cities shall be divided into two phases, viz., (a) two (2) kilometers walk and (b) five (5) kilometers walk.
2. The Event venue and the starting and the ending points for both the phases will be communicated to the Participants by BCCL and/or Max Bupa. Refer to the website/facebook page
3. BCCL and Max Bupa reserve the right to change the Event venue at anytime and such change shall be notified as soon as reasonably practicable.
4. Participants are supposed to report at the Event venue at least one (1) hour before the starting of the Event.
5. Participants are advised to avoid bringing their vehicles as neither BCCL nor Max Bupa have arranged for any parking space at the Event venue.
6. Neither BCCL nor Max Bupa shall be responsible for any of the Participants’ belongings. Baggage counters have not been provided at the Event venue and thus, Participants are advised to carry minimum required belongings.
7. Participants agree that BCCL and Max Bupa reserve the right to restrict their entry at the Event venue at any time.
8. Participants shall at all times carry their identity cards duly recognized by the Government of India.

This post was last modified on February 20, 2021 12:18 PM

Categories: Sports/Matches

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