Zoom Car En Route To Love Contest 2016 Bangalore

Organization : Zoomcar
Competition Name : En Route To Love Contest 2016
Applicable For : Bangalore Customers
Competition Last Date : 10th Feb, 2016

Website : http://www.zoomcar.com/blog/zoomcar-presents-en-route-to-love/

En Route To Love :

Are you geared up for this Valentines Day? The season of love is upon us all and we at Zoomcar have got the perfect trip planned for you.

Related : Zoomcar Great Self Drive Contest/Carnival : www.contest.net.in/2595.html

How To Avail:
All you need to do is to write why you love Zoomcar within 15 words on Zoomcar Facebook page. The most creative answer will win a free weekend stay at the magnificent The Serai Bandipur! Not just that, you get to Zoom around in a Mercedes for the entire trip.

Contest closes on 10th Feb. The contest is applicable only for Bangalore customers.

General Terms and Conditions:

1. Winners of the offer would be announced on 11th February 2016. Winners will be communicated through Facebook Post, E-mail or any other viable electronic communication medium as per the discretion of Zoomcar.
2. A customer who has uploaded multiple pics during the campaign period will be eligible for gratification only once.
3. All Customer Queries/dispute on the offer should be raised during the offer period or before 20th February 2016.
4. Period of gratification: Post the announcement of winners, the means for redemption of respective rewards will be shared with the winners within 2 working days
5. Zoomcar employees, partners or affiliates will not be eligible for the offer.
6. The offer is not transferable, non-negotiable and cannot be encashed.
7. Incomplete / rejected / invalid / returned /disputed or unauthorized/fraudulent transactions will not be considered for the offer
8. Zoomcar will not be responsible or liable in case the offer is not configured or could not be availed due to malfunction, delay, traffic congestion on any telephone network or line, computer on-line system, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, or website
9. The participation in the offer is entirely voluntary and it is understood, that the participation by the Customers shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis.
10. Zoomcar reserves the right to modify / alter all or any of the terms applicable to the offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Zoomcar also reserves the right to discontinue the offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
11. In case of all matters relating to the offer including any dispute or discrepancy relating to the offer or eligibility of any Customer, Zoomcar’s decision shall be final and binding on Customers in all respects.
12. Zoomcar holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the gratifications offered by the Merchants. Any dispute or claim regarding the goods and services must be resolved by the customer with the Merchant directly without any reference to Zoomcar.
13. Zoomcar shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/ damage/ claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods/ services availed of by the Customer/s under the offer.
14. Neither Zoomcar nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates assumes any responsibility for the products & services offered or the gratifications provided by Merchants. The products and services sold or licensed or provided by merchants and the promoters accept no liability whatsoever in connection with the products and services
15. Merchant & Zoomcar reserves the right to alter the terms of the offer including but not limited to validity, threshold amount and applicability, without prior notice and / or without assigning any reasons, thereof.
16. Zoomcar reserves the right to disqualify any customer from the benefits of the offer if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the offer or any other reason whatsoever.
17. All taxes, duties, levies or other statutory dues and charges payable in connection with the benefits accruing under the offer shall be borne solely by the customer and Zoomcar will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any such taxes, duties, levies or other statutory dues.
18. The terms and conditions governing the offer shall be in addition to and not in substitution / derogation to the Primary Terms and Conditions governing the members of Zoomcar.
19. The offer is not available wherever prohibited and products/ services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever.
20. Any person taking the advantage of this offer shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 4:18 PM

Tags: zoomcar.com
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