Art Splash 2015 Drawing & Painting Competition Chennai : Global Achievers Foundation

Organization : Global Achievers Foundation
Competition Name : Art Splash 2015 Drawing & Painting Competition
Applicable Age: 2-25 Years
Applicable State : Tamil Nadu
Registration Last Date : 22/06/2015

Website :
Rules :
Download Registration Form:

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Art Splash 2015 Drawing & Painting Competition :

Global Achievers foundation organizes state level drawing & painting competition to raise fund to help the poor students and do many social services in the society.

Competition Date: 28/06/2015

We have arranged various state level & national level competitions like yoga, spell bee, chess, dance, singing, fancy dress, sloka, & talent exam etc. Through these events we also enhance talented but poor people in society. We create great opportunity and platform for achievers in all art of the world. All our success accomplished by our supporting parents, volunteers and sponsors.

The fund of these events will be utilized for the development of the education of the poor students & many social causes by Global Educational, Cultural & Charitable Trust.


Common,Children,Festival,Animal,Religion, School, Famous Place(Pencil shading), Water Painting- Social awareness, Oil Painting- Nature


Assured Prizes & Certificate For All

Ravi Varma Award For Winners

Registration Last Date : 22/06/2015

Registration Fee:
RS.200/Theme & Rs.500 for champion round
Rs.300/Theme & Rs.600 for champion round on the spot

Competition Venue:
Global School of Yoga,
No:1B,South Mada Street,
(Near Maruti Theatre)

Membership & Privilege For Global Educational, Cultural & Charitable Trust:
** To become a member of trust to avail all privileges, we request you to pay Rs.5000 for association membership fee. Yearly and you will be honored.
** All individuals, volunteers, sponsors etc. could be eligible for association.
** All members of association would be encouraged to do social service across the globe & get monetary benefits from us.

General Rules & Regulations:

Registration & Payment:
** Participants shall enroll their name through online after payment by direct deposit/Net banking or can pay directly at our various premises. our bank details: GLOBAL SCHOOL, Account No. 34478672104, Bank NAME: SBI Bank, Branch: SME Padi,Chennai-50, Account type: Current Account, IFSC code: SBIN0004032 on or before 22th June 2015.
** All Cards (Credit & Debit) are accepted on Spot Registration.
** You can also send D.D/CHEQUE with filled registration form to our office for the name of GLOBAL SCHOOL payable at chennai.
** All registered participants will receive enrollment number which is your proof of participation. Participants can participate more than one event and category by paying Reg.fee Rs.200 per event/category and Rs.500 for champion round.
** If spot registration you must pay Rs.100/theme extra and Rs.200 extra for champion round.
** Reg.fee can also be directly collected at your premises/schools for bulk entries.
** Participants can bring any age identification proof, must show to organizer if needed or doubted and age will be determined from 28/06/2015.
** would be same for participants who participate more than one theme.
** Our members can avail fee waiver Rs.50 per theme & Rs.100 for champion round(not for spot entry).
** Those who want to become member to get fee waiver should pay Rs.500 valid for 3yrs.

Dos and Don’ts:
** Participants should manage to bring all related things like pencil, eraser, crayons, colors ,paints, brush, writing pad and others.
** Marks will be deducted from original score if the participants fail to complete drawing, painting & theme.
** The given time for all events should not exceed and theme must apt relevantly for drawing & painting.
** For drawing events, A3 size picture (below 6 yrs) and A3 sheet (6-25yrs.) will be given.

Drawing scores are obtained by following ways
a) Finishing
b) Selection of Colors
c) imagination
d) Contrast
e) Creativity
f) Neatness
g) presentation

** Participants should use paints only for painting theme not for drawings. They can use pencil shading, crayons, sketches, colors, oil pastels for drawings.
** But they can use anything for champion round.
** All decorative things are allowed for drawing & painting
** Drawings & Paintings won’t be given to participants.
** Be on time late comers will not be allowed strictly.
** Drug or alcoholic beverage must not be used and smoking is prohibited for participants & parents before/during the events.


** Prizes will be distributed at the end of the each theme.
** All participants will be awarded with certificates & medals. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place from each category will be awarded with trophy and certificates 4th &5th place are considered for more entries.
** “RAVI VARMA AWARD” is awarded for winner who will receive any three prizes (1st, 2nd& 3rd) over all in different themes.
** “CHAMPION AWARD” is awarded for winners who will win 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in champion round.
** Special trophy will be given for participants who participate 5 themes or more.
** Participants are requested to collect directly their certificates, medals & trophies at our office in case of some reasons by them or by us after the competition.
** Male & female category is not applicable.

Stalls & Food Court:

** Food court is available for participants, visitors & parents.
** Any kind of Non-vegetarian foods are not allowed in the venue.
** We won’t provide free breakfast & lunch for participants.
** Those who want to put their stalls & games Etc. should pay Rs.1000 as installation fee.

Cancellation & Authority:

** Global Achievers Foundation reserves the right to admit or refuse an entry without assigning any reason there of and also cancel/alter any modifications on all events.
** Judges/Organizer’s decision is final and binding on all participants.
** The allotted time for every event may vary more or less depending upon any reasons.
** Registration fee will be refundable only if Global Achievers Foundation cancels the events due to unavoidable circumstance.
** No argument, disturbance & quarrel by participants are entertained and all participants are abided by our all rules and regulations.
** All legal proceedings regarding events will be done within Chennai.

This post was last modified on June 16, 2021 1:19 PM

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