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Madha TV Birthday Wishes Request
Organization : Madha TV
Service Name : Birthday Wishes Request
Website : http://madhatv.in/services.php
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Madha TV Birthday Wishes
Every one’s birthday is an occasion for others to remember, wish and pray for them. Madha TV is a praying family and it wishes to join you in wishing your beloved ones on their birthday.
Related / Similar Post : Rakshana TV Happy Greetings
You may make use of this opportunity by sending the photo of the person you would like to wish and the necessary details. Madha TV family would join you in wishing your near and dear ones on their birthday
Telecasting Time
As the last segment in Kadaval Vanakam Program – Between 7.45 AM to 8.00 AM IST.
God in all, All in God!
With vibrance and variety, Madha Tv helps Catholic households to come to grips with the rich and immense treasure of Catholic faith. This is the motto of Madha TV – to bring God’s reign in every household [Illanthorum Iraiyatchi]
How to Pay?
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Madha TV through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Then click on the “Pay Now” button under Birthday Wishes
Step 3 : Already registered user login with your registered email and password.
Step 4 : New User Signup your account with the required details.
Step 5 : Enter your card details to complete your transaction.
About Us :
The Tamil Nadu Bishops Council responding to the call of the Second Vatican Council to give high priority to Mass Communication considering its vital importance as an instrument of evangelization and human promotion established the Commission for Social Communications Society.
The main service of the Center is promoting moral, social and ethical values through media and media education according to the values of the Gospel of Christ.
The Centre produced regular Radio programs to Radio Veritas, Radio Vatican and to the All India Radio. And its programs are being aired all over the world to the Tamil speaking population.
150, Luz Church Road,
Chennai – 600 004
Phone: 0091 44 24991344, 24993314.
Pls give whatapp number for birthday photo send and tell google pay number to pay
My daugter birthday date.17.08.2021 name.sugi wishing for father mother birathars anni sister uncle unti pegipa sajonikka rengl kerrchith family wishing to all thankyou
My daughter birthday date.17.08.2021 name.sugi wishing for mother father birthers anni sister pegipa sajonikka rengle kerichith family wishing to allthankyou
how to pay for deseased person
My baby first birthday
29.5.2021,wishing for father raju, mother kavitha, grand father Charles, angel ashok, Andy jayarani, family
wishing to all. Thank you.
I unable to give my daughters birthday wishes. Her birthday is on 29/10/2020, but showing error your side. Can you guide me, what to do?
September 18 ,2011 at 5pm
I can’t able to post our daughters birthday wishes. I already registered on your website. I tried to login with my I D. But It shows me to update my profile, and I entered to update my profile. But I can’t able to update. So please help me to post our daughters birthday wishes. His birthday is on 7th May. Please make the needful….
In which address, do I need to post letter for birthday wishes in Matha TV?
Kindly simplify the birthday requesting process. I am unable to sign in.
My daughter’s birthday is on 27th July 2018. I would like to upload her photo and pay money. But I am not getting OTP inspite of repeated trial and not able to upload photo (or) pay money. Please help me.
I have already paid money in February 2018 for telecasting rosary at 8 PM on 17.6.2018 on the birthday of Mary Flora. Please remember to pray and telecast the rosary as thanks giving on 17.06.2018.
My fathers birthday is on 28 February 2018, but I am unable to select the said date. Please provide me the email address and account details to share the photograph and to transfer the funds.
My baby birthday is on 22.2.2018. It is her first birthday.
My son birthday is on 22/07/17. (2 years)
Information available from the Official Website :
This is my birthday date 12/09/2002. Please telecast my birthday wish.
How can I send the details to Madha TV for birthday wish telecasting?
How can I send the request?
You code is GMWK1738.