MyGov Name, Logo & Tagline Design Contest For DGS&D 2016

Organization : Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D)
Competition Name : MyGov Name, Logo & Tagline Design Contest For DGS&D 2016
Applicable To : All Citizens of India Only
Competition Last Date : 9th March, 2016

Website : https://mygov.in/task/name-logo-and-tagline-design-contest-dgsd/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/9353-Terms.pdf
Technical Parameters : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/9353-Tech.pdf

Name, Logo & Tagline Design Contest For DGS&D :

Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) is a Central Purchase and Quality Assurance Organization of Government of India and presently rendering procurement services to Government by concluding Rate Contracts (RC) for common user items.

Related : MyGov Design a Logo for Vindhya Mahotsava Rewa 2016 : www.contest.net.in/8656.html

Topic For The Contest:
In this regard, DGS&D is seeking a new Name, Logo and Tagline which will indicate the new role of DGS&D as a facilitator ensuring speed, ease, low cost and efficiency in Government procurement of various common user items and service.

Terms & Conditions:
** The Competition is open to all citizens of India only.
** All entries must be submitted to the creative corner section of mygov.in. Entries submitted through any other medium/ mode would not be considered for evaluation.
** The winning design of the logo, and name and tagline would be the intellectual property of the Government of India and the winner cannot exercise any right over it, after acceptance of the prize. The prize winning logo and name & tagline is meant to be used by Government of India for promotional and display purposes, IEC materials and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative.
** The logo and name & tagline must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
** Multiple submissions of either logo or name or tagline by the same participant would not be considered; however, a participant may submit an entry for either logo or name or tagline or all three.
** The participant must be the same person who has designed the logo/tagline and plagiarism would not be allowed.
** Please note that the logo design and tagline of the program must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
** Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the competition. Government of India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
** The employees of DGS&D as well as their family members are not allowed to take part in this competition.
** Participant is to make sure that his/her MyGov profile is accurate and updated since DGS&D would be using this for further communication. This includes details such as name, photo and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
** Participants need to submit their entry separately for each Contest (i.e. logo design, name & tagline).
** The last date for submission is midnight of 9th March, 2016.

Technical Parameters:

** Participants should upload the logo in JPEG / PNG / SVG format only.
** The logo should be designed on a digital platform. The winner of the competition shall be required to submit the design in an editable and open file format.
** Participants should not imprint or watermark logo design.
** A small description should be provided to explain the concept.
** Logo should be designed in colour. The size of the logo may vary from 4 cms X 4 cms to 60 cms X 60 cms.
** The logo should be usable on the website/social media such as Twitter/Facebook and on printed material such as b/w press releases, stationery and signage.

Name & Tagline:
** Participants should upload the Name & Tagline in MS Word/ PDF format only.
** The Name & Tagline should be catchy and should not be more than one line (Max 10 words)

Evaluation Criteria:
All the entries received by DGS&D would be assessed for award by the Selection Committee.
1. Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate the theme of the scheme.
2. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants for any or their decisions.
3. The disqualified entries shall not be used by DGS&D for any purpose and DGS&D shall have no intellectual rights over the same.
4. Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/ its entries/ winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of Delhi State.
5. The competition shall be closed on 9th March, 2016.
6. There would be three winners pertaining to each contest viz. Name, Logo & Tagline.
7. Each winner would be given a prize of Rs.5,000/-.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 7:43 PM

Tags: mygov.in
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