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INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2019-20 Results & Second Level Syllabus : MTSO/STSO/ETSO/GTSO/ATSO
Organization : INTSO Education
Competition Name : INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2019-20
Announcement : INTSO MTSO/STSO/ETSO/GTSO/ATSO Results & Second Level Syllabus
2nd (Final) Level Exam Date : 2nd February 2020 (Sunday)
Website : http://www.intso.co.in/
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INTSO Talent Search Olympiad
Intso is nationally administered program of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science which benchmarks student performance against a broad, inter- state cohort of students and to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.
The INTSO provides a comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in English, Mathematics , Science and General Knowledge and provides school, regional and national comparisons. It is available for students in class 3 to 10 in English ,Mathematics, Science and General knowledge.
INTSO Results
Go to http://www.intso.co.in/ & Enter the Hall Ticket Number & Submit the Search button to view the result.
INTSO Second Level Syllabus
Class – III:
Maths (MTSO):
1. Fundamentals On Numbers
2. Fundamentals On Symmetry
3. Fundamental Operations On Numbers
4. Figures And Shapes
5.Standardunits And Measurement
6. Understandingmoney
1. Bascis In Measurements (Length, Mass, Time)
2. Force, Work
1. Matter And Its Three States
2. Air And Water
3. Making Pots
1. Parts Of A Plant
2. Human Body
3. Shelter Of Nimals
4. The Food We Eat
Social Science:
1. Basic Concepts Of Our Universe
2. Basic Concepts Of Indian Geography
3. India’s Neighbouring Countries
GK & Current Affairs:
1.Indian States – Capitals
2.World – Countries -Capitals
3.Superlatives of the World and India
4.Picture Identification of Important Historical Structures of India and World
1. Nouns
4. Verbs & Auxiliary Verbs
5. Prepositions
6. Articles
7. Spellings
8. Gender Forms
9. Singular – Plural
Download Syllabus Here :
** The Indian National Talent Search Olampiad is nationally administered program of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science which benchmarks student performance against a broad, inter- state cohort of students and to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.
** The INTSO provides a comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in English, Mathematics , Science and General Knowledge and provides school, regional and national comparisons.
** It is available for students in class 3 to 10 in English ,Mathematics, Science and General knowledge. The INTSO aims for a high quality, delevarance which provides schools with:
** A comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in science, mathematics and English and General Knowledge individual student reports that highlight skills, strengths and weaknesses
** Group reports that allow schools to rank and compare student performance and identify areas of school- and class-wide strengths and weaknesses
** A scaled score to measure the progress of students over time school, regional and international comparison scores to compare and benchmark student and school performance recognition of student performance.
** Students receive an individual report which provides feedback on every question, a summary of strengths and weaknesses, and clear information showing how the student performed compared to other students in the school, in their country and in similar countries.
** Teachers receive comprehensive reports on the student’s performance which allows them to better target their teaching and learning activities. Students also receive a Certificate of Achievement.
result date intso level-2 class9
How am i check INTSO MARKSHEET of class 6th year 2022-23?
how many marks should i get to pass in intso
from kanigiri
How can I know my results for intso level 2?2022
Please kindly inform
By when can we expect the second level results.
Thank you
is there any 3rd level
I have got a gold medal in 2nd level so I wanted to know
I want intso 2nd level mtso model paper for 10th class
How can I see my mark’s,and I had passed first level
ha ha ha go to your brain
mee to this is my first time for olampiad its too difficult iam not confident
Mr. Chinmayi
are form Sri Chaitanya school SRNagar branch 6th techno Hyderabad please reply
Hi ,this Parent of a child who studies in shri Chaitanya techno school in 3ed standard. We have enrolled her for MTSO & STSO, could u please share the link wherein buy books for the same
no need of books sir you need to study from ssc and cbse textbook
Please may I get stso class 9 worksheets
How do I know if I got selected to 2nd level?.What are the marks needed to get selected to 2nd level?
I got message I won the prize but I lost my hall ticket how can I check now
you will have your participation certificate. In the the hall ticket no. is present.
If not, you can contact your school they will have the hall ticket number
are you studying 9th class or going to 9th class?
I didnot mention this
ETSO list i want
Good morning,
I am harini from currency nagar branch sri chaitanya.I want to know the lost of names who got prize and which rank.Please see through and send.
Thank you
I have written mtso level 2 examination.I am from sri chaitanya school, telangana.Recently I have received a message from our school in which it was written that I have got a prize.How can I check my results?
Hi i am Vinag from Class 6 iwon a apple laptop
My name is Deepika and I am from sri chaitanya techno school of andhra pradesh. I got ATSO state4th rank but covid-19 I didn’t get my prize now how can I get my prize. This is the first time I got best rank how can I receive my prize. Please say any solution
Good job Deepika. Keep it up.
All the best for your exams
even I am from scts , usually they do not give any prize they give only medal.
even I won a prize last year at stso they did not give the pize they gave only medal usually they say that sri chaitanya get good score and marks and pizes ,i did not see any one also but the managment take the pize money and the orther stuffs…. dont belive them ….if they get also they wont give us.
Mrs.Sai Pranavi there is a possibility of nobody getting special prizes in your branch and you could even have mistaken the prize with medal.I am telling this because i have won special prizes since i was in 7th and the school gives us the prizes as soon as the prizes come to school.And what for should they take your prizes for no reason?So pls donot tell without knowing anything
I have written all four exams MTSO,ETSO,ATSO and GTSO exams second level for 5-class on 02-02-2020 in Mahabubnagar,Telangana state.Neither I remember my Hall ticket number nor I knw the results .Plz help in this regards.
INTSO is doing cheating in the name of conducting India wide exams. My child Aarush has appeared in the INTSO 2019-20 exam and also qualified for 2nd level for all 5 papers. His second level exam was also conducted. When we did not see any result for my son, we tried calling INTSO. Their contact numbers Contact : +91 9248 933 777 and Tool Free Number 1800 425 1477 are out of service. We kept writing mails to their email id and also filled their contact us form multiple times. Also, Bell kept ringing at 9248922777 but nobody picked up. After numerous tries on several days. Today surprisingly, we received a call from this number and the person on the phone took all the details of my son hall ticket number and told me that his second level papers will not be considered as he is the only child giving this exam from Indore. It was all the time known to INTSO people that he is the child from Indore, then why did they even took fees to conduct exams.
You did not see any result means your son did not get any prize.He would have only got a merit certificate
dear parent,
its not a fraud millions of student participate but cause of child birth they couldn’t
send it and we have won prizes too.
but I think case of place either it was a fraud but don’t blame the authorities for that its not cheating my child as also won intso we live in Hyderabad for that reason we got a Lenovo laptop for that they may didn’t given the prize as maybe your child as not won any and he didn’t pass the level of the given exam he wrote,
Thank You.
When will second round results come
Is am I passed or failed
Can i know when will 2nd level results of ETSO be released?
When are the ETSO second level exam results going to get released ??
When you will announce level 2 results
When will I get gtso stage 2 results for 9th class
Pls upload MTSO level 2 key of 2019-2020
When was the second level results will be announce??
Could you please post the intso level-2 exam key in the website.
H I can known my Hall ticket number
How can I know my Hall ticket number…. Please reply
I want class 7th syllabus
Give me the syllabus for second level MTSO 2019-2020.
Kindly tell me the cutoff marks of INTSO level 2.
I want level 2 model papers of 2016-2017.
What is the syllabus of ETSO for 8 standard of level 2?
INTSO Level – II 2017 – 18 syllabus is available in the below pdf.
I need GTSO 2nd Level syllabus of 9th class.
I need Level-II Exam paper for ATSO 2016-2017.
Only level 1 question papers are available in the official website of INTSO Education.
What are the awards given to toppers?
I got laptop but it is not working.
it doesn’t depend on the topper or not it depends how well you wrote it
Where can we find the INTSO Level-2 results?
Give the result of MTSO and STSO 2nd level results.
How can I know 2nd level result?
When will you declare the 2nd level results?
How can I search the results for 2nd level?
When will the 2nd level results be announced?
When can we expect LEVEL II exam results?
When can we expect the 2 level exam results?
Where can I get my STSO 2nd level key ?
I am not able to see my results of MTSO and STSO. Can you please tell where to view my results?
How can I know the results of 2nd level?
How can I know the ATSO 2nd level results?
When will 2nd level results be announced?
How many marks required to pass in the second level?
Where can I get the answer key for MTSO 2nd level of 9th class?
How many marks do I need to get pass in 2nd level in GTSO?
It depends on marks of all students of state.
How can I know 1st level results ?
What is second level syllabus of class 6th?
When will second level results revel 2020
How can I know my hall ticket number of intso?
How can I know the results of the first level?
How can I know the results of first level ?
What is the 2nd level exam syllabus for GTSO of class 8th?
i dont know