Zee Cinema Cine Awards 2016 Contest

Organization : Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
Competition Name : Zee Cinema – Zee Cine Awards 2016 Contest
Competition Last Date : February 11, 2016

Website : http://www.zeecineawards.com/
Participate Now : https://www.facebook.com/ZeeCinemaChannel/
Contest T&C : https://www.facebook.com/ZeeCinemaChannel/

Zee Cine Awards Contest :

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (“ZEE”) is conducting the “Zee Cine Awards 2016 Contest” (the “Contest”), whereby a total of eighteen (18) lucky winners (the “Winner/s”) will receive couple passes to be a part of the ‘Zee Cine Awards 2016 Live Event’ (the “Event”) to be held in Mumbai on February 20, 2016 (the “Event Date”) and which Event shall be aired on the ‘Zee Cinema’ channel (the “Channel”).

Related / Similar Contest : Zee Cine Awards 2018 Voting

The Contest shall be conducted, by ZEE, simultaneously on social media and on-air platforms. The Contest shall commence from February 08, 2016 till February 11, 2016 (the “Contest Dates”).

Terms & Conditions:

1. The Contest questions shall be asked on two (2) media platforms i.e., on-air (the “On-Air Contest”), as specified in Clause 2 below and social media (the “Social Media Contest”), as specified in Clause 3 below, on the Contest Dates. The Winners shall be eligible to attend the Event on the Event Date. Each of the eighteen (18) Winners will receive couple passes (the “Event Pass(es)”) to the Event.

2. On-Air Contest :
a) For the On-Air Contest, participants shall be asked a total of four (4) questions, of which one (1) question each shall be asked during telecast of one (1) movie, to be aired on the Channel, at 8:00 pm on each of the Contest Dates. The Contest shall be open from 8:00 pm, on each of the Contest Dates and continue till 12 noon the next date (the “Contest Period”).

Each question shall have two (2) options whereby any one (1) option shall be the correct answer. The participant(s) (the “Participant/s”) shall be required to choose and submit the correct answers to each of the four (4) questions during the Contest Period, to be eligible for the Event Passes.

The Participant(s) shall select any one of the options as the Participant’s choice and submit such option through Short Code (defined below). Only correct entries received during the Contest Period shall be eligible for the Contest. Participant(s) must answer the questions correctly as asked during the Contest Period so as to further progress in the Contest.

b) Each Participant must send an entry through SMS on the short code 57575 (“Short Code”) by indicating the option chosen by the Participant, in the following manner – “AWARDS<(A / B)><Your name><Your City>”. Premium rates shall apply for sending a message on the Short Code.

Please check with your telecom operator for tariff rates before participating. Participants shall receive an automated message from ZEE as an acknowledgement of receipt of the Participant’s SMS. However, such automated message shall not be construed as a confirmation of Participant’s selection as a winner of the Contest.

c) From the list of correct entries, received on the Contest Dates, eight (8) Winners shall be cumulatively selected through the randomizer application/process.

3. Social Media Contest:
a) ZEE shall conduct the Social Media Contest, on the Contest Dates, where by ten (10) Winners shall be selected, who shall be provided with the Event Passes. This Contest shall be limited to Facebook at facebook.com/ZEECinemaChannel and Twitter at twitter.com/zeecinema, in the manner as provided below:

(i) Facebook – On each day of the Contest Dates, the Participant(s) shall be required to visit the Zee Cinema Facebook page at the link mentioned hereinabove, and guess the names of six (6) nominees in each awards category, for the Event. The nominees shall be depicted in the form of incomplete images.

Upon guessing the names of all the nominees, on each day of the Contest Dates, the Participant(s) shall be required to log onto zeecineawards.com/vote and cast their vote for the nominee of their choice. Once they have voted, the Participant(s) must click on the Facebook ‘share’ tab, to announce that they have voted and must also ensure that ‘Zee Cinema’ is tagged in the post.

(ii) Twitter – On each day of the Contest Dates, the Participant(s) shall be required to visit the Zee Cinema Twitter page at the link mentioned hereinabove, where ZEE shall post two (2) trivia based questions pertaining to the nominees in certain award category(ies), for the Event. Upon answering the questions, the Participant(s) shall be required to log onto zeecineawards.com/vote and cast their vote for the nominee of their choice.

Once they have voted, the Participant(s) must click on the Twitter ‘share’ tab, to announce that they have voted and must also mention ‘@zeecinema’ in the tweet.

b) The Participants must ensure completion of the full process mentioned in Clause 3 (a)(i) or 3 (a)(ii), in order to be eligible for the Contest.

c) The top ten (10) Participants on each of the Facebook and the Twitter pages, shall be selected using the randomizer algorithm. Five (5) Winners shall be selected from Facebook and five (5) Winners shall be selected from Twitter.

4. Winners will be announced on the Channel, via astons and on the Channel’s social media pages, specified above, on the Announcement Dates (defined below). Decision of ZEE in all matters pertaining to the Contest and Winners of the Contest shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Announcement of Winners shall be conducted on February 15, 2016 (the “Announcement Date”).

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:53 PM

Categories: Zee Awards

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