Zee TV India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 2 Voting People’s Choice Award

Channel Name : Zee TV
Competition Name : India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 2 Voting
Applicable For : Indian Viewers
Applicable Country: India
Last Date For Voting : February 28th, 2016

Vote Now http://www.zeetv.com/shows/indias-best-dramebaaz-season-2/voting/
Voting Rules: http://www.zeetv.com/shows/indias-best-dramebaaz-season-2/voting/terms.html

Voting for People’s Choice Award :

1. The following terms and conditions govern the public voting activity for the People’s Choice Award amongst the Top 8 nominated contestants (“Vote/Voting”) in relation to the finale episode of “India’s Best Dramebaaz- Season 2” to be organized by ”ZEE”, tentatively scheduled to be held on February 27th and February 28, 2016, which may be telecast on the channel ‘Zee TV’ or such other channel at the discretion of ZEE (“Channel”).

Related :

Colors TV Golden Petal Awards Voting/Poll 2016 : www.contest.net.in/9855.html

The Program shall be tentatively telecast on the Channel on March 5, 2016 and March 6, 2016 during which the results of the Voting shall be announced.

2. The Voting for the Program shall commence from February 21, 2016 at 11.00 pm and shall continue till February 28, 2016 till 8.00 am (both days inclusive) (“Voting Period”).
3. Each person participating in the Voting in the manner provided herein below is hereinafter referred to as “Voter”.
4. By participating in the Voting for the Program, Voter will get an opportunity to vote for his/her favourite contestant amongst the Top 8 contestants of the Program.
5. The final results based on the Voting shall be declared by ZEE during the Program.

6. The Voters are allowed to vote through the following means:
A) Website:
(i) Voters may during the Voting Period log on to the website www.zeetv.com/vote/ibd2 (“Website”) and Vote for his/her favourite contestant amongst the Top 8 nominated contestants by following the instructions specified on the Website.
(ii) The Vote of the Voters through Website will be deemed to be received when a Voter clicks the ‘Submit’ option.
(iii) The cost of the internet session shall be solely borne by the Voter.
(iv) Upon Voting in the manner specified, Voter shall receive a confirmation message which shall be considered as proof of submission of the Vote. The Voter shall be required to provide the details as asked for in such confirmation message to be considered as a valid Vote.

B) Twitter:
(i) Voters may during the Voting Period log on to the twitter handle @ZeeTV
(ii) Each nominated contestant is assigned a specific hashtag which provided in the table herein below.
(iii) The cost of the internet session shall be solely borne by the Voter. NOMINATED CONTESTANTS

Contestant Name :


Sr No Name Code
1 Jaskaran Narula #IBDJAS
2 Kartikey Raj #IBDKARR
3 Kartikey Malviya #IBDKARM
4 Parth Mehta #IBDPAR
5 Preetjyot Singh #IBDPRE
6 Swasti Nitya #IBDSWA
7 Tamanna Dipak #IBDTAM
8 Vansh Maheshwari #IBDVAN

The Voter is required to tweet their Vote with the assigned hashtag for the nominated contestant for whom the Voter desires to cast his/her Vote. Illustration: If the Voter desires to vote for ‘X’, then Voter shall tweet his/her vote in the following manner i.e #IBDX.

(i) Voters may during the Voting Period log on to the Facebook page facebook.com/ZeeTvIndia/?fref=ts (“Facebook Page”) through their registered Facebook account and Vote for his/her favourite contestant amongst the Top 8 nominated contestants by following the instructions specified on the Facebook Page.
(ii) The Vote of the Voters through Facebook Page will be deemed to be received when a Voter clicks on the option made available next to the name of his/her choice of nominated contestant.
(iii) The cost of the internet session shall be solely borne by the Voter.
(iv) Each Voter is permitted to only one Vote from their registered facebook account.
Upon Voting in the manner specified, Voter shall be able to see the total number/percentage votes received for that entry so far

1. Voting for the Program is restricted to Indian citizens only and who are above 18 years of age as on the date of Voting.
2. Each Voter shall participate voluntarily and at his/ her own risk and will have no claim against ZEE on any account whatsoever in relation to the Voting.
3. Each Voter hereby acknowledges and confirms that he/she is a real person and not a computer program.
4. Votes sent by the Voters after the Voting Period shall not be considered and shall be null and void.
5. Premium SMS charges shall apply for Voting done through SMS and for downloading the ZEE TV mobile app, which will be solely borne by the Voter. Voters are required to contact their respective telecom operators to check the charges.
6. Voting may be discontinued or terminated by ZEE at any time during the Voting Period without assigning any reason thereof.
7. ZEE reserves the right to modify the rules, terms and conditions for the Voting from time to time without any prior/public notice by posting the applicable terms and conditions on Website.
8. The decision of ZEE in respect of the Voting pattern shall be final and binding. ZEE shall not entertain any claims / disputes / confirmation / responsibility in respect of the results of the Voting.
9. Voters hereby acknowledge and agree that this is not a competition and there will be no prize given to any Voter.
10. Each Voter is allowed to vote multiple times for as many nominees as they choose via any of the Voting modes in the manner prescribed hereinabove.
11. ZEE reserves the right to disregard the vote(s) in the event ZEE observes any irregularity in the Voting pattern of the vote(s) sent by the Voter(s) and/or if ZEE in its knowledge has reason to believe that the Voter(s) has acted in a fraudulent manner and/or engaged in any deceitful activity in sending the said vote(s).
12. ZEE has the right to change and substitute with an alternative Voting method, at any time, at its absolute discretion.
13. ZEE reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the Voting and/or the Program at any time.
14. ZEE shall not be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for any network problem, breakdown of machinery, unclear network, disruption in the network and/or the cost of the SMS or internet session charged by the telecom/mobile operator etc. Any dispute in connection to the above shall be settled between the subscribers/Voters and the telecom/mobile operator directly, without any recourse to ZEE.
15. By Voting it is deemed that the Voters have read, understood, accepted and agree to abide with all the rules and regulations of Voting.
16. All disputes arising out of or related to this Voting shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Mumbai alone and subject to the laws of India only

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 2:23 PM

Categories: Zee TV
Tags: zeetv.com

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