Educational Initiatives EI India ASSET Talent Search Test Results 2016

Organization : Educational Initiatives
Announcement : ASSET Talent Search Test Results 2016

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EI India ASSET Result

ASSET Talent Search is a talent identification program created with the objective of recognizing and acknowledging academically talented students from grades VII and VIII. The talent program focuses on providing such students a platform where they can showcase their natural abilities and helps them to further hone their true potential.

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Awards & Recognition

Category Prize
English Subject Topper for classes 3-10 A Trophy and a Certificate
Maths Subject Topper for classes 3-10 A Trophy and a Certificate
Science Subject Topper for classes 3-10 A Trophy and a Certificate
Social Studies Topper for classes 5-10 A Trophy and a Certificate
Hindi Topper for classes 4-8 A Trophy and a Certificate
Each subject Top 1% Students A Certificate of Outstanding Performance
Overall Top 1% Students A Certificate of Outstanding Performance
Overall Next 5% Students A Certificate of Distinguished Performance
Overall Next 10% Students A Certificate of Creditable Performance

Reports & Analysis

** Report cards in school usually only provide the marks and any inconsistency indicates that the student has gone wrong. However, neither the student nor the teacher can pin-point the root cause behind the irregularity in performance, which hinders further improvement.

** ASSET believes in continuous improvement by solving the core problems. With ASSET, the evaluation is presented in the form of a detailed report for both students as well as teachers. The comprehensive analysis has a simple, easy-to-understand format and provides relevant information on the growth of the students.

For Students – Asset Student Mybook

** Students are extremely grade-oriented in their development through schools due to the fear of being reprimanded by their parents and teachers. However, this does not help them in their progress as they are simply not aware of the root cause behind the gaps in learning.

** The ASSET Student MyBook presents students with customized feedback on their performance. Individual test results are accompanied by a detailed analysis listing out students’ strengths and weaknesses. Students also receive practice tests concentrating on their weak points. The answers to the tests are made available, with elaborate explanations, to enhance the self-learning process and to equip students with skills to avoid misconceptions in future.

For Teachers -Asset Teacher Mybook

** Teachers can mark students on their performance; however, they often cannot point out the precise limitations in students’ learning.
** The ASSET Teacher MyBook is a customized report for each subject teacher on the performance of every class. It points out learning gaps for each student, overall strengths and weaknesses and recommendations to address these.

For Schools – Asset Management Report

** ASSET provides a bird’s eye view of the entire school’s performance and the positive attributes as well as areas which need to be worked on.
** The customized report helps in determining the strengths and weaknesses of the entire class to enable further improvement, indicates the improvement in the school performance each year, provides sectional analysis of each division of a grade in order to weigh the performance in comparison to other divisions in the same school as well as nationally.
** It also generates class-wise reports for each student in individual subjects and identifies the 3 questions that the students found most difficult to attempt as well as the ones they found simple to crack.
** The Year-on-Year Analysis in the report shows whether the school’s performance has improved over the years.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:21 PM

Categories: Result/Winners

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