&TV So You Think You Can Dance Show Registration

Organisation : &TV
Competition Name : So You Think You Can Dance Show Registration
Applicable For : Age Between 16 and 31 Years

Online Registration Form : http://www.andtv.com/shows/so-you-think-you-can-dance/register
Website : http://www.andtv.com/tc

So You Think You Can Dance Show :

“So You Think You Can Dance” is a unique reality dance show (“Program”) being produced by ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Limited (“Company”) to be telecast primarily on the channel of the Company titled “&TV” (“Channel”).

Related : Shine of India Dance Reality Show Audition : www.contest.net.in/9956.html

By means of these terms and conditions set forth herein (“Terms and Conditions”), the Company is providing an opportunity to the interested participants to register themselves to be eligible to participate himself/herself in the preliminary auditions of the Program to be held by Endemol India Private Limited – the production house appointed by the Company (“Production House”) in various locations across India (“Location(s)”) on such date(s) as decided by the Company/Production House (“Activity”).

The registration to participate must be completed through either the (i) interactive voice response call; or (ii) the Company’s official website andtv.com (the “Entry Platform(s)”). By submitting your Entry (defined below) through any of the Entry Platforms on terms more particularly described herein below or by ticking the box on the Activity registration form (the “Form”), made available at andtv.com (the “Website”), you agree to be unconditionally bound by the Terms and Conditions as provided herein below:

Terms & Conditions :

1. In order to participate in the Activity, each interested participant (“Participant(s)”) must be between the age limit of sixteen (16) and thirty-one (31) years and shall be required to submit his/ her entry (“Entry/Entries”) in the manner specified below. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that by submitting the Entry the Participant is representing that the Entry or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sensitive personal information.

2. To submit the Entry the Participant shall be required to follow any one of the following manner:
A) Interactive Voice Response Call Entry:
(i) The interested Participant shall be required to call on the VMN number 09595539539 from the Participant’s mobile number (from any network service provider) (“IVR Call”) and choose the language of choice between English and Hindi by selecting the required key /. Thereafter, if the Participant is desirous of proceeding further then the Participant shall be required to press key / on his/her mobile handset to choose the one location for the Activity out of the Locations in the following format: “for Kolkata press key “ or “for Delhi press key ”.

(ii) Thereinafter, the Participant shall be required to correctly record in the Participant’s voice the Personal Information (as defined above) and press key on the mobile handset to successfully finish recoding the Personal Information and ending the IVR Call.

(iii) It is clarified that once all the Personal Information provided by the Participant is recorded in the IVR Call system, the Participant will hear a recorded audio message saying “Thank You for submitting your Entry” and the IVR Call will be disconnected. For the purposes of the Entry made through IVR Call a complete and valid Entry will constitute when the Participant records the correct details of the Personal Information in the correct manner on the IVR Call and presses any key to end the IVR Call.

(iv) For sake of clarity it is stated that any calls made from any public number viz. PCOs and/or STDs will not be considered valid by the IVR Call system and the same will be disqualified.
(v) Standard call rates/charges shall apply for IVR Calls. Participants must check with their respective mobile operators regarding the call charges.

B) Website Entry:
(i) To submit the Entry the interested Participant shall be required to log on to the Company’s Website and accept these Terms and Conditions as well as fill in his/her Entry by submitting/ filling/ recording correct necessary details/ information such as name, age, gender, date of birth, city, e-mail address, contact number (mobile number), profession and residential address etc. along with any other information (“collectively referred to as the “Information”) referred, in a registration form posted on the Website by the Company.

(ii) As a part of the Information submitted/uploaded online, the Participant shall be required to:
(a) select the Participant’s dance style/form from the various options provided on the Form,
(b) specify years of dance experience;
(c) state whether the Participant is a professionally trained or self-trained dancer; and
(d) provide a video link of the Participant(s) dance performance (optional).

(iii) For the purposes of the Entry made through the Website, an Entry will be considered as complete and valid only when the Participant logs onto the Website and submits the Information, filled into the Form and clicks on the “submit” button.

3. For avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that at no point of time will the Company and/or the Production House be obliged to notify the unsuccessful Participant of its decision. For the sake of clarity, mere registration for the Activity does not entitle the Participant(s) to get a chance to participate in Activity. Only the Participant (s) who have made a valid Entry and who are shortlisted and declared as the Participant based on the criterion mentioned hereinabove, by the Company at its discretion shall be entitled to get a chance to come to the Location and give an audition to be selected finally to participate in the Program.

4. In addition to submission of Entries through the Entry Platforms, the Company may be inviting the Participants for participation in the Program, through other platforms as well. The Company shall at its sole discretion, extend the participation and selection of the participants through other modes/entry platforms/manners other than the Entry Platforms.

5. Entries shall be accepted within the below mentioned timelines (the “Entry Timeline(s)”) via:
(i) the Website from February 09, 2016 at 5:00 pm and shall be open till March 20, 2016 at 11:59 pm;
(ii) the IVR Call for Kolkata is from February 23, 2016 till March 03, 2016; and
(iii) the IVR Call for Delhi is from February 23, 2016 till March 11, 2016.

Such Entry Timeline(s) may be further revised i.e., extended or reduced, at the sole discretion of the Company and the Company shall not be liable for any consequences including loss of opportunity suffered by the Participant(s) due to such revision.

6. For purposes of the Activity, “receipt” of the Entry occurs, in the following manners:
A) Interactive Voice Response Call Entry: when the IVR Call system records the Personal Information provided in the IVR Call. Any automated receipt confirmation received by the Participant would not constitute proof of actual receipt.

Website Entry: when the Website page/ server records the Personal Information submitted by the Participant by clicking “Submit” button. For sake of clarity, any automated receipt confirmation shall not constitute proof of actual receipt.

7. It is clarified that each Participant(s) shall be allowed to submit /provide only one (1) Entry from one (1) particular mobile number in case of IVR Call and one (1) registration form in one (1) name in case of Website Entry. It is clarified that submitting multiple Entries would not qualify the Participant for getting selected for the Activity and selection of the Entry entitled to get a chance to register to participate in the Activity shall be on sole discretion of the Company. Entries received after the Entry Timeline(s) shall be considered null and void.

8. The Company shall not be responsible for any Entries submitted by the Participant but not received or recorded due to any reason whatsoever including but not limited to technical disruption and/or network provider’s connection failure and/or electricity failure and/or any reason whatsoever.

9. The Participants shall ensure that the Entry submitted is decent, in compliance with applicable laws, and is not immoral, defamatory, abusive, offensive, insensitive, libelous or blasphemous to any person, religious sect or section of the society, or infringe the rights of any third party including intellectual property etc. Participants shall not host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information that —

(a) belongs to another person and to which the user does not have any right;
(b) is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;
(c) harm minors in any way;
(d) infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;
(e) violates any law for the time being in force;
(f) deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
(g) impersonate another person;
(h) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;
(i) threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation. For avoidance of doubt, any the Participant who submits any content which may not be in consonance with applicable law shall be immediately disqualified from any further participation.

10. All the shortlisted Participant(s) shall be informed by the Company and/or the Production House and/or the authorized agency/representative on the process required to be adhered by the Participant(s) including any documents that will be required to be carried along for the Activity by the Participants. The documents shall include the original copies of their age proof, residence proof and their nationality proof (i.e., driving license, pan card, passport, election card, electricity bill, ration card) (“Documents”).

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:57 PM

Categories: Television/TV
Tags: andtv.com
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