Colors TV Golden Petal Awards Voting/Poll 2016

Organization : Viacom 18 Media Pvt. Ltd
Service Name : Colors Golden Petal Awards Voting/Poll 2016
Applicable For : Viewers
Applicable Countries : India, USA,UK, Europe & Middle East Countries Including UAE
Last Date For Voting: 29th February, 2016

Vote Here :
Voting T&C

Colors Golden Petal Awards Voting :

This Voting Rules And Regulations consisting of the Principal Voting Rules and Regulations and General Rules shall be binding on each individual, who participates in Voting Activity by casting his/her vote, to vote, for the shortlisted Nominee for the Golden Petal Awards program/event of Viacom18 Media Private Limited

Update : Colors Golden Petal Awards Voting Poll 2019 :

Principal Voting Rules & Regulations:

1. Through the Poll the viewers will have an opportunity to cast their vote for their favorite shows/actors/judges on the Channels (“Nominee”) who they wish to be declared as winner of that particular category. The Nominee who receives the maximum number of votes from the viewers, will win the Award for that particular category.

2. The Channel will telecast on-air promos wherein the viewer(s) will be asked to vote for one of their favorite Nominee in the following categories:
A. Best Show
B. Best Actor
C. Best Actress
D. Best Rising Star (Best Debut)
E. Favorite Child Artiste
F. Favorite Jodi

The above shall hereinafter be referred to as “Category(ies)”. The Channel at its sole discretion may add or remove any particular Category of nomination.

3. The Poll will start from 14th February, 2016 at 00:00 hrs and end on 29th February, 2016 at 23:59 hrs (‘Voting Period’).
4. The viewers interested in casting their votes in the Poll can go to “” (“Website”) and participate by logging by using either his/her Facebook or Twitter or Yahoo or Gmail login or’s user and email ID The above mechanism shall hereinafter be referred to as “Voting Mechanism”.

5. Only viewers residing in India, United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), Europe and Middle East countries including United Arab Emirates (UAE) can participate in the Poll.
6. The votes, for each Nominee, should be sent only during the Voting Period and votes sent after the Voting Period shall not be considered and will not be a part of the total vote count.

7. A viewer interested to cast his/her vote, by using Voting Mechanism, should follow the following steps:
7.1. In order to cast their vote, the viewer needs to go to the Website and as per the details mentioned therein should login by using either his/her Facebook or Twitter or Yahoo or Gmail login or’s user and email ID.
7.2. Once the viewer successfully logs into the required page of the Website, he/she can cast his/her vote for the Nominee he/she desires for a particular Category of the Awards, as per the details mentioned on the Website and Rules and Regulations mentioned here.
7.3. The viewer will not be charged for login to the page of the Website to cast the vote, however, there will be cost levied, at the applicable rate, by the network provider for using internet connection which should be checked by the viewer at his/her sole responsibility.

8. The viewers who use the Voting Mechanism understands that as per the Rules and Regulations, the maximum number of votes that he/she can cast, for one Nominee, during the Voting Period, is limited to a maximum of 100 votes per user and e-mail id.

9. The votes sent after the first 100 votes of any user and email ID, shall not be considered and will not be a part of the total vote count. Thus, for e.g., a viewer has sent 110 votes, during the Voting Period, then the vote cast by the viewer vide his/her user and e-mail id after the 100th vote i.e. 101st to 110th during the Voting Period will not be considered and will not be a part of the total vote count.
10. The viewer will receive an acknowledgement for the vote cast by him/her in the form of a pop up window that will open up on the Website confirming the receipt of his/her vote and that the same shall be considered in counting the final vote.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 5:03 PM


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