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zeetv.com DID Dream Team DDT Contest 2015 Dance India Dance : ZEE TV

Organisation : ZEE TV Dance India Dance
Contest : DID Dream Team (DDT) Contest 2015

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Online Registration Form : http://www.zeetv.com/shows/dance-india-dance-season-5/did-dream-team/
Home Page : http://www.zeetv.com/shows/dance-india-dance-season-5/

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Zee TV India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 2 Audition : www.contest.net.in/1804.html


How it works?
1. Log on to DID Dream Team (DDT) zeetv.com/DDT with Facebook, Twitter or with your registered email ID
2. Give a cool name to you Dream Team.

Gratification : Weekly price will be given and a grand prize awaits at the end of the season.

3. Pick 5 members form the ‘Top 15’ to create your own ‘Dream Team’ out of all available contestants. Please note that eliminated contestants will not be available for selection.
4. Teams can be selected, modified only between Mondays 11 am to Saturday 6 pm only.
5. User can choose their teams only once a week. If no changes to the teams are made in the next week then the chosen teams will be carried forward.
6. If any contestant gets eliminated from show and if the DDT user didn’t select any new contestants to fill in their team with 5 contestants then next week score will be created based on the remaining contestants in the team.

1. Weekly Leader board will available / updated every Monday evening.
2. Seasons Leaderboard will be displayed starting second week – every Monday evening.

Social Shareability:
1. Every team will have their own unique ID page URL which can be shared on social media.
1. Main Page (available on user’s registration) eg. zeetv.com/shows/did5/ddt/teamname/
2. Weekly page (available after contestants results are updated on the site) eg. zeetv.com/shows/did5/ddt/teamname/week1

DID Dream Team Scoring Mechanism

Contestants gets points basis of the followings Events Points
1 One of the masters does his signature salutation +20
2 Two of the masters does his signature salutation +40
3 All the 3 masters do their signature salutation +60
4 Only Grandmaster does his signature salutation +50
5 Performance gets signature salutation from all the masters and grand master +200
6 Wins a battle +40
7 Loses a battle -20
8 Not Selected to participate in the battle +10
8 Contestant is eliminated -100
9 Contestant is part of the immunity team +50
10 Contestant awarded with dance of the week/performance of the week +100

In case of a tie the contestant which locks his team first will be given a higher position.

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Add a Comment
  1. Anonymous

    Sunita all the best

  2. Mahesh Guru

    My favorite contestant is Jeet Das.

  3. laxmi

    I love all contests. But dance choreographer is mind blowing..

  4. sunitha

    I love all contestants in DID. I love punith sir

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