Mygov Competition For Name & Logo For CSC Scheme 2016

Organization : CSC-SPV
Competition Name : Competition For Name & Logo For CSC Scheme
Applicable For : Indian Residents
Competition Last Date : Mar-21-2016
Win/Prize : Rs. 50,000

Website :

Background on Common Service Center (CSC) Scheme :

Set up under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) formulated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India, the Common Services Centers (CSCs) are ICT enabled front-end service delivery points at the village level for delivery of Government, Financial, Social and Private Sector services in the areas of agriculture, health, education, entertainment, FMCG products, banking, insurance, pension, utility payments, etc.

Related :  MyGov Design Logo For HSHDB Contest :

** The Scheme is being implemented in a public private partnership (PPP) framework with a focus on rural entrepreneurship & market mechanisms. The CSCs have been set up by implementation partners called as Service Centre Agencies (SCA), who are appointed by State Designated Agencies (SDAs) through a transparent bid process.

** The CSCs are operated and managed by Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) who are appointed by the SCAs. Further it is being proposed to set up one CSC in every panchayat to take public services closer to Citizen’s doorstep.

Why a new Name and Logo for CSC?:
** At present all State Governments have different names and logos for their Common service centers. For instance, Jharkhand calls its CSC – Pragya Kendra, Gujarat by the name of e-Gram. CSC SPV is declaring an open contest to design a Name (for Common Service Center) and Logo which captures the essence of the mission and purpose of the CSC Scheme.

** As mentioned above, wide range of services are being delivered through CSCs with the aim of taking ICT closer to the residents of rural India. Given the critical nature of the CSC project and its far reaching impact on the lives of every Indian resident, it is imperative that the powerful idea behind the project gets communicated to its recipients in a way that is motivating.

** By branding the project we are in effect placing the residents at the heart of our efforts and acknowledging that everything we do is eventually for their benefit. A Name and Logo can then be thought of as a visual shortcut that communicates what the brand stands for.  CSC-SPV invites proposals from the public to create a brand for the CSC Scheme (Name, and Logo).

The entry selected would carry a cash prize of Rs. 50,000 to the winner. Consolation prizes of Rs. 5,000 would be provided to three participants.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 7:43 PM

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