CodeVita Season IV Coding Contest 2015 : Tata Consultancy Services

Organization : Tata Consultancy Services
Contest Name : CodeVita Season IV Coding Contest 2015
Applicable For : Coders
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : 5th August 2015

Website :
Register Here :
Contest Note:

CodeVita Programming Contest :

Sports are a great way of bringing out character of a person. A spectrum of emotions ranging from hope to despair, monotony to excitement, boring to interesting, mediocre to extraordinary performance are seen in every sport known to mankind. The purpose of sports apart from physical and mental fitness is to evoke these feelings in individuals.

TCS Campus Commune CodeVita Season VI Coding Contest 2017 :

TCS feels strongly about promoting the culture of Programming-As-A-Sport. TCS CodeVita, a programming competition, is TCS way of attracting young impressionable college students to adopt this culture and experience joy of programming.

Purpose Of TCS Codevita :
We are in era of User Generated Content (UGC). Data and technology is created at pace never experienced before. To harness the power of vast data and new technologies skilled manpower is required. Programming skills are the foundation to a fruitful career in these fields. After having run two seasons of the competition in India, CodeVita had gone Global in 2014, students from 6 Continents participated and total 1,32,066 students had registered for the contest across the globe. Its time to now expand participation in 2015. The main objective for the contest is to sharpen the contestants’ programming skills through some real-life computing practices. The contest will also
** Help TCS Spot the bright students
** Provide students an opportunity to showcase their programming talent and earn peer recognition and honour
** Provide an opportunity to showcase offerings of TCS to the academic world

Structure Of The Contest :
CodeVita is a team contest. A team must have 2 members. The contest will comprise of 3 rounds of coding. To participate in CodeVita, one needs to register the team. Both members of the team will need to register individually. The registration portal will provide necessary workflows to form the team online. Only a valid team can participate in the contest.

Registration windows have opened up in India on 7th July 2015. Registration and team formation is planned to close by 5th August 2015.

To help contestants warm up for the contest, two Practice rounds will be open to participants who have registered for the contest. The planned dates for the practice rounds are 19th July 2015 and 3rd August 2015.

Round 1:
This is the first round of the contest and will comprise of a series of real time problem statements. Apart from selection of teams for the second round, the contest will also help contestants warm up for the next round.

Round 2:
This is the final round of the contest. Top 300 or Top 5% of teams (whichever is higher) from the first round will move into this round.

Grand Finale:
To be held in one of the TCSL offices. Top 3 teams will be declared as winners of the contest.

Exciting Prizes to be won this Season:
1st Prize: USD 10,000 + Research Internship(*)+ Provisional offer (**)
2nd Prize: USD 7,000 + Research Internship (*)+ Provisional offer (**)
3rd Prize: USD 3,000 + Research Internship (*)+ Provisional offer (**)

(*)The Research Internship applies to the Winners only if they are in Final year/Third year of engineering or Final year of Science Graduation or Final year of Post-Graduation.
(**)The Provisional Offer applies to the Winners only if they are in the Final of year engineering or Final year of Science Graduation or Final year of Post-Graduation, provided the educational standards meet TCS Criteria and interest level and career aspirations of students is aligned to R&D.

Eligibility Criteria:
Coders from institutes across India are eligible for this contest. Registrations are invited from current students in under graduate/post graduate disciplines from engineering/science background with any specialization.

Registration Process :
** Students will have to Register on TCSL NexStep for taking part in the contest. A CT/DT Reference # is mandatory for participating in the contest.
** Each team can have only two members.
** After registration begins, all interested participants will be required to register for the contest on Campus Commune. Each registered participant will be receiving a unique secret code to take part in the contest. This code is of utmost importance to take part in the contest rounds and should not even be shared between team-mates The Secret code will also be a part of login credentials
** Each team should choose a team name and the team leader.
** During registration, the team leader should Nominate self as the Team Leader and also Nominate the team members. It is the responsibility of the team members to accept the nomination/invitation.
** In case a team member rejects a nomination, the Team Leader will be able to send a new request to another registered member from same institute to join the particular team.
** The team will be formed after all nominated members accept their nominations.
** The Team Leader of each legitimate team will be our point of contact for any further communication with respect to the contest and will be responsible for updating the respective team members.
** The team can be from the same discipline or may be inter-disciplinary.
** Team members of a particular team have to be from same college/institute.
** Team members have to remain constant throughout the contest. Swapping of participants within teams is not allowed and will lead to disqualification of the respective teams from the contest.

General Guidelines :

** The infrastructure/software(s) required for compiling code solutions shall be borne by the team or the institution they represent. TCS will not be liable for any damage to the institute’s infrastructure which may be caused by participants from the institute during the contest.
** Language compilers are open source applications that can be downloaded from the internet. Participants will need to submit the compiled solution to a problem only. For example, codes written in Java should be submitted in .java format
** CodeVita platform supports coding in 10 languages. Language names and supported compiler / interpreter versions are mentioned in table below. Language Compiler Version Java Oracle jdk 1.7 C gcc 4.1.2 C++ g++ 4.1.2 C# mono 3.2 Perl 5.10.1 Python 3.4 Ruby 2.2 JavaScript Google D8 Engine version 3.14 PHP 5.3 Julia 0.3.6
** Coding Guidelines will be provided as separate document. It will include information on scoring and ranking of teams in different rounds, list of URLs from which compilers and IDEs can be downloaded.

Terms And Conditions :
By entering the contest, each team and its members thereof confirms and agrees to the following terms and conditions:
** The team and its members thereof acknowledges that the solution submitted will be an original work created solely by the team, and that the solution does not infringe on copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the solution.
** The application must not contain content where any person/s would be required to undertake actions that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, violent, hateful, tortuous, defamatory, slanderous; that promotes racism or hatred against any group or individual or that promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; or that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations in the state or province where the application is developed.
** The team and its members thereof is the sole author of the solution and that it is the team’s original work.
** The team and its members thereof have not licensed or disposed of any rights in the solution that would conflict with any of TCS use (if any).
** Participants who have submitted their solution are either the copyright owners of the component parts of that work or are posting the work under license from a copyright owner or otherwise as permitted by law. TCS does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you.
** For the sole purpose of enabling us to make your solution available through our portal you grant TCS a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, re-format, store, prepare derivative works based on, and publicly display your content. You agree not to distribute any part of the portal other than your content in any medium other than as permitted in these Terms and Conditions.
** Display or publication of any entry on a TCS website does not indicate the entrant will be selected as a winner. TCS will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use.
** By entering this Contest, all entrants agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless TCS from any claims, losses, and damages arising out of their participation in this Contest or any Contest-related activities. TCS assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to Contest entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms. TCS is not responsible for any problems with or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, human errors of any kind, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrants’ or any other persons’ computers related to or resulting from participation, uploading or downloading of any materials related to in this Contest.
** TCS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel or terminate the Contest, at any time it deems fit and proper. No claims or representations shall be entertained in this regard.
** TCS reserves the right to relax any of these restrictions if permitted by law before the start of the Qualification Round.
** All contestants must have access to the Internet, a valid postal address, and a valid email address in order to enter the contest.
** TCS reserves the right to verify eligibility and to adjudicate on any dispute at any time. TCS will be the sole authority to decide the winners of the contest and decision of TCS will be final and binding on all the contestants.
** At no point of time during the contest should internal stakeholders attempt to influence the events/ flow of the contest by way of guidance, pep up/ technology/ language specific sessions for students in any institute participating for the contest. TAG teams to ensure complete compliance to all guidelines enclosed in this document.

You fully indemnify and hold us (Tata Consultancy Services Limited) harmless for and against all damages, losses, and costs that might be caused by:
(i) Your failure to comply with the terms of the above agreement
(ii) Third party claim(s) of their rights and IPR being violated / effected by your article(s) submitted to us.

This contest shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of India. In relation to any legal action or proceedings arising out of or in connection with this contest, both you and TCS irrevocably agree submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Mumbai, India.

This post was last modified on July 9, 2021 1:44 PM

Categories: Coding/Programming

View Comments (39)

  • I want to register as a new user and don't have reference id and password. Tell me to register for the very first time. I am entirely a new user.

  • I'm not able to register as the institute name I am studying is not mentioned. How do I register? Please help.

    • The contest starts for a team as soon as one member of the team starts the contest. This is the contest duration of the entire team. Ideally, both members of the team should begin the contest simultaneously for both members to get full 6 hrs

    • Your password should have
      At least 8 characters and not more than 15 characters
      Your password must include
      At least one upper case character (A-Z)
      At least one lower case character (a-z)
      At least one number (0-9)
      At least one special character out of these ( !, @, #, $, ^, &, *, ~ )
      It should not contain single quotes ( ' ), double quotes ( " ) or space characters

  • I have Registration problem in this contest link (CodeVita Season IV Coding Contest 2015)
    Can you help me?
    After all the details had given it is not moving to next page and not giving any intimation.

  • I registered for codevita and formed group also but did not get any secret code. Could you please tell me how to get that?

  • Is there any specific location for round 1 or the participants will have to upload the solution to your online server?

    • TESTimony Round 1 starts on July 23, 2015 from 12 noon to 8 p.m. The top 300 teams that submit the correct answers within the shortest possible time, along with other evaluation parameters, will move on to the next round

  • I have registered for the CodeVita and my team is formed. I am the team lead. But i didn't get any secret code which was required to be able to login to Can you just please tell me how can I find my secret code?

    • After registration begins, all interested participants will be required to register for the contest on Campus Commune. Each registered participant will be receiving a unique secret code to take part in the contest. This code is of utmost importance to take part in the contest rounds and should not even be shared between team-mates The Secret code will also be a part of login credentials

    • Round 1: This is the first round of the contest and will comprise of a series of real time problem statements. Apart from selection of teams for the second round, the contest will also help contestants warm up for the next round. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map